I have a hero dream

Chapter 258 Waiting, the fusion of the three, the realm of perfection

Let the air waves of the two become stronger and weaker, and Ning Tianyu was finally defeated and lost miserably.

"The two seniors actually teamed up to deal with me, a junior. It seems a little unfair. Then I won't fight for now. After I practice again, I will have a showdown with the two seniors."

Ning Tianyu knew that he could not fight against the two mechanical creatures, so he resolutely withdrew from the battle.


The leopard and the black ape shook their heads, and stopped doing anything, letting them practice.

It seems that it needs to be strengthened again. As long as there is a breakthrough in the first level, and then fight against the two of them, at least there will be a battle.

Although the wind is agile, it is not powerful. If more energy can be added, then the ultimate speed will be blessed.

The leopard just now is also a guy who pursues speed, but his strength is much greater than that of the black ape.

Although small in stature, it has explosive power.

Sure enough, it is still necessary to quickly increase the strength.

There is a lot of wind power constantly gathering on his body, and this time it is several times more than before.

In addition to the ultimate speed, one must also have explosive power and power.

The fusion of the three must be powerful.

This time the explosive power and power were not enough.

It doesn't work this time.

This time the speed was a little worse.

Still not working, come again.

This time the speed and explosive power were not as good.

Still not enough, it takes very little time to integrate.

It's still not enough, we need to go faster.

Ning Tianyu tried again and again, but nothing could be perfect.

After all, if you want to pursue the ultimate, you must have great requirements for cultivation.

Time flies, and three months have passed.

Ning Tianyu has lived in this Yinlong Hall for more than half a year, and his friends from outside are also worried.


"Have you found Brother Ning yet?"

"We don't have much time now, although we already have all the cultivation residence permits, Ning Tianyu is still missing.

It's just that I heard that Li Yu came back some time ago, and from what he said, it seems that Ning Tianyu has been buried there, which is a pity. "

"Eldest Young Master, I believe he is not dead yet. The few of us are willing to wait for him here. If Eldest Young Master wants to leave first, we have no complaints."

Long Aoheng bowed his hands and expressed his thoughts.

"It's been half a year, that guy died long ago, after all, I also saw the strength of Yinlong Tangkou at the scene.

The Ice Queen is like a ghost, the power of extreme cold in her hands is extremely extraordinary, I fought against him for a long time, but I was still defeated in the end.

If I had strong strength, then I could protect him, but unfortunately only I escaped in the end. "

Li Yu let out a long sigh, and acted very well. He seemed to be on the side of justice, telling the ins and outs of the whole thing.

Many old people who followed Sun Huayun heard it, feeling as if they had a thorn in their hearts.

Long Aoheng glanced at him, not taking him seriously at all.

After all, he has worked with this person for a long time, and he also understands the other person's character. He is completely sinister and cunning. He pretends to be noble on the surface, but he often talks about justice.

He has already hated such people to the extreme.

Long Aohui's feet were brutally cut off during the battle half a year ago. Now that he is sitting in a wheelchair, his face is even more vicissitudes, and he has long lost his former elegance.

As for the Skeleton Soldier and the Apocalypse Immortal, they no longer have the strength they used to have, and are now just low-level people in the fairy world.

Coupled with the lack of energy balls, the strength is completely useless.

Although these people already have a cultivation account card.

There are many experienced old people who choose to leave this place.

Suddenly, Lei Shenfang had a hard time making a choice.

On one side is the road of ease, and on the other is the road of revenge.

The former are able to find work peacefully in protected areas.

As for the latter, although it was revenge, the chances of winning were slim, and the Black Tiger Gang no longer existed.

How easy is it to deal with the Azure Dragon Gang?

Although General Fei Yu, whom the other party hired in the past, has left, but in the past six months, the Qinglong Gang has continued to expand its power, and has regained all the territory and talents of the Black Tiger Gang, and its power is even stronger now.

There has been a soaring spirit for a long time, and it is the leader of the gang, but now it is rampant and domineering in the illegal citizen area.

Everyone should respect them three points.

And in the poor area, as a child of the Qinglong Gang, the treatment is also very good.

Originally, this poor area should have a time limit, and this has been the rule for many years.

However, the Qinglong Gang is already the sky in the illegal citizen area, which also leads to the fact that being a gang child becomes very free.

Going out early and returning home late is no longer a problem.

At the same time, being a child of a gang is also very arrogant, his face is full of glory.

It is common for them to oppress civilian women.

Lei Shenfang fought a lot in his heart, and in the past six months, he got along well with Long Aoheng and others here, and he also understood the other party's temperament and spirit: "In that case, I will stay and wait This is Brother Ning.

If others want to leave, I won't stay. "

When everyone heard this, they left and stayed.

It's just that there are very few people left, and they are all familiar to Ning Tianyu.

"By the way, Eldest Young Master, what's the situation outside now?"

Seeing many people leaving, Long Aoheng didn't take it seriously, instead he asked out his doubts.

Lei Shenfang sighed and said: "Don't mention it, the Azure Dragon Gang has been searching for our whereabouts, especially me.

Also, I heard that Licheng had joined the Qinglong Gang and wished him to be an ox and a horse, which simply ruined his father's reputation. "

"It really makes no sense."

The two Long Aoheng brothers were furious.

After all, they have the deepest relationship with the Black Tiger Gang, so they don't want the name of the Black Tiger Gang to fall into this person's hands.

For the past six months, they have been trying every means to get revenge.

Unfortunately, the strength is not enough.

After all, the Qinglong Gang now covers the sky with one hand, and kills anyone who doesn't like it immediately. This kind of evil has long caused resentment in the illegal citizen district.

"Although we know that this place will be searched sooner or later, there is nothing we can do to wait for Brother Ning. By the way, we have strengthened our patrols recently, and we will come here in turn. If there is any situation, we will adapt accordingly."

Lei Shenfang glanced at everyone.

"It took another three months for this kid to cultivate the first stage to perfection, and his speed, power, and explosive power have been integrated one after another. This combat power is several times stronger than before.

Do you think the two of us can wrestle him? "

In the past three months, the black ape has also seen the growth of this human being, and the speed of this progress can be called fast.

The same is true for the Leopard. He has also been surprised in the past three months.

After all, the first level can integrate power, speed, and explosive power into it, which can no longer be described as terrifying.

It is indeed a talent!

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