I have a hero dream

Chapter 291 Golden Core Life and Death Battle

Is that the only way?

That being the case, it's up to me.

Ning Tianyu backhanded the sword, bullied him, swung his left fist like a shooting star on the avenue, the complexion of Nether soil changed slightly, and the rhythm was taken away in an instant. He wanted to retreat quickly, but he didn't want to be stared at by the other party for this opportunity.

The left fist swung several times on the opponent's head, and the face of the Nether native was vibrating in a vacuum as if there was resistance, and the sound of drooling was constantly coming out from under the lips, and the whole person seemed to be stunned.

With a flash of cold light, the sharp sword was drawn out sharply, like chopping melons and vegetables, easily chopped off the opponent's right arm, and a severed arm fell from midair.

The Nether native clutched his severed hand in pain, and took several steps back. His eyes were burning like a raging fire, as if saying: You are dead.

But Ning Tianyu is not afraid of this guy.

This guy is powerful.

At least he admits this.

But the strength is strong, and the speed is still too cumbersome.

The Nether native moved his thoughts, although his expression was very painful, but the severed arm far away in the sky rose slowly, and the body and arm began to be connected continuously as if they were connected.

The speed is so fast that it makes a whoosh.

It's just that Ning Tianyu would let him succeed so easily, he knew the opponent's thoughts at a glance, swung the sharp sword in his hand, aimed very accurately, and nailed the broken arm to the ground in an instant.

This made the natives of the Netherworld very anxious. Although he was very powerful, his recovery was very slow.

He roared loudly, thinking about trying to scare the other party with his momentum.

However, Ning Tianyu was not affected at all. Instead, his eyes were sharp, his hand was like a blade of wind, and his figure spun rapidly, moving forward in a z-shape like a tornado.

The Nether natives had already lost one arm, so their strength must have been greatly reduced, not to mention their strength.

Surrounded by demon energy, he raised his right hand slightly, wanting to fight against it, but he still underestimated the opponent's knife.

Wherever the hand knife goes, it is all cutting.

The natives of the netherworld had no choice but to use weapons, which were top-class weapons in the nether world, but from the perspective of the fairy world, they were at most a mysterious weapon.

For Ning Tianyu, who was comparable to the high-level Nascent Realm, it had no effect at all, like scrap iron.

The opponent just slashed slightly, and was slashed by the blade-like hand knife, split in two in an instant, the huge force overwhelmed him, and his right hand could barely support it.

It's just that on the Valkyrie Terrace, the figure of the Nether natives was obviously being pressed lower and lower, and the earth tiles on the ground were lifted up again and again, and soon began to crack, spreading forward like a spider's web.

The potholes were getting deeper and deeper, but the young man looked calm and relaxed, looking very relaxed.

The situation was reversed in an instant. To be precise, it seemed that this Nether native had been suppressed and beaten all along.

There is no demeanor of the underworld at all.

The magic energy wanted to erode, but it was forcibly refined by the power of the five elements in his body to improve it.

The Nether native was unwilling to be forcibly torn apart by the opponent's hand knife, and his body exploded like flatulence, and a little bit of magic energy evaporated on the spot.

The final victory has been divided.

Ning Tianyu won three games in a row and could rest for half an hour.

He rests in the preparation room.

In these three games, basically only one attribute was used, and that was the wind attribute.

Although it is very easy to win.

But he didn't take chances.

The crowd in the auditorium was very excited. After all, in their eyes, this young man seemed to be able to easily win without any means.

This level of strength is enough to make this person rise to the top and make a career in the future.

I'm afraid that the world of immortals will change in more than ten years, so there is a place for him.

As for the Deputy Palace Master Lei Tianlin, his eyes were even more appreciative, as if he was looking at a treasure.

After careful consideration, he made up his mind, and planned to win a good thing for him after the war.

In the preparation room, he stretched himself, thinking about his opponent in the next battle.

The next battle should be the devil thief full of evil!

Although demons are legal residents in the Immortal Realm, they were included in the hunting order because they had countless lives on hand. From this point of view, the Vulcan Palace should have caught many demon thieves.

After all, the previous era was a chaotic one.

But it's okay, this kind of demon thief is probably not a demon in my world.

Time passed quickly, he was just thinking about this question, and half an hour passed.

A staff member kept calling: "The time is up, Ning Tianyu can go to the Martial God Platform to fight the fourth battle of the Jindan life-and-death battle."

He got up slightly, and knew that the fourth battle had begun.

Then he went to the Martial God Terrace again.

The opponent of the 4th battle is right in front of you.

He didn't come out of that door like in the previous three battles.

He is a shadow, a face that can't be seen, but exudes a sharp and menacing aura, with a red evil smile blooming in the sky when a blood moon is formed.

Everyone in the audience felt a kind of nausea, restlessness, and evil thoughts surged in their hearts, like madmen who were about to break out of their cages.

It's just that this strong thought was quickly determined by many big shots present, using their housekeeping skills, and everyone's guided minds were instantly broken and returned to the original.

And Ning Tianyu, who was the closest, was rarely affected by any fluctuations. The power of the five elements in his body had a deterrent effect, coupled with his extraordinary will, he had always maintained his best condition.

As for the will, needless to say, it is completely unaffected.

The shadow called the Devil Thief saw that the person in front of him was not affected by anything, so he glanced in surprise, let out a cry, but then laughed even harder.

There was an extremely powerful contagious force in the laughter, as if it wanted to devour the young man.

Ning Tianyu felt the disgusting breath approaching in front of him, as if it wanted to engulf him completely.

Although the power of the five elements is strong, it is not invincible.

"It seems that we can only use it, Bafang Zhentian Jue, the second move of Shan Zi Jue."

As soon as his mind moves, he is like the word "Shan Zi Jue" that does not move, and when he moves, he does not move like a mountain, moves like thousands of mountains, cascading waves, suppressing Wuming, and completely ignores it.

When the demon thief saw him, he stopped laughing, as if he had nothing to do with him.

Just because these two moves are often used, they are enough to suppress all directions, and no one can beat them.

Back then, he used these two methods to roam the fairy world for many years, even if many experts hunted him down, there was nothing he could do.

But now, it fell into the hands of this young man.

For a while, he couldn't stand it anymore. After all, he didn't recruit, so he was completely finished.

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