I have a hero dream

Chapter 241 Brothers fight each other, help each other

But this is a good thing for the two gangs, after all, no one intervenes in the middle, let alone stop them.

As the two major gangs suffered more and more injuries, they also entered a state of recuperation.

However, since three years ago, this state of recuperation seems to have stopped.

Just because the leader of the Black Tiger Gang was aging faster and faster due to many years of illness, the internal personnel began to openly make changes, which led to continuous civil strife.

In addition, due to his serious injuries, this also exacerbated the deterioration of the gang. Although the gang has developed rapidly in 30 years to be able to fight against the leader of the Qinglong Gang, it is just that the gang seems to be strong, but it has not been consolidated.

Moreover, due to the gang leader's injury, this also caused the ten big bosses in the interior to play tricks in private, and gradually disobeyed publicly.

In addition, the gang leader has only one son and one godson. The former is less than 16 years old, cowardly, timid, and lustful.

The latter is 23 years old, with a calm personality, decisive and vicious, and cruel means.

This also led to the formation of factions on both sides. The top ten leaders are divided into two sides. The former has the support of the seven leaders, and the latter has the support of the three leaders to form opposition.

Because the former is the eldest son and has a relationship with the clan leader whose blood is thicker than water, he has won the support of many elders at the clan level.

As for the latter, after all, they are still outsiders, so there are limited supporters, although the situation is basically settled, and the gang leader has also given the most important power to his son to manage all the affairs of the gang.

It's just that this son's ability is not good, which leads to improper handling.

This also allowed the adopted son to take the opportunity to enter, and since Ning Tianyu's eldest brother and second brother belonged to the same big boss, and the team of this big boss was with the adopted son.

To put it simply, if the eldest son succeeds in ascending to the position of clan leader at the succession meeting, then the adopted son will have nothing to do. Lose.

Now his eldest brother and second brother are in a very bad situation, so they urgently need the help of Ning Tianyu and others.

When they understood, they decided to plan a big event.

In this poor area, the treatment is extremely poor, and the food is not even good.

Unless you have a reputation here, this is slowly rising.

It was basically difficult to move around in the illegal citizen area, but because of major events, some people can move around.

And today also happened to be the road of great joy for the Black Tiger Gang, and all the prominent figures in the Black Tiger Gang went to celebrate their birthday one after another.

Of course, Long Aoheng and Long Aohui are no exception. After all, there may be a bloody disaster today, so these thugs can escort them together.

The two also brought Ning Tianyu and others with them before they went to celebrate their birthday, just because they wanted them to see the world.

Long Aoheng's superiors did not say anything about this matter.

Everyone registered important reasons at the front desk one after another, and then left one by one.

But most of the younger brothers of the Black Tiger Gang can't go, after all, only those who have a name can go.

When Long Aoheng took several of his buddies to the location of the Black Tiger Gang's birthday, it was in a luxury restaurant under the jurisdiction of the Black Tiger Gang in the illegal poor area.

There are countless tables filled with banquets, people come and go, and there is a lot of people, and they are all people at a glance.

Everyone was dressed in black, and people from the big boss to the four guardians all sent congratulatory gifts, which included everything and everything.

Sitting in the brightest and most visible banquet table, there is an old man with silver hair sitting in the middle. He is full of spring and full of energy. He does not look like a 65-year-old man at all. At this moment, he is more like a normal man A middle-aged man in his prime.

He looked at the boxes of congratulatory gifts standing beside him, and he was overjoyed, and the corner of his mouth lifted into a very happy smile.

A group of high-ranking elders were even more delighted when they saw the appearance of the gang leader.

After all, these people and the gang leader are brothers who came together, and they are good buddies who fought for him.

Countless people gathered together, what a joy!

It is divided into two groups on both sides, one is the adopted son, and the other is the only son.

"Father, today is your birthday. Shen Fang wishes you a long life than Nanshan, a long life of a hundred years, and eternal youth and happiness."

"Father, today is your birthday. Licheng wishes you to stay young forever, grow old with your mother, and stay with you for a lifetime."

They each took out the most expensive gifts and sent the most sincere congratulations.

The elders on both sides also have one more and one less, which is divided into two factions in front of the gang leader, but now they don't act like this in private, and they are more open and aboveboard.

This is clearly a demonstration, and it also shows the number of supporters he has.

As soon as the leader of the gang, Lei Tianxing, saw the scene where the two children were confronting each other, he said indifferently: "Shen Fang Licheng, what you two said is good, both are good."

He is now gray-haired and wrinkled, but he smiles like a child.

It's just that he understands that due to his serious injury, the current Black Tiger Gang is constantly fighting among themselves, and the two sons often fight at each other's throats. Of course, this is only to inherit his mantle.

It's just that a father doesn't want his children to live in harmony, but all these fantasies are just his own extravagant wishes.

Now that a small problem has turned into a big problem, this makes the foundation of the Black Tiger Gang unstable, and there is a sign of a precarious situation.

After all, it only took 30 years for the Black Tiger Gang to develop to the present. In the past 30 years, the top ten veterans fought for him. It can be said that they gave everything, but this also caused their status to rise to a certain level. vertex.

The power of the ten people gradually affected the gang leader, and because of the gang leader's injury, this also caused them to seem to have a little overhead of the gang leader's rights.

With the passage of time, the two heirs have gradually gained supporters, which also made an important comparison for the succession conference in the future.

Once the succession conference comes, the two heirs will fight bloody storms, and one of them may die as a result.

After all, from ancient times to the present, there have been many princes fighting for the throne, let alone the position of the little gang leader.

Lei Shenfang, who has very little chance of winning now, can be said to be struggling every step of the way.

It's just because the other party's elders are basically all ideological traditions. From ancient times to the present, the eldest son is the first.

Even if the eldest son is incapable, but because of his status, he can also establish a throne, which is a bit unwilling for the adopted son who wants to fight fairly.

It's just because Lei Tianxing, the head of the Black Tiger Gang, has handed over all the management power to his only son since before the succession conference started. Instead, it was full of understanding.

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