However, the inner alchemy of the two should not be underestimated. At the expense of themselves, the burst of energy is also very large. Although the blood demon giant devours a little blood.

But it was also affected by the inner alchemy of the two, and it was forcibly dissipated on the spot, and the explosive energy was not exhausted. Instead, it concentrated its firepower in front of Bu Siyu, as if he wanted to take it away before he died. .

It's just that Bu Siyu had long been vigilant, so how could he let them succeed so easily.

She raised her hands, her face pale, and a huge pool of blood emerged from her feet, quickly raising his figure, and a layer of extremely solid blood wrapped around her body like a hard turtle shell.

The huge energy fluctuation in front of her was like an invisible arrogance that wanted to affect her, but it was just hitting the bloody water, but it failed to produce any vibration like a quagmire, but continued to wear down its power.

Until, the pair of fateful mandarin ducks died with hatred on their faces, unable to fight back, and finally fell to the ground without life in their bodies and died.

The power just disappeared, and then it turned into a mushroom cloud, gradually dissipating, and disappeared.

But don't look at Bu Siyu's relaxed face, in fact, he was slightly injured because of this, but it's not a serious problem.

When she finished her side's battlefield, the morale in front of her was greatly reduced. The remaining soldiers of the Heavenly Dynasty who were stunned, because of the death of the two powerful men, instantly made the army that followed them lose any combat power. .

Bu Siyu gave them a cold look, and the less than 5000 troops immediately dropped their weapons and retreated in an emergency, running as fast as they could.

It's just that before they ran a few times, they saw countless blood drops like death arrows.Keep shooting away.

In a blink of an eye, arms and limbs were broken, blood was splashed everywhere, blood flowed like a river, and no one survived.

In several battlefields on the front line, the side of the dynasties of the heavens lost several games in a row, and each and every one of the sect's disciples was out of ten. They were defeated like mountains, and the entire battlefield was as terrifying and miserable as the hell of the Asura Field.

The soldiers fought bloody battles with the remaining representatives of the sect, but the people in the Netherworld were too strong, and the morale of the front line was completely broken by just sending a few combat troops.

One by one, walking on eggshells, stateless.

As the leader of the last battle, Leng Yueru's pressure is inflated. Although she is a girl, she is brave and courageous in battle.

Only with a magic staff, the soldiers fighting in front of me seemed to have a reassurance. Although morale was still weak, at least they were not without fighting spirit.

Today, the representatives of the four realms of the Heavenly Dynasty are only the Great Elder Leng Yueru, the Second Elder, and the Third Elder of the Vulcan Palace.

There are also Ximen Peng, the fourth inner gate of the Ziyang Palace in the north, Hu Yanlie, the deputy head of the Sea God Palace in the west, and Bailifeng, a child of the ancient clan.

It's just that the latter two, in a precarious situation, were beaten by the half-orc Yonggan, unable to fight back, and were dying on the ground.

It was as if their life and death could be arbitrarily judged by the regiment leader.

On the other hand, none of the important combat power in the Netherworld was damaged.

In this ancient holy city, the number one grand pass of the All Heavens Dynasty, although it has a favorable location and harmonious people, it still does not take advantage of those extraordinary figures in the Nether Realm.

More than 100 million Nether Army, five major regiments, new three major demon kings, black thorn ghost soldiers, Nether Emperor, four great guardians, three formations of shadow soldiers, and Fu Feixiong, the commander of the Nether Army.

They are like hunters eyeing a tiger, staring at these people who are still fighting in front of the city.

The shuddering gaze still made their eyes concentrate.

"Elder Leng, if we are still fighting in front of the city, we might be at a disadvantage. Why don't we go back to the city? After all, it is a dangerous place, so at least it is easier to meet the enemy."

Ximen Peng was wounded all over, he stood aside and looked around.

As soon as he saw this situation, his heart sank, and he decisively transmitted his thoughts to Leng Yueru. After all, he didn't want to lose his life because of this battle.

"I've thought about this for a long time, but even if we want to, do you think these monsters in front of us will let us succeed?"

"I have a plan, I don't know if Elder Leng agrees."

"But it doesn't matter."

"We can abandon these stupid stragglers and those two mortals, so as to have a chance to slow down. Of course, if Elder Leng is not at ease, we can let the second and third elders of Ru Zong die with their lives.

Then I can assure you that we will be able to escape. "

When Leng Yueru heard this, the frost on her face became even worse. Without even thinking about it, she immediately rejected this idea without giving the other party any chance at all.

In her opinion, if she had to sacrifice so many talents, she could barely survive.

Better not do it.

However, faced with the psychology of wanting to survive, coupled with the fact that the people who fought against him were neither related to him nor related to him, he was ruthless: If this is the case, that way is different, and we will not conspire with each other.

With this thought in mind, Ziyang Kung Fu was running crazily in the body, and the small universe in the body, which seemed to have infinite potential, released powerful divine power and gathered it between the feet.

At the same time, his hands turned into Ziyan fists, and the black and purple divine flames were as powerful as a nine-heaven phoenix.

He moved in and out with both moves, cruelly pushing away the people who were not with him in front of him, and pushing their backs to the enemy.

A wave of divine power and a wave of flames completely blocked the gate of the city, and dealt a terrifying blow, pushing the unprepared people into the abyss.

When the enemy saw it, he smiled lightly, and could only see unexpected good news.

The frontline personnel, who were already under a lot of pressure, were abandoned by teammates in the rear and faced as many enemies as waves.

And they are all important combat forces.

Huyanlie and Bailifeng, who were not willing to lose at this point, saw their own people being slaughtered helplessly.

The soldiers were not the one-hit enemies of those in the Netherworld, and they were ruthlessly beaten to death one by one, with no effect.

And Leng Yueru is such a gentle woman, faced with such a situation, she rarely scolded the betrayer's ancestors for eighteen generations.

But it's useless to say it, just because there are too many enemies in front of you.

While she was distracted, the second elder stood in front of her with a stride, and pushed her away. He held a black magic staff tightly with both hands, and strenuously resisted the spear in Fu Feixiong's hand sideways.

It's just that when the spear fell slowly and forcefully, the old man with a vicissitudes of life just sank his feet, as if he was about to kneel down. After all, as a mage, even if the fierce dragons appeared around him, he didn't stop the opponent's spear with a little force.

Good weight.

The second elder's complexion was as red as a jujube, and his breathing was abnormally rapid. The tiles on the ground kept rising, and two large pits appeared immediately, but the depth became more and more bottomless.

On the other hand, Fu Feixiong looked calm and relaxed, as if dealing with him was as easy as an adult beating a child.

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