Just looking at the resentful expression on the other side, the two of them sighed, as if there was no such thing.

Xiao Liang's chest was covered with a pair of Tai Chi that was several times bigger than before. The black color was deeper, and a strong suction from it was continuously coming towards Lin Jing in a continuous line. All directions turned into huge cages and then trapped the opponent: "You and you are buried with brother Lingfeng, Tai Chi fights the universe, and the dragon guards all directions."

Seeing this, Lin Jing was unmoved at all. He watched all of this gradually coming, but his eyes narrowed slightly, and the eye of the Blood Soul Orb was already shining brightly, and the so-called prison and suction in front of him froze immediately. .

Then his figure suddenly turned into several afterimages that no one could see clearly, only Xiao Liang could see the second of them.

When he was about to make a move, Lin Jing's figure had already reached the fifth road, which was behind Xiao Liang.

Lin Jing said blankly: "The world is slaughtered with blood."

A crimson spherical light continuously shone between his fingers, and the ground was covered with countless thorns carrying the aura of blood destruction. The former headed towards Xiao Liang's heart, while the other headed towards the two who gradually felt Tricky disciple.

In addition to restraining the two disciples, the thorns in ambush from all sides are constantly devouring the other's blood energy, which is the vitality and true energy that are the source of cultivation.

Xiaoliang stared dumbfounded at her chest being pierced by this thing, and when she was pierced, she immediately sprayed a mouthful of bright red blood from her mouth, and there were tiny blood stains like pen and ink on her pretty face.

Her long hair fluttered, her hands tightly covered the wound that was pierced just now, she saw that the vitality of her body was continuously losing, and her strength disappeared rapidly at the same time, the pair of Tai Chi and the suction in it even dissipated directly.

The two disciples couldn't struggle at all, and there were dense cracks in the Shihei giant sword.

As the countless thorns on their bodies continued to tighten, the faces of the two turned white due to difficulty breathing, and their eyes gradually became bloodshot. Soon they could not breathe, and their hands kept waving, but time slowly It will wear down their will and resistance.

The situation on both sides was extremely dangerous, and no one helped, just because the others had already died in battle. Seeing this, Lin Jing looked at them as if he were looking at a corpse.

Xiaoliang's knees were weak, and she knelt on the ground, holding her hands, blood was continuously piling up from the wound, there was no sign of death on her pale face, but she decided to do another desperate move.

The blood hatred of revenge, the overwhelming anger, and the death of the person she loved made this strong woman ignore the wounds on her body, and flew to attack again, but the blood still kept flowing.

With her eyes focused on her will, she closed her hands and kept making seals, and a beam of unstoppable laser gas burst out from her eyes. Lin Jing stopped walking, and with a backhand palm, she directly knocked out these lasers one by one.

After Xiaoliang finished using it, the warning sound from her body made her unable to make any more moves.

Lin Jing raised his hand, shook it slightly, and the blood soul pearl was constantly shining, and then Xiaoliang's body suddenly felt a huge force that was whipping her continuously like a whip: "Humph! Die."

Xiaoliang's whole body was bloody and bloody, but her indomitable will still made her insist on standing up, but it was extremely painful.

Lin Jing turned his claws into one hand, tightly grasped Xiao Liang's head, and then pinched it hard, his brain was shattered, and his body fell limply, but he was still held by the other party, and the swaying appearance was almost dead "Why bother? It's just a waste of time."

Looking at the blood on his right hand, he said with disdain, "Dirty hands."

As soon as the words fell, the blood soul orb collected all its vitality and blood.

Xiaoliang looks boneless, his limbs are white and skinless, his bones are exposed, his eyes almost fell off, his long hair is messy, he just looks a little terrible.

Lin Jing was very satisfied after watching the battle situation in front of him, and his whole body flashed: "It's time to explain to that adult."

A black light and shadow kept flying in the woods, and soon came to Lie Feng. He knelt down on one knee, cupped his fists and saluted, "Lin Jing has completed the mission."

"Why is time so slow!"

"I encountered some troubles ahead, so I was delayed for a while."

Lie Feng looked at Lin Jing who was already in good shape, and handed the two things in his hand directly to the other party, his eyes were full of recognized words: "Well, get up, you will be my right-hand man in the future, the corpse you led just now It's time for ghosts to improve.

With the Blood Soul Orb in your hand, coupled with the Blood Soul Dafa I'm giving you now, the strength of your bunch of ghouls will surely rise to a higher level.

with you!Seeing that you have already reached the overlapping place, take this Longquan pill to ensure your breakthrough. "

Seeing these two precious items in his hands, Lin Jing felt a little unacceptable, but when he saw the admiring eyes of the other party, he understood everything. At this moment, he knew that he deserved these things , I dare not have any intention of refusing.

Instead, he put everything into his bag, and he suddenly kowtowed and said: "In this life, Lin Jing has thanked my lord, as long as my lord is useful to me, I will definitely go through fire and water, my heart is broken, and I will not resign."

Lie Feng's tone was kind, and he completely regarded the other party as his own partner. With a flick of his sleeves, he said, "Okay, okay, I'm relieved with your words, then you all follow me to the headquarters of the Corpse Burial Sect, by the way I will introduce you to a few guys who work with you, and they are also very important candidates."

Soon Lie Feng disappeared, and Lin Jing made the blood soul orb quickly gather the remaining ghouls, and then quickly followed.


On the grassy slope that had long been barren of grass, because the young man was crying non-stop, his eyes were red, and he punched and kicked like a madman, but the place he hit was full of air.

"Why? Why did you do this to me?"

"No...no, Wan'er is not dead, not dead."

"Who killed you? I will take revenge."

"Who is the other party! I will definitely take revenge to the end, when the time comes, I will eat his flesh and drink his blood."

"Yes, only revenge can avenge Wan'er's blood hatred."

"Wait a minute, if you want to harm me, I seem to have harmed someone recently."

"Could it be him? Lie...Feng!!!!!!"

"It seems that he is right. After all, I slaughtered his sect and all his relatives, but Wan'er will die if he dares to hurt me."

"No matter where you are, I will chase you to the ends of the earth."

Ning Tianyu was successful in cultivation, he kept hammering the ground with his hands, the hillside was flattened by his fists, and even the surrounding mountains couldn't stand his toss.

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