"You really don't cry until you see the coffin."

Zhang Tianhu lifted his feet away, and the opponent's figure was raised to the highest point. Immediately afterwards, the pair of knives fell and stabbed fiercely on the man's back, but this was not over. Dozens of knives have been hit.

Sun Huayun looked fearless, as if disregarding the pain, his life was tenacious, but it made the opponent feel sick for a while.

Zhang Tianhu's face gradually became murderous, but more of anger. Originally, he planned to let the other party's wounds intensify here until he died.

But now, in order to hold him back, he actually used these little tricks, which made him feel dissatisfied. After all, he was the head of the top ten bosses, how could he be held back by an ordinary big boss.

"It was you who forced me to do so. There are many ways to teach, it's obvious."

Zhang Tianhu didn't hold back anymore, instead he went all out.

The Fajia Dao was frequently displayed, and golden flashes emerged from his forehead, covering the enemies in front of him with golden flashes.

Rays of light and shadows continuously penetrated Sun Huayun's body with whirlwinds of death.

One after another of the cyclones with the ability to tear, the opponent's wound was enlarged by a point. The wound festered extremely, and the sound of hissing and cracking lungs spread throughout the battlefield.

Thousands of Dharma sects showed their supernatural powers one after another, the seal of heaven continued to gather as the dark clouds spread, and the Dharma of the setting sun all condensed out.

The giant sword of Fa Dao fell with the golden figure in the sky, and killed Sun Huayun in just an instant. His whole body was divided into two halves from the top of his head to his toes, and he fell down forever on the ground with only one scream. Unable to wake up in a pool of blood.

The people who were running away suddenly heard the sky full of golden lightning blasting towards a person on the battlefield.

Finally, it turns into charcoal ashes and drifts away with the dust.

Only then did everyone know that Sun Huayun couldn't take it anymore, and finally died, and the brothers who followed him through life and death were thunderbolts from the blue sky.

Especially Brother Long Aoheng, after all, the other party had supported them before.

Although Long Aohui's heart is ashamed now, but for the news of the death of his mentor and top boss, it is inevitable that he still feels pain in his heart.

The news one after another made him seem to be mentally disturbed.

When Lei Shenfang saw that his sudden decision ruined several talents, he felt even more regretful.

He saw that he and the others had arrived at one of the secret strongholds of the Black Tiger Gang, which was apparently not under the jurisdiction of the Black Tiger Gang, but it was a private property.

Now, because of Lei Tianxing's death, the news of the Black Tiger Gang's disastrous defeat has spread in the illegal citizen area. After all, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

Now the Black Tiger Gang has no background, and the gang's children are dead, injured, and what's more, they give up their identities and join the enemy.

However, because the Qinglong Gang wanted to expand their power, they accepted the children of the Black Tiger Gang one by one.

After all, after this news, the Qinglong Gang also took the main force to quickly recover the territory and assets under the Black Tiger Gang.

"Second Young Master, what should we do now."

"Let's recuperate first, and see if we can try to recall some capable talents from the Black Tiger Gang."

"Second Young Master, you must not do it. Now the Qinglong Gang has spent a lot of money in order to search us. If we act rashly and recall some old people, it is very likely that the other party will take the same pot.

Then we're really useless. "

One of the old men who followed Sun Huayun said.

As soon as Lei Shenfang heard this, he nodded: "What you said makes sense, I was impulsive."


There is still a lot of distance before arriving at another secret stronghold.

Another group of people who helped Lei Licheng and others were not so lucky.

Because they met God General Feiyu and the main force of Qinglong Gang.

The Azure Dragon Gang present has four guardians, nine bosses, and many elite children, all of whom are the most outstanding members of the Azure Dragon Gang, and they are also the main force.

Now, with the addition of General Feiyu, the seven elders who supported Lei Licheng, and the two elders who left with them, there are nine elders in total, but let them be as strong as they want.

It's still not enough to see in front of God General Feiyu, which also determines that they are ten dead but not alive.

Lei Licheng was inherently afraid of being weak, but now that he saw the dark enemy army approaching, the fear in his heart became even more frightening. He sat down on the ground awkwardly, his complexion turned pale all of a sudden, and he spoke in a clumsy manner. , which further shows that he is a soft bone: "I...I am willing to surrender, I am willing to surrender, and I ask the Qinglong Gang to let me go."

"Young Master Lei, absolutely not, even if I die here, I still have to protect the last bit of dignity of the Black Tiger Gang."

Seeing that there was no chance of escaping from this battle, all the elders decided to give it a go, but when they heard Lei Licheng's words, they stopped them one after another. After all, his identity also represented the identity of the leader of Lei Licheng.

But if they just surrender like this, the Black Tiger Gang will be completely over.

"Young master, could it be that you are the only blood of Lord Lei?"

"Yes yes yes, don't listen to what those elders said, I am willing to surrender, as long as you let me go, I can give you all my wives and concubines, as long as you let me go."

Lei Licheng knelt on the ground and kowtowed non-stop. He didn't have the courage to help the leader face to face. On the contrary, he was like a soft persimmon, allowing the other party to knead.

In his words, he put his own life first, and was willing to give up everything to protect his life.

Everyone in the Qinglong Gang burst out laughing, and said mockingly, "This is the son of Chief Lei? It doesn't look like much!"

Ling Guzhong shook his head and said: "Is your temperament as good as that of the leader of Lei Gang back then?

If you, as a son, can inherit 3% to 5%, then your current achievements must be more than that. My Qinglong gang hates soft persimmons the most, and killed them. "

Lei Li intentionally cursed at the elders: "It's all your fault, I surrendered, and you gave me a fart. I really don't know what you are doing. It's because of you. It's useless for me to surrender now."

Seeing all the children of the Qinglong Gang come to kill together, he was even more cowardly, with both hands.Keep pressing back, and step back with both feet.

Seven of the nine elders regretted seeing the people they followed still talking like this in such a situation.

In their minds came the image of Lei Shenfang, the adopted son of the leader of the Lei Gang. Although the other party was sometimes impulsive, at least the other party was a person who was willing to give it a go and go all out.

"Kill, even if I know I'm going to die, I still have to be able to pull a back, just pull a back."

One of the leading elders said loudly.

The three-pointed halberd in his hand fell back and forth, and the opponent's elite children fell to the ground one by one, powerless to fight.

If the elder felt that it was not enough, he would instead kill an elder of the enemy.

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