I have a hero dream

Chapter 221 The Fateful Showdown

It was just a mediocre fight, which made him feel that his opponent hadn't tried his best.

"Why, don't you have any strength? If it's only at this level, you're still trying to compete with my lord."

Lin Jing stimulated him one sentence after another, but the action on hand didn't stop for a moment, on the contrary, it became more and more intense.

Yuan Tao used all his strength with his hands, while dodging from left to right, the fight between the two of them was surrounded by those corpse soldiers, forming a huge circle, and they watched like spectators eating melons.

Liao Fang clutched his chest, half-kneeling, staring closely at the fight between the two in front of him, and he was watching the battle like an outsider, but he was extremely anxious in his heart, just because this battle seemed to him The odds of my brother's victory are quite suspenseful.

After all, the opponent still has 5000 troops, but they only have less than [-] troops, and the strength of these people is also extremely weak.

The fighters on the battlefield also decide the outcome at any time, and the timing is also quite important.

Yuan Tao was under great pressure and felt powerless against this kind of enemy for the first time. He recalled the moment when he first joined the Reincarnation Sect, the teacher's eyes were extremely hot and joyful to him.

This battle itself is their chance to prove. If they lose like this, then the conditions he put forward may not be realized.

The maintenance of the righteous way, the rebirth of the knight, the huge responsibility became extremely heavy on his shoulders, because what he saw was the only ray of hope.

I can't just lose.

The righteous people are still waiting for my salvation.

Seeing that the common people in this world are manipulated at will by the people of the evil way, countless knights have been reduced to slaves, and their life cultivation bases have been abolished only by the three laws of the evil way.

Such a cruel sentence.

In this troubled world, I actually have no ability to stop them.

Since the leader of the Reincarnation Sect agreed to this condition, as long as he makes a move, there is hope for everything.

It's just that she must win this battle before she agrees.

Then even if I die, I will realize this slim hope.

Although I, Yuan Tao, is a disciple of Shaolin Temple's inner family, I will save this world.

Although the evil way is rampant, as long as there is a front-line radio, then I will not give up my identity as a person in the righteous way.

It hurts my heart to see the rest of the chivalrous men struggling to survive.

When Yuan Tao was beaten and unable to fight back, he thought of the promise made by the leader back then.

The whole person's eyes lit up: "I don't want to lose, I have more important things to do."

As soon as the words fell, the long white hair moved with the wind, and a vast energy spread continuously on his chest, and the ten fingertips exuded the Buddha way: "I am a Buddhist, and I want peace in this troubled world. At the cost of my life, I will kill you too.

Buddha Dragon Palm, unparalleled in the world.

Gods and Buddhas of the heavens, grant me divine power.

Let me end this troubled world and kill this devil. "

The loud voice resounded throughout the battlefield, and Buddhist gods with a height of [-] meters emerged, among them were the eighteen arhats, the Tathagata Buddha, the Guanyin Bodhisattva, the father-in-law and so on.

A pair of golden Buddha eyes continuously shoot out light, and Buddha statues with thousands of hands come out frequently.

The avenue rises, Buddhas and gods appear, demons are killed, peace is restored, troubled times are stable, rivers and lakes are stabilized, winds surge, demons are destroyed, the soul of heaven and earth, and a righteous man appears.

This time the Buddha Dragon Palm is a thousand times stronger than before!

The statues of Buddhist gods penetrated his body, and the unfathomable Buddha patterns suddenly appeared all over his body, and the overwhelming Buddha mantras appeared endlessly.

Yuan Tao recited the Buddhist scriptures, pinched the Buddhist teachings with his hands, and slapped them out with one palm, as if the gods had perished.

"What kind of palm technique is this? It has such power."

Lin Jing stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of him. The blood soul bead was shining continuously in his body, but in the Buddhist law that was supposed to overcome the most evil things in the world, this blood bead was actually difficult to compete.

That illusory palm.

Lin Jing just felt that even with all his strength, he couldn't resist him.


A [-]-meter-tall Buddha's palm moved towards Lin Jing, with the huge power of the Buddha, the man showed panic in every gesture, and the horizontal push of his hands caused his clothes to burst, blood stained his whole body, and he danced wildly. A group of corpse soldiers behind him fell down one after another, being crushed into bloody mud by the Dharma.

Of the [-] soldiers, only less than [-] remained. This number is simply terrifying.

Just one palm actually killed one-eighth of them.

What's more, the corpse general on the other side was severely injured and suffered heavy injuries.

Unprepared for being beaten, he still maintained the picture of backhanding.

With bleeding from his seven orifices, he still showed an expression of disbelief.

"how is this possible?"

Lin Jing's face was full of disbelief. She never put the other party in her eyes from the beginning to the end, but the scene just now completely slapped her in the face.

Just let him not believe it, the opponent didn't give him a chance to breathe, but took advantage of the victory to pursue.

Counting palms in a row made the opponent panic even more.


Lin Jing was so frightened that he couldn't use the previous moves at all, he just rolled and crawled backwards blindly, and screamed repeatedly: "Don't come here."

He who owns the blood soul orb, the most evil thing in the world, unexpectedly managed to escape for such a moment.

The younger brother who was not far from Yuan Tao looked at this astonishing scene and was a little unbelievably terrified.

From the beginning to the end, his elder brother had been facing many difficulties since saving him, but until this scene appeared, he became more comfortable and faced it with ease.

Yuan Tao didn't pay attention to the man's words, instead he kept approaching, and the three or four consecutive Buddha palms hit the quicksand around Lin Jing as if mocking his opponent.

Every time it hits these yellow sands, huge pits burst out, and the bottomless pits make people feel terrible.

When Yuan Tao became in the situation of meeting gods and killing gods, and meeting demons and demons, the corpse soldiers seemed to show their bloody mouths, and looked at the killing god with dull eyes.

Those who didn't move were frightened by the man, immobilized like wooden sculptures.

Looking at the man's appearance, Yuan Tao felt pity unconsciously, only at this moment.

Lin Jing smiled charmingly, showing that the plot had succeeded. He had been pretending to be weak just now, and when he saw that his opponent couldn't bear to make a move, he counterattacked desperately and hit a perfect blow.

"Surrender to death, Blood Soul World."

The blood soul orb suddenly burst into brilliance, and the radiance shot directly at Yuan Tao in front of him. Countless pools of blood water continued to emerge. They covered him like sea water, and there was an extremely powerful soul attack in these blood water.

It's just that at this moment, Yuan Tao has borrowed the bodies of many gods and Buddhas, so the soul in the deepest part is extremely powerful. It is not afraid of these soul attacks, but instead shows a powerful pursuit.On the contrary, it also exhibited a powerful pursuit

When the puddles of blood wanted to overwhelm Yuan Tao, there were countless gods and Buddhas in it.Always protect him.

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