I have a hero dream

Chapter 261 Dangerous Situation

Since Lei Shenfang knew that his father was tragically killed at the hands of the Qinglong Gang!The fruit of resentment has already been planted in his heart, but Naihe has been unable to take revenge, which leads to constant patience.

Now there is finally a day when I can vent my hatred, so I want to vent all the hatred that has accumulated in my heart for a long time.


Lei Shenfang took the lead, with anger welling up in his heart, he rushed to kill first, the five-claw awl in his hand quickly stuck out, one of the patrolmen in front of him couldn't react in time, was directly pierced through the heart, and fell into a pool of blood, unable to move.

The patrol captain of the first team saw that one of his soldiers was just a face-to-face, so he was quickly beheaded.

He was slightly startled in his heart. He had heard about the adopted son of the Black Tiger Gang a long time ago who was capable of both literature and martial arts. , let me see the strength of the eldest son of the Black Tiger Gang."

As soon as Lei Shenfang heard this, he dodged and confronted him.

On the other side, Long Aoheng's pair of iron fists were also very powerful, and in the blink of an eye, the four patrol soldiers had already been beaten to pieces.

Long Aohui barely dealt with a patrolling soldier in front of him with a pair of crutches.

The same is true for the Tianqi Great Immortal Skeleton Soldier, who can only barely fight against one.

The captain of a team of patrol soldiers wore a pair of gloves on his hands, the surface was glowing with a faint red light, surrounded by bursts of flames, the corners of his mouth raised, and he punched out.

Lei Shenfang's hands were covered with lightning, his body was crackling, and his figure was extremely fast.

The two of them collided with each other with claws and fists, creating a huge wave of air that spread around their respective feet, full of cracks: "The thunder and lightning of the eldest son is interesting."

There seemed to be flames burning in the eyes of the captain of the first team, Lao Li, which was more like the wildness of the battle.

Lei Shenfang stretched out his two claws, and the metal-like five-claw cone made a burst of sound.

Flame and lightning are destiny, and the two can restrain each other, and they can also erupt with powerful power.

This person's strength is actually comparable to mine.

How can it be?

My life is Thunder, and his life is Flame.

I am actually as strong as a patrol captain. It seems that my strength is still not enough. Years of practice seem to be ruined.

"Eldest son, how can you be distracted, the battle has just begun."

The flames on Lao Li's fist swept across like a fire dragon.

Lei Shenfang was not to be outdone, he went all out and formed a thunder armor with an absolute defensive posture, the fire dragon was in front of him, and he couldn't hurt him at all: "It seems that your strength is not very good."

Seeing this, Lao Li was slightly startled.

His defense actually completely blocked my fire dragon.

It seems that this kind of battle is more interesting.

"Eldest son, your armor is good, but you will definitely lose this move."

There was a meaningful smile on Lao Li's face: "Fen Jue Nine Heavens."

High in the sky, the flames ignited, and a phoenix full of flames condensed out, screaming from its mouth, and the battlefield was covered with pillars of fire reaching the sky, forming wild flames beside them, the energy in them seemed to be able to burn everything, and this formed a The huge fire net rushed towards Lei Shenfang.

He didn't change his face, seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a shocking wave in his heart.

I really don't know if my thunder armor can stop it.

When it was touched for a moment, thunder and lightning suddenly gushed out from the thunder armor, and the terrifying power continued to sweep.

It's just that the opponent's move is too powerful, even though it directly destroyed the armor on his body abruptly, and entangled it with flames, it made him feel like he couldn't die.

Damn it, this flame is as uncomfortable as the three flavors of real fire.

Then I still overestimate this armor.

At the same time as this discomfort, the value that appeared on its energy ball was constantly forcibly decreasing. Although this was temporary, it should not be underestimated.

"Give me death."

The captain of the first team came again. He knew that his raging flames had hurt the opponent, so he took advantage of the victory to pursue and strengthen the fire energy again. The extremely powerful raging flames formed a huge field on the battlefield, and the surrounding flames were raging. This also made his raging flames stronger and stronger .

If this goes on, I'm afraid I might really die here. If so, I can only use my unique skills.

"Thunder Dragon Storm."

Lei Shenfang was like a god of thunder, his figure rose slowly until he was above the sky, and thunder dragons appeared around him, and he himself formed a thunder storm, which was full of suction and huge power.

This directly blocked Lie Yan's offensive, and also absorbed the fire energy in it as a blessing for the storm.

"how is this possible!

It actually completely absorbed my flames, and even blesses it into the entire storm, it seems that my life is over. "

When the storm was getting closer, the vitality of Lao Li's body seemed to be forcibly deprived, and the fire energy in his body was also squeezed forcibly, and the horn of death seemed to sound slightly near him.

The captains of the other two teams knew that if that person died here, their combat power would be greatly weakened, and it would be much more difficult to attack later: "Old Li, the two of us will help you."

Originally they were fighting each other for merit, but at this moment they let go of such things in their hearts, and instead cooperated rarely.

"Old Liu, Lao Wang, thank you, I would like to withdraw from the fight for credit."

The two captains of the patrol team stepped forward and joined the battle together. The two of them worked together and went all out, unexpectedly forcibly neutralizing all Lei Shenfang's offensive, even the suction of the storm had no effect on them .

This kind of strength is really rare.

The three patrol captains worked together, and the balance of the situation moved again, and this time it was slowly tilting towards the three of them.

It's unreasonable, at the most critical moment, these two people actually came out, it seems that it is really difficult to defeat them.

I don't know what happened to the others.

Although Long Aoheng was invincible with his pair of iron fists, after all, he was invincible with two fists. In addition, the Skeleton Soldier, Apocalypse Immortal, Blood Shadow, and Long Aohui could barely deal with one person each.

This also added to his pressure. There were about [-] patrol members fighting with him in front of him. Although they were from different teams, their cooperation level quickly matched.

There is no flaw at all, on the contrary, the cooperation is more and more seamless, which also makes it difficult for Long Aoheng to find a breakthrough.

More than 20 people were besieged together, and there were people in all directions. He repelled one, and several more came around, which also caused his pressure to increase. At this time, his physical strength began to decline.

Coupled with the fact that there was no one to help, this also led to a barely even draw between the two sides. However, Long Aoheng knew that if the delay was longer, his chances of winning would become more and more disparate, and the battle in front of him would make even more difficult. These patrols are more and more likely to win.

If this goes on, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on.

What should we do now?

There is no strategy in his mind at all, and a pair of iron fists are getting heavier and heavier. After all, those enemies are endless.

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