I have a hero dream

Chapter 231 To God Realm

Before his death, Mr. Xue clasped his hands together, knelt on the ground, closed his eyes, spoke the words of the Buddha, put down the butcher's knife just like in the Buddhist scriptures, and immediately became a Buddha.

When the remaining shadow blood killers of the Blood Demon Sect saw their leader was easily beaten to death, each of them turned their grief and anger into strength, and their voices shocked the world, because they were dozens of people who had experienced many battles.

Seeing this scene now, he rushed to the Reincarnation Sect like a madman.

Ye Ying frowned, and slapped out with a palm, all the shadow blood killers retreated one after another, each of them was hurt, and it was difficult to get up, but when he remembered the last ounce of faith in the leader, he killed again.

The people with quick body and vicious boxing skills were not willing to be defeated like this, but kept killing them instead.

As soon as Ye Ying saw the opponent like this, he decided to use a killer move, and slapped the opponent several times in succession, each of which knocked the opponent out of his wits.

Those dozens of people just gave up. They lay powerless in a pool of blood, and they kept saying revenge for the leader.

It's just that they don't know that the leader has become a Buddha in the end, and he also understands the reason for the survival of all living beings.

Life and death.

He realized this sentence, and he also understood Hong Chen's affairs.

After this battle, the Blood Demon Cult was completely defeated.

From now on, there will be no demon cult monsters in the rivers and lakes, just because the remnants of them have all been wiped out.

As for the light in the rivers and lakes still exists, Yuan Tao has become the leader of martial arts, and Liao Fang has become a hero of righteousness.

On the surface, the two are for the righteous way, but in fact they are still working for Ning Tianyu.

These two people are constantly saving the current Jianghu. The original three laws of the evil way were directly broken by them and then established. Because of the news of this battle, there is no more evil way in the Jianghu.

All the knights in the rivers and lakes were overjoyed. After only half a year, the whole rivers and lakes took on a new look and lived in harmony.

Countless knights live in peace.

But the human world is over.

In the human world, these two right-hand men work for Ning Tianyu.

And their master also found the wreckage of the blood shadow. He used the skeleton scripture to revive it, and then returned with the blood shadow with the skeleton body.

But Ning Tianyu only went to the Seven Realms, and only brought two subordinates, one is the blood shadow who has just been resurrected, and the other is the skeleton soldier who has a high-level fairyland as his personal guard.

After all, the trip to the Seven Realms was not for fun, but for serious business, that is, to take charge of the Seven Realms. Of course, the reason for this was because of the scourge of the Demon Lord of the Seven Realms that I told him decades later.

Although he has already arranged the affairs of the human world properly, these four most important words still make him sleepless.

These four characters are the Demon Lord of the Seven Realms.

Although he has done a lot of things for the righteous way.

But for this future big devil, he doesn't think that he can solve this big devil after he settles the mess in Jianghu.

Just because this monster is the final boss.

Lie Feng fled, he already felt nothing to fear from this person.

Then this devil is his ultimate goal.

And he did all this to prevent this man.

The journey has begun, the three of us are going to the Seven Realms.

As for Ye Ying, he arranged to work beside the current martial arts leader Yuan Tao.

After all, there are still some unknown factors.


"The first place, we will go to God Realm."

"I don't know how the leader will go."

"Ahead, there is a heaven and earth bridge on Lanling Mountain, which can lead to the God Realm."

Blood Shadow nodded and said: "This might not be a good way."

After all, he is also a person who has seen big winds and waves, and he is especially familiar with the Devil's Cult.

"This trip is far away, and I won't be back soon. Be prepared, everyone."

At this time, the people who were walking forward did not know that the people at Tiandiqiao were watching them.

"It seems that someone is coming to us, ready to meet the enemy."

"Brother, I feel that two of them are quite strong, especially one whose cultivation level I can't see through at all."

"It seems that the opponent is coming fiercely in this battle, but since it has come, let it be safe. I will inform General Fei Peng of Nantianmen first."

"Thousands of miles travel, do what I can, the formula of heaven and earth, rush like a law.

The divine order was conveyed to the patron saint of Nantianmen only in an instant.

"Well, I didn't expect there to be a foreign enemy, you two hurry up and report to the Jade Emperor."

After a while, all the immortals in the God Realm were shocked. They never thought that there would be foreign enemies invading at this time.

After the order of the Jade Emperor came down, all the gods were ready to fight, including Tathagata Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Eighteen Arhats, Father Earth, Erlang God and so on.


"Strange, why is it so quiet here? I remember that there seem to be two patron saints at Tiandiqiao, as long as they are accommodated, this God Realm can go."

Blood Shadow thought so.

"Based on Big Brother Blood's thinking, there seems to be some weirdness in it. Could it be that we have fallen for it? It should be impossible. The place we were just now was at least a thousand miles away from here. How could they guide us here?"

"That's all."

The blood shadow skeleton soldier guarded Ning Tianyu, just in case the enemy came suddenly.

When they were almost there and saw the Tiandi Bridge, a cold wind suddenly struck, and the place where the cold wind went was frozen for thousands of miles.

It's just that it doesn't work in front of these three people.

Ning Tianyu saw through the enemy's tricks at a glance: "What kind of monster is doing this here."

Shunfenger held the ice-cold sword and approached slowly, with a somewhat angry tone: "Who is a demon, who is a demon? Who do you think is it?

Lao Tzu is also a little fairy in the God Realm, how can you allow me to be so presumptuous!

Come today, there are thousands of immortals in our world to meet the enemy, if you dare to take a step forward, don't blame us for being rude. "

Qianliyan also came behind him, holding the Feng Yudao in his hand, with a fair face and a good-looking appearance, his eyes were cold, and he raised the knife to point, without showing any face to the opposite party.

The two gradually approached with weapons, and the three of them saw this, but did not pay any attention to it, and fought instead.

A high-ranking figure in the Immortal Desire Realm, with a single move, broke the weapons of the two of them, and they were caught off guard.

The two little fairies of the God Realm backed away one after another, with horrified expressions on their faces, and looked at the person in front of them unexpectedly.

The Skeleton Soldier only used less than [-]% of its skill against these two people, and directly defeated them.

Just waiting for the strength to be counted in only one hand in the God Realm, but the other party has such a character, the two of them can only admit defeat and go back to the God Realm to rescue soldiers.

The skeleton soldiers were waiting for them, and Ning Tianyu's heart was already in turmoil.

I always have his strength.

The eyes are full of longing and longing.

It's just that improving one's cultivation level doesn't happen overnight, but he is also full of gratitude in his heart, just because of his help, it will be a smooth journey to the God Realm.

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