I have a hero dream

Chapter 280 Xianpeng Island, 1 foodie

Several people were arguing fiercely, as if they wanted to show their favorite person as No.1.


Ning Tianyu came to Xianpeng Island under the leadership of the palace lord and the great elder, met and chatted with a group of senior brothers and sisters.

At the same time, it also introduces the cultivation ranking list of Xianpeng Island. The reason why this ranking list is established is to remind every disciple here to practice diligently.

After all, all the cultivators on this island are trained by the Fire God Palace as the next generation of leaders of the Immortal Realm.

The level of the leaderboard is also compared with the allocation of cultivation resources.

And on this island, all the resources are basically top-notch, and it consumes more resources than outside, but this is not a problem for the Vulcan Palace and the Vulcan Kingdom behind the scenes.

This also caused these disciples to cultivate extremely quickly, and of course some were lazy.

For example, this third senior brother.

There are five senior brothers and sisters here, divided into three men and two women.

The eldest brother has sword eyebrows and star eyes, but there is a hint of evil charm.

The second senior brother has a hulking back, and there is a knife mark in his left eye that has been there for a long time. Just from his appearance, it seems that he is not easy to bully.

The third senior brother has a beer belly and a fat and round face, but he looks extraordinarily amiable.

The fourth senior sister looks like an iceberg snow lotus, which is difficult to get close to, but she is a royal sister.

Although Fifth Senior Sister is only as tall as his shoulders, she is a loli who loves to laugh.

It's just that only the third senior brother and the fifth senior sister are relatively close.

Others basically ignored him.

The third senior brother, Huang Fu'an, put his right hand on his shoulder, and his left hand held a big chicken leg, gnawing on it, not forgetting to introduce some delicious restaurants.

Ning Tianyu was dragged to eat like this.

Meanwhile, Fifth Senior Sister Bai Xixin pouted, looking a little dissatisfied.

These three senior brothers are really serious, why did they drag this senior brother away so quickly, I plan to have a detailed chat with him.

"Little brother, there is a restaurant in front of me that I often patronize, the beef in that restaurant is excellent, especially the refills are available, which is really not too exciting for me, a regular eater.

By the way, feel free to ask me about things you don't know in the future. "

Huang Fu'an gave him the feeling that he was amiable and easy to get along with.

Ning Tianyu knew the other party's kindness, and didn't want to shirk it, so he watched the other party who was very familiar with him sitting under a table by the window, gnawing on a large piece of steak, and kept yelling at the shopkeeper: "Xiaoer, here are 20 more steaks." , By the way, junior brother, do you eat?"

Ning Tianyu nodded politely.

But after the next conversation, he was stunned.

"Xiaoer, in addition to my 20 steaks, add another 10 steaks, and my little brother will also eat it."

The young man called Xiao Er was not surprised when he heard this extremely fat practitioner talking like this. After all, this person is also a frequent customer of their restaurant, and he has won eight consecutive steak eating competitions.

Just this title is enough to make him look up.

Several clerks came from the back kitchen pushing a cart full of steaks, but they had the word "struggle" written on their faces.

Ning Tianyu looked at the pile of steaks in front of him, with nothing but surprise on his face.

"Little brother, don't be too polite, eat as much as you want, there is still more, after all, I often come to this restaurant.

Why don't you eat?If you don't eat it, I, the third senior brother, will finish your portion. "

Huang Fu'an watched the plates of steaks arriving on their table, and kept urging the little junior sitting next to him.

Now he has quickly finished the eighth plate, but he is still not satisfied. Instead, he looks at the plate of steak of his little brother full of longing.

It's just that he didn't snatch it, but drooled greedily.

Ning Tianyu didn't feel cold about this, but secretly commented: It seems that these three senior brothers are foodies.

After all, this third senior brother, with two steaks in one hand, kept swallowing them into his mouth, as if these were as simple as everyday dishes to him.

After the wind swept away, the 20 steaks that had just arrived had all disappeared, leaving only the remaining sauce and some beef scraps at the corner of his mouth.

Ning Tianyu saw this scene before eating, and was stunned for a while.

How long has it been?He ate it all, which is too exaggerated.

"Xiao Er, Xiao Er, another 50 plates, it's not enough to eat at all."

Huang Fu'an wiped the beef residue on his face with the back of his hand, then shouted loudly, his words became more domineering.

The other diners looked like hell again and again.

Ning Tianyu's appearance at the moment is no different from those other diners.

No wonder they were so surprised, after all, this is the first time I have seen this scene.

Soon, 50 steaks were pushed out of the back kitchen in a car, and there were 5 cars in total.

Those steak plates were piled high like a mountain.

With a thought of Huang Fu'an, plates of steaks flew into his mouth non-stop. His mouth was wide open, like a black hole with bottomless bottom.

He is obviously not satisfied with being a big eater himself.

Fortunately, every time he finished eating, he would leave behind a large bag of Tianyuan coins.

And this also gave the restaurant a new look and renewed vitality. After all, the other party patronizes it every day. If they didn't pay so much money, the restaurant might have gone bankrupt long ago.

At this time, Ning Tianyu had only eaten the third plate, and he was already full of satisfaction.

On the other side, 70 plates of steaks have been eaten, and they are barely full.

After that, the next stage was the third senior brother's stage. For three consecutive hours, the back kitchen ran out of 300 plates of steaks, which could directly support hundreds of people.

But for this big eater, this is barely enough.

In the end, he left behind a large bag of Tianyuan coins, and took his junior brother away.

The other diners who had never seen this scene were dumbfounded, and each of them looked down at the steak they had just finished eating, and smiled awkwardly.

A feeling of extreme admiration also rose in my heart.

"By the way, third senior brother, where can I exchange the scroll for the treatment conditions?"

Ning Tianyu pondered for a long time before asking his doubts.

When Huang Fuan heard this, he stopped walking back to Xianpeng Island. He turned his head to look, but he looked surprised: "Little brother, I can answer this question for you. After all, no one who came here Not to exchange, since you are going, then I will take you, anyway, it is very close, where you can exchange all the treatment conditions in the scroll."

As soon as the words fell, Ning Tianyu immediately showed an overjoyed look.

After all, this kind of thing is not too good for him.

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