I have a hero dream

Chapter 238 Long Aoheng

As for the low-rise houses, it is even worse.

"This is a foreigner. Today is considered very lucky. After all, if it weren't for the birthday of the leader of the Black Tiger Gang, I am afraid that today I can see a good show."

"If it happened to those boys a few days ago, I'm afraid there will be blood today."

"Yes, yes."

In the illegal citizen's area, there were several mixed-social old men who were eating cheap space ice cream, glanced at the outsider who had just entered, and kept discussing.

Ning Tianyu and the others ignored the situation, after all, they were newcomers and unfamiliar with the place, so they didn't want to make trouble.

There are two buildings in front of them, one is a high-end, 20-story wealthy area.

The latter is only five floors high, but it is a low-level poor area in the shape of a UFO flying saucer.

The two are not comparable at all.

"You guys are new here, right? I'm your guide. After today, you'll be part of the poor district. Of course, you're all of low status here. To be precise, you're even lower than people.

Then I won't say much, just follow me. "

The four waited and watched for a long time before a middle-aged man said a few words and took them to the poor area.

They were identified for no reason. Although they are newcomers, they are said to be so poor, and there is inevitably some estrangement in their hearts.

In this poor area, the place is very narrow and the rooms are crowded with people. Life is not good. After all, it is not bad for people with low status to have a place to live.

In front of them is the entrance of the poor area. When the door opens, there is a very narrow passage, and an old candle holder is placed beside the passage. Here, it seems that the technology is very backward.

The candle holder flickered on and off to shine on the ground, but the ceiling was densely packed with insects, and they were as disgusting as if they were about to fall.

The passage was very long, and they walked for a long time before they reached the other side. It was another door, and there were countless brambles and vines around the door.

The leader took out a special bamboo fan from his trouser pocket very familiarly, and with a wave of the fan, the snake outside the thorns kept receding, and the door gradually opened.

The moment the door opened, there were rooms in front of their eyes. They were of different sizes, but those rooms were exposed like a prison without privacy.

There are ten people in each room, but among those people, some wear a numbered collar on their necks, wrists, and ankles

They were kept in a tight iron cage like pets and could not come out.

And all of them looked listless.

Unless there is something urgent, you can get out of here, or you will stay forever like a prison.

It's okay to leave if you want, unless someone appreciates it, or you marry into the rich area, or you will always be a member of the poor area.

"The four of you are in Room No. 30, so don't come out if you have nothing to do, and you will receive a pair of collars there later, which represent your identities and will also record your life values ​​and other data. "

When he finished speaking, he yawned and returned to the original position to receive the next outsider.

As soon as the four of them heard this, they each went to the front desk to get their collars.

"I'm your front desk robot.

Now to explain how to use the collar, please listen carefully.

The so-called collar is your identity, you can use your imagination to place this thing anywhere on your body.

Of course, once you are down, it cannot be dismantled, unless your identity is affirmed by those with high status, or you leave your identity in a poor area and become a member of a rich area.

Then the collar will be removed automatically.

There is also a collar that will record your life data, which will also show your labor value. Once you have labor value, you can buy a series of things, such as daily necessities, life limit, ability value, equipment and so on.

Of course, if you want to get it, you have to work, or complete the task of the issuer.

There is also the urgent matter of the collar, even if it is an urgent matter, the maximum time to go out can only be 10 hours, and if it exceeds, it will be punished.

Once the rules are violated three times, a certain labor value will be deducted..."

At the front desk is a one-meter-high artificial robot. He took out four brand new collars from the drawer and slowly handed them over. He explained how to use the collars with a robotic voice.

When the robot finished speaking, it seemed to be dead, with its head down forever.

After the four of them digested slightly, they each took the collar, and then used their imagination to put it in a certain position.

Some go on the wrist, some on the ankle and so on.

Ning Tianyu put it on his wrist because he thought it was easy to check.

At this time, they felt that there seemed to be countless eyes staring at him, which made their hair stand on end for a while.

Soon they came to Room No. 32.

The room was only less than 20 square meters, but the moment they stepped in, they felt an extremely freezing temperature spreading rapidly.

When they came to this world, their strength was basically abolished.

Because the gap is not one day at a time, or it is thrown away.

"New here, do you know the rules of Room 32?"

This voice came from the depths of Room No. 32. There was a person in the farthest corner. He was sitting on the ground with his feet clasped in his hands, showing his horrible teeth. He stared at the four people in front of him, saying every word. Said.

In addition, among the 5 people beside him, one was doing a massage to help him loosen his shoulders, one was helping him loosen his feet, one was helping him to relax his hands, one was eating fruit for him, and the other was snoring and sleeping.

At a glance, it is obvious that the status is high or low, three people are the bottom, and two people are the top.

Ning Tianyu was the leader, he was quite calm, but in this place, he didn't want to cause trouble, but he didn't want to be the end of those three people, so he didn't answer the question, but asked coldly: "Who is the boss here?"

Skeleton Soldier, Immortal Apocalypse, and Blood Shadow, when they heard this, they secretly praised in their hearts. After all, they were willing to follow Ning Tianyu, so naturally they were attracted by each other.

This sentence is not big or small, but it happens to fall in all the rooms in the poor area, because the door of room 32 is still open.

Many people who have lived in the poor area for a long time know that the person who spoke is bound to die, because the person who spoke in the corner just now is also a famous existence in the entire poor area.

Just because the opponent's pair of iron fists forcibly smashed into the sky, he also became the top three characters in the poor district, named Long Aoheng.

Moreover, a big businessman in the wealthy district wanted to ask him to be his bodyguard, but he didn't agree.

In addition to the appreciation of this big businessman, this character is also the number one thug of one of the big bosses in the Black Tiger Gang.

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