I have a hero dream

Chapter 215 Peace Treaty

It was the first time that Murong Xin, who was fleeing in a panic, felt panic. It was the fear in his heart. He ran very hurriedly, as if the nameless thought that person was chasing him.

"They are all dead, all turned into fleshy pulp, only I managed to escape. That person is the successor of the Buddha Dragon Palm. I heard from the person before that this is the secret book of a peerless palm technique. Once I have it, the world will definitely be set off Countless bloodbaths.

It's just that the evil way is rampant now, and the righteous way has long been a caged dog under its minions. Now there are only a few major forces, which are still operating secretly. "

Murong Xin, who had been running for hundreds of miles, finally stopped. For the first time, he who was originally in a deep city and whose happiness and anger were invisible disappeared for the first time.

With a ferocious face, he clenched his fist and hit the tree hard. With a bang, the birds in the tree's nest kept flying, but they kept chirping. The tree fell, and people were angry: "I will eventually die!" Revenge, I will remember the defeat this time, but the next time will definitely be your funeral.

Brother, your death was not in vain. "

A figure stood on a high place, witnessed all this, he said stiffly: "Is it the successor of Buddha Dragon Palm? It seems that the world is about to change."


Ning Tianyu stood on the simple school field, looking at the army below which had been trained by the two with flickering eyes, he asked knowingly, "How is the training of the two skeleton troops, Li Chen and Fang Tianxing?"

Seeing this person coming, the two bowed their hands and bowed, half kneeling, and respectfully said together: "Young Master Ning, the army has undergone hell-style drills in the past few months, and the training has gradually become effective, and the murderous intent is gradually increasing. Now it is Xiaocheng's army. Now, let’s set the time for Mr. Ning to develop into the world’s number one army.”

Ning Tianyu was shocked when he heard the two replies. It was only a few months, and they had been trained to such an extent. It can be seen that the talents of the two are comparable to Wang Zuo.

He looked at the high place from a distance, and the murderous intent suddenly appeared, the face of the enemy emerged in his head, the appearance of hatred, the destructive behavior, made him regret endlessly, before he learned that his lover was brutally murdered.

This news shocked him unceasingly. After settling for a period of time, the endless murderous intent, every move of his hand, had the monstrous determination to wipe out the world's endless burial bones.

It's just that during this time, in addition to his own promotion, he also knows what the concept of breaking the boat is?After all, he was still a little bit uncertain, because the word Shi Gongzi had caused countless disturbances in this world.

The 43rd generation descendant of the Corpse Burial Sect is far more famous and important than many big figures. In addition, now that the righteous way has been defeated, there are no martial arts giants left.

Being able to use corpses as subordinates is exactly the same as his skeleton army. The two are more like fateful enemies. The corpses and skeletons are fighting each other. It is still unknown who will win and who will lose.

It's just that these two people are not under the jurisdiction of the demonic way. Both of them are top-notch. Now the demonic way is rampant, covering the sky with one hand.

Now there are three rules in the magic way.

One orthodox martial arts are all slaves.

The two orthodox chivalrous warriors have all abolished their martial arts and become useless people.

Three people in the world must obey the will of the devil, and those who disobey the order will be killed without mercy and the whole family will be slaughtered.

It's just that under these arrangements, except for the two factions of Lie Feng and Ning Tianyu, everyone else must obey them.

It also led to the remaining righteous knights to secretly call and establish an anti-magic army, but a small number of people are greedy for life and fear of death, a small number of people join the association generously, and a small number of people don't care.

Of course, if the chivalrous knights of the righteous way do not obey and are discovered by the evil way, the end will be extremely tragic.

There are many knights on the bright side obeying the arrangement of the evil way, and each of them lives a life that is worse than death, as a slave of the evil way.

When the people in the magic way tell them to turn left, they must turn left, and each of them is like a marionette of the magic way without any resistance.

Some anti-monarch leaders approached the two of them, wanting to work together to resist, but what they waited for was ruthless refusal.

The responses of the two are rarely consistent, because they are still too weak, and the weak must have the attitude of the weak.

We are born weak, and for this reason.

In this world now, the strong rule the sky, and the weak rule the earth. If you want to resist, you have to defy the sky and become strong, but there are too few such existences.

These two people are constantly strengthening their cultivation and training the army. The future battle is no small matter, but they are constantly preparing for the future battle.

But a few months ago, Ning Tianyu, one of the subordinates in charge of the intelligence network, received a big news about the two generals, which also made him appreciate the news.

These two tiger generals are a brother of the opposite sex, Yuan Tao and Liao Fang. They repelled Tianxia Zhuang and Mo Dao chasers with their own strength.

(Here, Tianxiazhuang is also a big force second only to the protagonist and the strongest villain, but it was still banned by the Demonic Dao, but due to its extraordinary background, the high cultivation level of righteous men, and the large number of people, this is barely able to withstand Great pressure to resist.

Although the reason why they were so successful was that several leaders of the anti-demonists had come to him, and the responses were all cooperative, but the owner of the small village was ruthless and directly recruited all the leaders of the anti-demons in a short time The army of chivalrous men, and the ultimate emphasis is not on cooperation, but on absolute obedience

This also shows his skill, as early as after experiencing the incident of these two generals, he had great humiliation and did something to vent his anger, which also caused the leaders of these anti-demons to become punching bags.

After recruiting the leaders of these ten anti-demonists, the strength of Tianxiazhuang has improved rapidly. At this time, it has almost the same weight and strength as these two big men.

It's just that Tianxiazhuang is a big fat, which also led to the crazy suppression of Mo Dao, but what kind of person is the young village owner?How can such a compromise be made, but of course it is also considered that if both sides suffer from Mo Dao, Lie Feng and Ning Tianyu will benefit.

So he only sent a part of the troops to resist a large number of magic army, and he still used absolute killing intent.

The top ten grand guards appeared slightly, and killed many masters of the Demonic Dao. The news quickly spread to the ears of the Blood Demon Sect, but the Blood Demon Sect is not a general sect. He moved his fingers and sent about a hundred Shadowbloods to kill.

The battle between the masters of the two factions unfolded rapidly, and finally ended with both losers. Maybe those two still have benefits.

Immediately afterwards, they signed a peace treaty. Of course, this was just a relief, that is, this peace treaty was only a temporary peace. )

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