I have a hero dream

Chapter 194 Blood Soul Orb

The reason why Lin Jing didn't see his companions was because they were all lying in a pool of blood, lifeless.

He gasped, and fell to his knees as if his strength had been lost forever.

I can't just fall down like this, I want to avenge my sister's testimony.

The spirit body in the necklace kept flashing blue light, but it was exhausted if it was overwhelmed, and it also turned into a puff of white smoke, completely surrounded and fell asleep.

Master, thank you for your company all the time, this time I will not let you down.

The body that had no power to fight was suddenly full of strength as if it had burst open, and a layer of golden body surface appeared on the hands, feet and limbs, the golden light seemed to come into the world.

He was violent, let out a long shout, and stretched out his palms, his body kept spinning, and countless golden palm prints turned into giant dragons, stretching their teeth and claws across multiple ghouls.

Canopy! !

In just a moment, ten thousand ghouls turned into corpse water, unable to fight again.

Lin Jing was full of confidence when he saw the strength given to him by his master. It was only because he had so many experiences that he couldn't help but trust the other party. The golden dragon passed through again and again, and the ground was full of corpses.

It's just that every consumption has made him unable to bear the consumption at all, but he still gritted his teeth, endured the pain of his body bursting open, and attacked, punching to the flesh, blood splashing from the corpse.

Lin Jing shouted again, but his voice was getting hoarse when he was already exhausted: "Corpse man, don't you just sit and wait for death, and be a coward? Get out of here quickly, if you die today, or I die."

He coughed, and circled the golden dragons around his body to defend against the enemy, while he took a short rest to recover his true energy.

Lie Feng's real body was revealed in the air, he smiled, and told the truth: "Hehe, boy, your strength is not bad, but you are almost too late to see this deity."

As his words fell, the attacks of those ghouls became more and more crazy. They ignored their lives and entered the fiery circle formed by the golden dragon. Most of them died, but there were still a small number of them. went in.

Lin Jing looked up at the sky, pursed his lips, unwilling to stop the ghoul in front of him from taking a step forward, he turned his palm into a dragon, the golden dragon rose up, everything changed in surprise, but his strength gradually weakened.

Just because his master said that the power given is not enough to consume again.

"Is it true that the sky is going to kill me? Is it impossible to even get revenge!??

In ancient times, Xiang Yu, the emperor of the Six Gods, was exhausted and died in battle. Will Lin Jing, the great disciple of Ling Xuanzong, do the same?No, give me another fight! ! "

Come on, give me a good fight.

Although Lin Jing was always concentrating on the thoughts in front of him, his eyes still never left Lie Feng's sight.

He muttered to himself: "Fire Sun Golden Dragon, condense it for me!

Even if I sacrifice my own life, I'm not willing to do anything, as long as I can hit him, it's all worth it. "

Soon the golden dragons melted away, but a divine dragon that was even a hundred times more powerful than before was condensed. It opened its teeth and claws and rushed straight in front of Lie Feng, opened its mouth and swallowed it in one mouthful.

It's just that Lie Fengfeng has already taken precautions against this, he moved his finger, and the corpse technique known as the best in the world directly emerged and collided with each other, but this corpse technique seemed to be superior, and soon killed all of them swallowed up.

Immediately next to a cold light suddenly appeared, the sword light came out frequently, and Lin Jing's body fell to the ground unwillingly, but his fists were still struggling, but after struggling a few times, he couldn't do it anymore.

With a thought, Lie Feng stepped down on the clouds, watching this young man who was so brave just now was easily killed by him.

However, as soon as he recalled the look of the Lieyang Golden Dragon just now, he stretched his hands and turned, and the dragon reappeared, but this time it was not summoned by the master, or this Lieyang that only looked at it once. front.

Martial skills of this level deserve to be summoned at the cost of their lives?Could it be a joke!

Lie Feng melted his right hand, and the golden dragon dispersed. He stared at the necklace on the young man's neck, and noticed the huge power in it. expect.

It's just that now is not the time, after all, the great god on the other side has long been asleep, he sucked in his right hand, and the necklace was tightly sucked into his hand

He looked at this thing and saw that it was extremely exquisite, especially the emerald gemstones inside were extremely eye-catching.

His maniacal laughter spread slightly into the ears of countless ghouls, but they didn't know what their master was doing at all, but they still looked dull and sluggish.

Lin Jing?Ling Xuanzong?Big disciple?

That sect, I seem to have heard of it somewhere, seems to be a third-rate sect, but there is such a guy in the third-rate sect, it seems that this sect is a bit difficult, but if you have a chance, you can go there and have a look.

By the way, I have to deal with it carefully, after all, he is my right-hand man in the future.

Lie Feng moved his hands together, and the corpse technique continued, covering the corpse with a purple-black aura. Originally, he had already become a ghoul, but it was obviously not enough for him.

He took out a blood soul bead from his bosom, and then with a thought, he cast both hands together. When the spell started, the bead crazily released many blood-like marks, and then firmly trapped Lin Jing. .

A heart-piercing sound came from Lin Jing, who had died long ago. His whole body was stained with blood, but it was not a spot. It was more like the condition caused by the blood soul orb. All the blood spots continued to volatilize, only when the blood soul orb became stronger and stronger.

The two merged together in perfect harmony, the blood soul bead Lin Jing, they merged into one like this, but when they merged into one, that amazing power suddenly burst out.

There was a soaring evil spirit and explosive force within a radius of ten thousand miles, as well as that beam of blood killing god light. At this time, countless people knew that it was the corpse boy who started to cause some crazy actions again.

Lie Feng's eyes widened in a rare way, and then that incomparably surprised smile appeared all over his body, he let out a big laugh forcefully: "It actually succeeded, the blood soul bead and Yi merged into one, it's really amazing!" I was amazed."

"I don't know that the next time I meet Ning Tianyu is when you are buried, with him and the endless pile of ghouls, plus me, no, to be precise, my hidden sect will also Will help me too.

At that time, the real battle has just begun, even if you have magical blessings, it will not help.

It seems that the day of revenge is coming soon. I really look forward to the time when I can step on you personally and watch you tortured to death in front of me. "

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