And the news of this battle, Lei Shenfang and others will soon know.

"How we are now."

One of the old people who followed Sun Huayun through life and death asked.

There is no room for our Black Tiger Gang in the illegal citizen area.

In addition, although our location is extremely secretive.

But it will be discovered one day. It seems that it is time to get some cultivation residence permits, so that he can escape from here and come to the protected area in the fairy world.

It's extremely hard to come by, but maybe this guy should know.

After thinking about it, he followed everyone, and said flatly: "I'll go out for a few days, and I'll leave it to Aoheng to take care of it. If you have anything to do, just deal with it. As for your problem, we should stay put."

As soon as Long Aoheng heard this, he knew that his immediate superior had something to deal with, but he also knew that there was no room for them in the illegal citizen area, and if he acted rashly, he might be ambushed.

But after seeing Lei Shenfang's eyes, he decided to stay and take charge of this place.

When the other party left, the old man was at a loss.

"Second brother, I want to ask you if you have this energy ball. After all, without this thing, there is no difference between us and the useless."

Ning Tianyu is eager to be useful. After all, if he stays here all the time and doesn't have the energy ball, then his original ability will be useless.

In addition, when he came to this world, he also knew that his previous abilities were gradually unusable.

However, some ordinary martial arts can still be used, but when it comes to martial arts and secret techniques, it is useless here.

"Third brother, it's not that I won't help you. Now that the Black Tiger Gang has fallen, there are a lot of energy balls in its own gang, but if you want to come, it has already been taken over by the Qinglong Gang, but it's not impossible to find them.

It’s just that it will be extremely dangerous. I remember that there is a gang treasure at the entrance of the Yinlong Hall, which is heavily guarded by the leader of the Black Tiger Gang, and it is about energy balls, so the Qinglong Gang has been blocked.

It is extremely secretive in that place. I accidentally heard him mention that place when I was drinking with a big boss, but basically except for the gang leader, even the four guardians have no identity to enter.

In addition, I heard that there is a dragon's pond and a tiger's lair. If you want to go in, you must be mentally prepared, otherwise you won't know when you die.

But seeing you like this, then this map will be of great help to you. "

"Then I'll go right away. By the way, I'm not very familiar with this place yet. Please also ask an old man to follow me and lead me the way."

Ning Tianyu said humbly.

After all, he is eager to improve his strength now, if he stays here, he will only do nothing.

And that's why he didn't want to. After all, in this fairy world, he had already learned that to improve his strength, he must have an energy ball, followed by a cultivation account card. After all, the latter represented the door to pass through the fairy world.

But between the two, what he needs more is the energy ball.

A middle-aged man named Li Yu took the lead to ask for his order: "Since Brother Ning is going, I, as an old man here, will take you there. After all, I am familiar with it. The place on your map should also be in the gang." It's nearby, so it's quick to find."

Long Aoheng nodded and let the two leave.

Ning Tianyu picked up the map from the table and followed Li Yu away.

As for his subordinates and brothers, they all stood by and followed his second brother's instructions.

The time came to the afternoon, and three quarters of an hour passed.

The two came to the vicinity of the chief rudder of the Qinglong Gang, but when they saw the children of the Qinglong Gang walking around and patrolling nearby.

Only then did the two stop. Now the title of the Black Tiger Gang has been changed to the name of the Qinglong Gang, and the guards have also been changed.

The two stood still, planning to sneak in when they were ugly, and quietly went in when their spirits were extremely low.

The two waited left and right, and soon came to Choushi.

They saw that the two guarded elite disciples were snoring with their eyes closed, leaning on sticks in their hands.

The two walked in through the back door.

Although Ning Tianyu can't use many martial arts, he can still do ordinary flying and wall-walking.

When the two first came inside, the lights were dim, and the inside was extremely loose, which made it easy for them to sneak in.

After all, they just fought for several days, and they all returned with great victories, so they will relax.

"Brother Li, where is the entrance of the hidden dragon hall? After all, if you stay here for too long, you might be discovered."

Ning Tianyu looked anxious.

Seeing this, Li Yu quickened his pace, but he also had his own plans.

The two of them searched for a long time at the main rudder of the Qinglong Gang, only to find that there was a hidden compartment in the study in the entrance of a small hall. When they pressed the black wooden carved bottle on the desk, suddenly the whole study began to rotate, and then went up and down.Alternately, concealed.

Only then did they see the quaint plaque with four big characters: Yinlong Tangkou.

On both sides of it is a majestic and extremely ferocious stone lion.

The two entered slowly, and when they took a few steps forward, they triggered the mechanism very unluckily.

The stone walls on both sides were filled with many spear thorns, and then began to compress. In addition, the top above continued to drip venom.

At the extremely critical moment, the two escaped in a thrilling manner, but this wave is not over, and another wave arises again.

Poisonous arrows from all directions suddenly came, Ning Tianyu frowned, he knew the speed was fast, but fortunately he was extremely sensitive to danger, which led to the risky and narrow avoidance, of course, the credit is still his The ordinary agility that has been cultivated to perfection.

As for Li Yu, he seemed more relaxed. All the mechanisms just now couldn't trouble him at all.

When they came to the center of the first floor, there was a treasure like a golden mountain in front of them, but on the far right there were skeletons.

When Li Yu saw so many treasures, he was blinded for a moment. He rushed towards him with a smile on his face. for the splendid.

Just a moment later, the golden mountain they saw disappeared like an illusion, and then the wall in front of them suddenly receded, and two lines of gold words emerged: The appearance of people is regarded as false, and the blindness of money is regarded as life and death.

When the two lines of gold characters kept flashing, the surrounding skeletons kept swarming towards them as if they were alive.

Seeing that he had been cheated, Li Yu couldn't help but feel hatred welling up in his heart, and he took all his anger on these skeletons as venting his anger.

He pulled out the weapon wrapped in linen from behind with both hands, and the linen was scattered all over the ground. He held in his hand a black heavy ruler as high as 6 meters. The ruler weighed about 5000 catties, but he held it very easily.

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