I have a hero dream

Chapter 293 Golden Core Life and Death Battle

"Swear to kill your generation."

The evil dragon spoke with a low voice.

Instead of ignoring Ning Tianyu, he looked disdainful.

The evil dragon, which already hated humans, gritted its teeth in hatred when it saw this appearance!

It seems that if you don't give you a little color, you really don't know what a villain is, and you will only talk for a while.

While waving the Dragon Slaying Kuangjian continuously, the breath of the violent wind surged out, and the ultimate wind attribute launched a terrifying pursuit.

Seeing this scene, the evil dragon directly launched its stunt: incarnation

The already majestic dragon suddenly shrunk several times. It was in the form of a human body, but within its small body contained extraordinary energy.

It seems to be much stronger than before.

Although the wings were chopped off, it did not hinder the stronger energy fluctuations at all.

After Ning Tianyu glanced at it in surprise, he let out an 'oh' from his mouth, as if something aroused his interest.

The eyes of everyone in the auditorium were bright, and they, who had been spitting dirty water at the dragon, soon stopped talking one by one.

Instead, he looked at the battle seriously.

The evil dragon's hair reached his shoulders, and there was a hint of evil charm on that handsome face.

The purple pupil of the evil dragon has a different flavor.

Some young women in the auditorium were delighted to see it, and they screamed one after another.

Ning Tianyu's handsomeness is different from his, the two are different types.

One is Xiemei.

One is a stern man.

When the evil dragon kicked its feet, there was a sonic boom, and the speed was extremely fast, and it was behind Ning Tianyu in a blink of an eye.

A fist the size of a sandbag hit the opponent's back with terrifying power.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that the man leaned his sword against his back and easily dispelled the opponent's energy.

"The strength is good."

He commented like an old man.

This tone seemed to be mocking him.

"Hmph, take your life."

When the dragon got angry, all bones descended.

Ning Tianyu, who is already in the domain of wind, why is he afraid of this evil dragon that has turned into a human body?

The dragon was fast, but not as fast as him.

The trick just now was purely a test for him.

But after ten moves, the evil dragon couldn't even touch the opponent's clothes.

This allows Ning Tianyu to roughly know where the opponent's strength is?

That's all.

Still trying to confront me?

How ridiculous!

Deadly wind.

Ning Tianyu repeated his old trick, completely ignoring the other party.

Surrounded by streaks of turquoise sword energy, the powerful energy made the Dragon Slayer Kuangjian in his hand even more sharp.

When he flew out one after another, a huge tornado hit the dragon, and he was directly thrown into the air, and then he was surrounded by the extremely powerful wind blade.

In addition, the moment Ning Tianyu hit the opponent with the tornado, he kept slashing at the opponent's body.

Whoosh whoosh.

With ten moves, the evil dragon's eyes turned white, and he died on the spot.

In the fifth battle, he won without any suspense.

And without using the power of the five elements, this wind attribute alone has already won 5 games in a row.

Although he used Kuangzi Jue and Shan Zi Jue.

But this opponent still didn't force him to use his full strength.

At most [-] to [-]% was used.

Such strength is invincible.

After a burst of applause, the 6th battle was ushered in one after another.

This battle was different from the past, he was replaced by a senior elder in the Vulcan Palace.

Ten swords gathered on the Martial God Stage one after another, a young man with green eyes surrounded by wind and thunder that transcended common customs was in mid-air.

This person's name is Yu Jinxi, and he was also a little ancestor who was not easy to mess with.

Ten Swords is just a starting move.

On the Valkyrie stage, he is just a split body.

And the main body sits on a huge golden seat that protrudes from the highest point of the auditorium.

But in the 6th battle, the opponents of Jindan's life and death battles are different every time.

But this time, the Ember Xi who is known as the King of Wind and Thunder Swords was actually sent, which was really surprising.

"Oh, this boy Yu actually went out, it seems that this young man with the power of the five elements is going to suffer."

"Not necessarily."

Lei Tianlin looked optimistic about him.

But Wen Biliang stopped answering.

"I have seen my brother."

Ning Tianyu felt something similar to him from his body, but it was slightly better than him.

When he saw a badge on the other party's robe, he knew that this person belonged to the same rank of elders as himself, but there was a black ring on the badge, so he knew that this person was a senior elder.

Ember Xi didn't answer, but nodded indifferently.

This senior is no better than anyone else, and stronger than the opponents in the previous five battles. It seems that this battle needs to use some strength.

He first formed a wind and thunder field at his own position, and 10 swords slowly rose, aiming at him horizontally.

Ning Tianyu put the Dragon Slayer Kuangjian back into the storage ring, and two divine swords appeared out of thin air in his hand.

Both of them have the domain of the wind attribute, but the former is obviously deeper.

These 10 swords are not incorporeal, but real.

The 10 swords flitted quickly, intersecting with it constantly, and then tried to trap it.

Ember Xi raised her right hand and continued to control it.

Ning Tianyu swung the two divine swords at high speed. He was already in his own domain, and his speed had already increased.

The 10 physical swords kept falling down, so he only had two swords, but the material was not so good.

Coupled with his superb swordsmanship, it seemed a little relaxed.

It's just that when 20 hands came out, he seemed a little bit bitter.

It's just because the 20 swords fit together so seamlessly.

There is simply no flaw to be found.

So fast.

This was the first thought in his mind.

"The sky is eternal."

So far, look at this trick.

Between the interlacing of the two swords, a huge power burst out in an instant.

The breath of the violent wind surged up on his body, and with his light steps, he swung two swords and smashed the 20 swords in front of him violently.

It's just that when he thought he was successful, he didn't expect that 30 swords would come in the next moment.

Want to be so fast?

Don't give people any rest time at all!

"This is already the 30th sword. If the young man with the power of the five elements doesn't have to show his true skills, this battle will end in failure."

In fact, it was exactly what she said.

After all, at the time of 20 swords, he was beaten to the ground.

"The fire attribute blesses it."

The fire wind establishes a connection and produces great power.

The addition of the two greatly reduced the pressure on Ning Tianyu, who was already in a hard fight. Just adding one attribute completely distorted the situation of the battle.

The 30 swords kept chasing him, and he already had the blessing of speed, but now he added the fire attribute of strength, which cleverly resolved the level of power.

Gradually persevering in strength, Ning Tianyu's advantage gradually became apparent.

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