I have a hero dream

Chapter 223 The Fateful Showdown

It seems that the other party also used all their skills.

However, since you want to do this, then one move will determine the outcome.

Yuan Tao thought about it for a while. After all, if he treats a serious opponent, he will not hold back, but will go all out.

He kept chanting ancient Buddhist scriptures, one sentence after another resounded throughout the battlefield. These contagious words made the opponent in front of him feel dizzy.

The disturbing Buddhist text also made Yuan Tao laugh it off at this moment.

At the same time, he also saw that the blood that gradually came to him stagnated like a carton.

At this moment, he knew the shortcomings of these blood energy, that is, as long as he practiced Buddhist scriptures, then these blood energy would be affected by him.

Lin Jing felt a little regretful when he saw that the other party had gradually seen through his unique skills.

At the same time, he just thought why he didn't make a quick decision in the first place?

If it was as he said at the time, then this battle would have been won without any suspense.

While reciting Buddhist scriptures, Yuan Tao cast the Buddha Dragon Palm. At this moment, the Buddha Dragon Palm was blessed by gods and Buddhas!

This effect is even more powerful, but the strength is very heavy. He raised his right hand and protected it with his left hand.

For a moment, the Buddha's light illuminated the entire battlefield, and the gods and Buddhas of the heavens said plausibly: "The Buddha dragon appears, destroys the world, kills the gods and demons, and restores peace."

As soon as the words fell, the blood and thorns around him gradually collapsed, and a huge palm print appeared in front of him, which was like the shocking palm of the Buddha, and it went straight to Lin Jing's chest.

The man was already at the end of his strength with that move, but now he had to resist such a powerful palm print, which made him even more desperate.

Just thinking of that lord's grand plan, the whole person's eyes are full of real tears and he seems to be muttering: I will also be that lord's right-hand man in my next life.

The Blood Soul Orb used all its strength to fight against its master to the end.

It's just that at this moment Lin Jing's heart was already ashamed, he just slowly looked at the sunset in the sky, clenched his hands into fists, and bowed respectfully to Lie Feng who had been staring at Ning Tianyu in the distance.

Immediately after that was a dead body that had been beaten by palm prints, but the face of the man before he died was still so fearless, and the brows were full of heroism.

The right-hand man of the No. 40 three-generation successor of the first generation of funeral sect passed away just like this.

This is also a hero.

The eyes of Yuan Tao who killed him were also full of admiration. They were eyes of pity for heroes, and he was quite reluctant to let go.

Because he was the first person to fight with him on equal footing, although this person also used some bad tricks of conspiracy and sneak attack, the content of his strength is really amazing.

But before he died, the blood soul bead also collapsed because of this, but the shattering of this bead was the best thing for Yuan Tao, after all, this bead is the most evil thing in the world.

These four battlefields finally divided the winners and losers, and the final result was a miserable victory.

After all, the Reincarnation Sect also lost its left and right hands, one is Li Chen, and the other is Fang Tianxing.

They are also very capable, the former is extremely powerful, and their martial arts are also among the best in the world.

As for the latter, he is a chivalrous man with both civil and military skills, and his Buddhist skills are quite unpredictable.

The strength of the two is also obvious to all. After all, they are the left and right hands of the Reincarnation Sect, so how can their strength be unbearable.

Yuan Tao's vitality was seriously injured at this moment, and he only had half his life left. It was because he forcibly used the Buddha Dragon Palm, and his current injury was even worse than before.

With his younger brother taking care of him next to him, this battle can be regarded as the end.

But the other side has just begun, and that is the war that the world wants to see.

Lie Feng and Ning Tianyu are a fateful duel, but they are also natural enemies, and there is also a hatred of taking their wives.

This makes the whole world want to watch, but if you go to watch, then the end will be a dead end.

So no one went there, but intelligence agents were sent from both sides to check around here.

On one side is the Blood Demon Sect, the Supreme Demon Sect, and on the other side is the surviving Tianxiazhuang.

Both are not at the same level, but this battle can be said to be astonishing.

Lie Feng looked at him for a long time, and then he said this with resentful eyes: "Ning Tianyu, you have finally come, the revenge of destroying the sect back then severely kicked me, the young sect master of the Wu sect. Going down, at that time, I was like entering an abyss.

I must avenge this hatred. In this war, either you will die or I will die. "

Ning Tianyu didn't take it seriously, but when he mentioned the revenge of killing his wife, his whole face twitched with anger, and he gritted his teeth as if he wanted to eat it.

When he thought of Ning Xiaowan, who was heroic and handsome, and his childhood sweetheart Ning Xiaowan was brutally murdered by this man, he became very angry, as if the nails in his hand were inserted into the palm of his hand.

It's just that he didn't pay attention to the pain, which was as small as a feather. Instead, he was furious about the revenge of killing his wife.

Lie Feng's appearance seemed to say that Feng Shui turns and the sky is watching.

The two talked a lot in a row, and the entanglement and hatred between the two continued to be aroused. When the two of them remembered what happened back then, they wanted to kill each other.

Lie Feng, who was originally the proud son of heaven, had such an experience?

The whole sect is destroyed!

He was originally a big boss faction in the rivers and lakes, and almost everyone responded. He, the young sect master, has even more face, and he has been domineering for many years.

At the same time, he was also confident, after all, his father's status in Jianghu was as big as the sky at that time.

Basically his father said east, others dare not say west.

This son's status and identity also became more and more arrogant after his father took this position.

At that time, everyone was shocked and scared, but when he thought he could go on like this.

He appeared, and his appearance made the young sect master who had no fear of the sky and the earth turn everything into nothing overnight.

When he saw his father whom he had always dreamed of being beheaded in front of him on the spot, his heart was undoubtedly aching.

When he saw that he had sacrificed everything for that woman, he felt particularly sad.

In the end, he caused a catastrophe and hurt the lover he had always loved.

At the same time, rumors were spreading in the world, and then Ning Tianyu, who had been destined for life until now, became angry and wanted to seek revenge.

And this incident also happened today, the word "seeking revenge" turned into a duel, and the two factions fought back and forth like a battlefield.

And today is the day of the duel between these two people, and it is also the scene that the whole world is looking forward to.

One is revenge for taking his wife.

One is the hatred of exterminating the clan.

The weight of the two things is actually the same, and everything in the hearts of the two of them can be traced to the resentment that arose when they met that year.

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