I have a hero dream

Chapter 265 Big Devil, Stone Man

Damn, why can't I touch it?

As long as you touch it, that person will definitely be severely injured.

Just touch it.

After maintaining like this for quite a while, Zheng Haoying, whose physical strength continued to decline, finally stopped insisting and used a unique skill: "Demon attribute, demon sky remnants."

The evil spirit on the laser sword is continuously condensed to form a big devil born of a devil's hatred. Although it is just a remnant soul, it looks like it has extremely powerful energy, especially its physique.

A monster about 5 meters high appeared out of thin air. He had a human-like appearance, but his whole body was filled with a powerful murderous aura, which was a condensed aura that had killed many people.

Holding a pair of big axes in his hands, he didn't lose his strength at all, but held them easily. A pair of blood-red eyes fixed on the young man in front of him. His body was as burly as five people hugging him.

He kept growling, and kept running forward, the ground made a sound like an earthquake and the mountains shook, and the tomahawk swung down with a speed as supersonic and extremely powerful.

Ning Tianyu was also slightly surprised when he saw this scene, but fortunately, he could dodge it with his speed, and he dodged it easily.

It's just that the battle ax fell on the ground, and the entire hall of the Qinglong Gang was directly razed to the ground.

However, Zheng Haoying.It didn't hurt my heart because of it, but I kept laughing inside.

Many of the children of the Qinglong Gang saw this trick for the first time, and it was also the first time they saw this big devil. They were all terrified, and hid in the back one after another, with their little heads stretched forward, watching carefully. .

"Roar, roar."

Although the big devil is huge and looks extremely cumbersome, his speed is the opposite. This speed is only slightly faster than the gang leader, but there is still a long way to go from Ning Tianyu.

Dodged again and again.

The big devil was angry in his heart, he was born from the illusion of a devil's hatred, but now he was being played like a monkey, and he rushed towards Ning Tianyu as if he had gone berserk all of a sudden.

It was like a big stupid cow, bumping into the doorposts stupidly, and then shook his head. The hair on his head was full of dust, and the clothes on his body were several sizes too small, just like those worn by children.

He turned his head again, stared at the young man in front of him, and jumped up suddenly, wanting to kill him directly with his battle axe, but he still missed.

Ning Tianyu's hair-like movement was so fast that he didn't take the opponent seriously at all, as if he was feeding him a move.

"The big devil summoned by the gang leader doesn't feel very good. It feels like he hasn't hit him once, like a big stupid cow."

"You kid is not afraid of being heard by the gang leader."

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, the leader doesn't have time to take care of us now."

Zheng Haoying was even more annoyed when she heard the voice behind her, so she decided to join hands with the big devil she had summoned.

It's just that the next moment, I heard a burst of air breaking in my ear.

It was a huge body collision, just because Ning Tianyu quickly dodged behind Zheng Haoying, and made a look of disdain, which made the big devil run away like a crown of anger, completely ignoring other people.

He rushed forward quickly, but Zheng Haoying didn't react at all, and was knocked out by the big guy.

Although he has a high level of foundation building, but the big devil he summoned is not the face of the foundation building.

Of course, the big devil was even better. Chief Zheng was seriously injured when he was hit. His whole body was covered with extremely painful scars. Even his nose was smashed.

Although he was already extremely old, even though he had the blessing of his cultivation, he was still severely injured by such a bump.

Seeing this scene, the disciples of the Azure Dragon Gang felt that the thing summoned by the leader seemed to be punishing him, to be precise, to punish them, the Azure Dragon Gang itself.

Ning Tianyu raised the corners of his mouth and smiled slightly: "Master Zheng, it seems that the guy you summoned is not very good, but he even bumped into your master, he is really stupid to death."

As soon as this sentence fell, the anger in the big devil's heart increased to a higher level: "Houδ@#:-)"

He seemed to be swearing, but these were animal languages.

The tomahawk swung forward, and the long arms of both hands fell forward like meteors. Ning Tianyu saw the two tomahawks rushing towards him with extreme speed, so he quickly dodged, but the next two big fists hit him. but on his sword

The huge counter-shock force surged all over his body, and the golden sword in his hand was blown away, and his body must also fly away from the ground.

Fortunately, he walked with the wind and turned into leaves, which saved him from a series of physical attacks.

Sure enough, the power is very strong.

The jokes are over now.

"Big man, next, I'm going to be serious."

Ning Tianyu's body turned into tornadoes, and the incomparable wind of the waves pushed forward, and the surrounding winds hit, and gusts of wind and sword energy crazily swallowed them away: "The sky is as eternal."

The sword of the violent wind continued to move with incomparably huge wind blades and fierce thorns.

Just a face-to-face, the big man couldn't stop him directly, the powerful wind blades and thorns pierced his whole body, and the wind blades directly cut his muscles and bones.

The big man knelt on the ground, bowed his head, put his hands down, and then his eyes went dark, and he died on the spot.

The frenzied wind directly enveloped the entire Azure Dragon Gang, making everyone feel horrified, and the cold murderous aura also filled it.

Zheng Haoying, the leader of the Qinglong Gang, was shocked by the shock. He was already deeply injured, and now it was even more difficult to get up, but he still gritted his teeth and used the last trick: "Big Rock Crazy Demon."

The rocks that fell from the sky quickly formed a stone man, this is a crazy and even more crazy stone man.

He has an extremely strong physique, and his whole body is covered with stones. A pair of light green eyes flashed with a deep light. He clenched his hands tightly and roared loudly: "δ@#¥."

Ning Tianyu saw another summoner, and this one's body was filled with a huge amount of energy, and its strength was also at the high level of the Foundation Establishment Realm, but it seemed to be much stronger than the big guy just now.

But for him, it's just a trick.

"A stone man? Let me see how strong you are."

Ning Tianyu didn't change his face, holding the sword in one hand, and said calmly and confidently on his face.

The stone man roared, and his body quickly rushed towards the young man in front of him, as fast as a meteorite.

Ning Tianyu almost couldn't dodge it in time, because it was too fast, even if he had already completed the first stage of perfection, he almost couldn't keep up.

But fortunately, he pushed the wind attribute of the power of the five elements to the extreme, so he escaped dangerously, but just now he was on the ground in the seat.Then it fills the whole pit.

The stone man shook his head, feeling a little silly, but he was very angry when he saw that he couldn't hit the young man in front of him.

I have a hero dream

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