I have a hero dream

Chapter 269 Mission of Crusading the Iron Crystal Rhino

However, only two of the other three are still persevering.

"Damn it, Axiong and Azi have already fallen, and there are only two people left in our team to fight. Now the situation of the battle is extremely disparate, and the odds of winning are extremely low. It seems that we can only fight to the death with them to have a chance of escape."

"The healer casts spells with all his might."

As soon as the captain's uncle saw two of his members fall down, he quickly made a judgment. His face turned hard, and he planned to use a style of attack that would injure the enemy 800 and hurt himself [-].

When the medical staff at the rear heard what their captain said, they could only obey orders. After all, the captain had always been very kind to them and the team members.

In addition, the current battle situation is even more dangerous. With a frown between her eyebrows, she raised her staff with both hands, and the green light shone brightly like Wanzhang, which has been healing the captain's wounds.

The scars and wounds are healing at a slow healing speed.

At the same time, the captain and his physical strength continued to recover. He was full of physical strength, his morale increased greatly, his momentum climbed to the extreme, and the shield in his hand became much stronger again.

Although it was difficult to fight, the two of them didn't give up, and they were like an iron-blooded army.

The six goblin guards didn't take it seriously. In their eyes, these three people were just dying. To be precise, there were only two people right, because one of them was sitting on the ground trembling all the time, and his eyes were full of fear.

The goblin son was even more aloof. He waved the folding fan in his hand, and another tornado struck. However, at this moment, the captain was not afraid at all. , with one punch.

The terrifying fist wind swept across, and the powerful wind attribute made him look fast.

Both sides are wind attributes, which can be described as a big contest.

Brother Goblin frowned, he didn't expect this uncle to come directly to him in this way, and confront him head-on.

After all, this person has a noble status, and he doesn't want to get his hands dirty, but the defense line of the six guards was easily breached. This fact makes it extremely hard for this young master to imagine.

He took a slight look at these people, and cursed: "Idiot."

Although the tornado is powerful, the captain's wind attribute does not drop at all.

It's just that the former is good at attacking, while the latter is good at defending.

The captain was in a tornado, but he could still move forward easily. It seemed that the opponent's tornado was of no use to him.

As soon as the six guards heard what their master said, they hurried back to help. They manipulated the spears and kept attacking the captain.

It's just because within the scope of the tornado, the wind attribute of the captain actually has the effect of improving.

As a result, Chang Yu of the six guards seemed to have no effect in front of him, and instead became a burden to their own masters.

Their faces were bitter, and they looked like they didn't know what to do.

When Brother Fairy saw his guards implicate him, this also caused him to be injured.There was a chill in his face: "If you go back, there will definitely be no good fruit for you."

When the six guards heard this, they all became cold!

Because that place is like purgatory, life is worse than death, which also makes them feel unwilling and unwilling.

But there is no way, after all, they have not played any role here.

The duel between the young master and the captain.

Now is the real battle.

As soon as the folding fan fell, several wind spirit arrows struck continuously. This time he abandoned the tornado and changed to another move.

The captain is also not afraid at all, he seems to have the aura that with a shield in hand, I have the world.

See how long you can be arrogant, and soon you will be defeated by me.

The corner of the goblin son's mouth was raised, full of confidence.

It's just because the Wind Spirit Arrow is not an ordinary bow and arrow. It contains the powerful power of the wind attribute of the spirit of heaven and earth, which also makes it extremely difficult to block it.

It's just that the captain wasn't afraid, the shield in his hand was as indestructible as a tortoise, and the three wind spirit arrows condensed out from the spirit of heaven and earth, with a faint green light shining on the tip of the arrow.

The captain's feet sank slightly, and the shield was erected in front of him. When the Fengling Arrow came to the shield with the sound of piercing and tearing the air, there were bursts of explosions immediately, and sparks flew everywhere.

The captain's complexion changed slightly, his hands trembled constantly, and his feet sank deeper than before, just because the opponent's attack this time was more violent than before, but fortunately, his shield's defense was also extremely powerful.

This time the strength is much stronger than before, but fortunately I didn't cover it.

Brother Goblin's face darkened because he saw his attack, but he couldn't shake the big shield in front of him.

It seems that I can only use this trick. You forced me to do this. I didn't want to use this trick on you.

"Fourth-order Wind God Arrow."

There is an extremely powerful and amazing energy in a scroll with light green lines.

When the scroll was thrown into the air by him, the surface of the scroll directly turned into an extraordinary giant arrow.

The giant green arrow shot away like a life-threatening arrow, and came to the shield in an instant, and the powerful energy burst out.

The shield was invincible in just one breath, it was pierced directly, and the captain's throat was severely smashed.

Xiaoya's eyes widened as she watched her team leader being killed by an arrow, tears kept streaming down her face.

Xiaoyu behind him was even more frightened to death by the scene in front of him.

Now there is only one person left in the field, and that is Xiaoya.

"Go away, you human girl, my fairy prince doesn't kill women."

The six guards ignored the human girl.

When Xiaoya heard this, she was stunned for a long time. Although she was very angry, she never thought that the other party would let her go. When she wanted to say something, the other party had already left.

In the last few days, she stretched hundreds of miles with one staff and one person, and finally saw the gate of the Science and Technology Town. Her mouth was dry and her expression was tired.

After walking for a long time, I came to the Adventurer's Guild.

She took the task, went to the front desk, shook her head, sighed and said, "The bronze-level adventure team Spike, the task failed."

The male receptionist at the front desk was very bland about it.

Just because this is the 78th time that the adventure team has failed, and this is only the most peripheral task, it is already difficult.

So this is only a bronze-level task, but it has stumped countless people.

This quest is called 'Fight the Iron Crystal Rhino'.

It's just that it's not easy to find it, after all, the other party is elusive, coming and going without a trace.

"This is already 78 times."

"It's just a bronze-level task, but it's so difficult, and the exploration zone is still the outermost."

"Hey, it's just a bronze-level task, and it stumps you useless wood."

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