I have a hero dream

Chapter 271 Six Spirit Phoenix

"Thank you."

It's been a few days of getting along.

The two also gradually became acquainted.

On this day, they came to the task board of the Adventurer's Guild. Looking at the tasks posted in front of them, they carefully considered which task to choose as the first stop.

When everyone saw that they were choosing a mission, they were all anxious for them. After all, the person in front of them was extremely powerful, so this made them boo.

Even the president introduced them to them: "This is the task of the peripheral golden retriever giant ape. The task rewards 10 points, and the difficulty level is medium."

"This is the task of Black Snow Leopard. The task reward is 8 points, and the difficulty level is average."

"this is......"

More than a dozen tasks are explained at once, and the difficulty level of them is high or low, and the reward task points are also the same.

Ning Tianyu's eyes rolled wildly, and he soon noticed the peripheral six-soul phoenix mission at the bottom, the mission rewards 20 points, and the difficulty level is high.

After he made such a choice, the others were thinking in their hearts, does this person not want to live anymore?

After all, this mission has ruined many adventurer teams, and one of the silver-level adventurers died for this mission.

One can imagine how difficult this task is.

"He really took it. This is a task that even the silver level cannot complete."

"He is still too young. Even if he can defeat the silver-ranked ghost wolf knight, there are still too many difficulties for this task."

"Another tragedy."

Everyone shook their heads, as if they had already thought about the way that person died on the spot.

The two went to the front desk and registered, and the male front desk recorded their names in the registration book.

However, at this moment, Xiaoya still lacks self-confidence, after all, this task is still too stressful for her.

She had already suffered from a bronze-level figure, but when she thought about that person taking on this task just now, she felt a lot of disbelief in her heart, but in the end she was forced to believe that all this was coming.

Some silver-level adventure teams looked at this adventure team that had just entered the bronze level and laughed a little bit in their hearts: "Just relying on these two teams, they still want to defeat Liuling Phoenix."

Ning Tianyu pretended not to hear this, and instead walked forward step by step with a calm expression, leading the medical practitioner behind him.

When the silver-level adventure team saw that this person was not flattering them, and even despised them, they all became angry, and a member with a hot temper said loudly: "Stop, you two useless wood, you are so arrogant."

Ning Tianyu still ignored him.

Xiaoya, who was behind him, was extremely disturbed.

When the silver-level member was about to do something, the president stood up at this moment, which also caused the silver-level member to restrain himself slightly.

Hmph, there will be more opportunities in the future.

Ning Tianyu and Xiaoya had just walked out of the Adventurer's Guild, and saw the location of the map from the task in their hands, which was the edge of a small pool outside the jungle.

But this is the first time he has left the technology town, which also makes him a little unfamiliar.

Xiaoya took the initiative to ask Ying to be a tour guide. After all, she has been here several times, so she is quite familiar with it.

In the middle of the night in the jungle, the cicadas keep calling, the moon is in the sky, and there is no one.

The two walked around inside for several days.

During this period, they encountered some Shanqing pigs. Fortunately, they were not very lethal, and they were not herds. This gave them an opportunity to use them as food supplies.

Ning Tianyu, who was in the half alchemy state, became even more unscrupulous. The sword in his hand was like a gust of wind, basically in the state of gods blocking and killing gods and Buddhas.

The medical doctor behind him was even more stunned, so he had seen him make a move last time, but seeing it again from such a distance, he was still a little shocked.

But it's no wonder, after all, he, who was once such a treasure, didn't waste his martial arts because of these things?

"Xiaoya, how far is it from the destination now?"

"Young Master Ning, there is still a short distance away, and we will arrive in about half a day."

The time soon came half a day later.

Beside the pool, they really saw a huge phoenix, where the phoenix was playing happily by the pool.

But this made Ning Tianyu feel that this was just the surface.

not real.

Usually it looks harmless to humans and animals, but there is a dark side to counterattack.

All this was really guessed by him. The phoenix, which was originally in its own world, suddenly spread its wings, and many golden feathers kept flying on Ning Tianyu.

Fortunately, he had been vigilant for a long time, and with a wave of the sword, the powerful wind and waves piled up one after another, and the speed was extremely astonishing. In just a moment, all these golden feathers were easily blocked.

Assisted by the medical practitioner behind him, Ning Tianyu soon felt a warm current flowing through her whole body, and the bursts of comfort made her extremely happy.

Seeing that his attack was directly broken, Liuling Phoenix no longer sat still, but decided to attack decisively. He was very fast, and between the swings of his right hand, golden feathers surged out wildly, which seemed to be endless.

Ning Tianyu pointed out with a sword, and the huge wind breath formed a protective shield in front of him, and many golden feathers were abruptly swept away.

Phoenix saw his own attacks again and again, and it seemed that they had no effect on this person. His whole mood suddenly fell to a trough, and he looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

This setback again and again made him frustrated.

How could this be so.

This greeting came to his mind, all along, as long as his golden feather came out, it would be successful.

But now for the first time he doesn't feel a sense of failure.

Unwilling, angry, impulsive, and hatred all of a sudden came to my heart.

Ning Tianyu decided not to keep his hand anymore, he just waved it casually, and Phoenix's right hand was cut off directly, which also made him feel heartbroken.

"I'm going to kill you, you're the one who made me lose my feathers."

Fenghuang cursed loudly, his eyes were bloodshot, it seemed that he wanted to swear to kill this person.

Ning Tianyu didn't take it seriously, after all, there were too many people who wanted to kill him.

If others have to fight with him every time, or stay there to die, then how can he accompany those people to fight to the end again and again, then he is not free.

So he has already established this rule.

The phoenix flew forward like an exposed lion, he punched countless waves of fire and pushed forward.

Ning Tianyu's face remained unchanged, but she was very calm. The sword in her hand slashed with great force, and sand and rocks flew around her. The wind blew up, and her feet were covered with many cracked spider silk traces.

Xiaoya who was behind him couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, she didn't know how to speak for a while.

I have a hero dream

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