I have a hero dream

Chapter 182 A Stronger Move

"Junior, I heard your words clearly just now, but what! The game has just begun."

As soon as he finished speaking, the smile on the corner of Wu Choutian's mouth formed a perfect arc, which seemed to be a bit sarcastic, and he repeatedly used the Yanlong double art in his hand, and the two Yanlongs turned into dozens of pieces.

The whole person turned into a huge red storm-like tornado, and the countless laser beams rushed towards the junior like homing missiles.

When Ning Tianyu saw dozens of lasers coming, he frequently used the law of time. Whenever these were about to hit him, he reacted one by one dangerously and avoided them, but this made his mental strength Some consume too much.

Seeing that he was able to persist in that person's hands for so long, everyone felt that this person was a bit powerful, and he could be regarded as a leader of the younger generation.

It's just that although most of them sighed, they were more ridiculed. After all, this opponent is the leader of the martial arts.

Wu Choutian saw that his moves seemed to be dodged one by one, and he was immediately annoyed, but he pretended to be calm on the surface, and he thought of a very good move in his mind: "You are just at the end of your strength, so look at it. So what about this move?"

The fight between the two is not at the same level at all, it's like a lion king of all beasts facing a wild cat that hasn't grown its fangs yet.

The confrontation between the two sides seems to be very different, but this opponent is an extremely vigorous figure who is good at avoiding.

But at this moment, Wu Choutian is like a hunter, his eyes are fixed on the figure that keeps dodging, this is also a prey to him.

He felt that the other party's mental strength had reached its limit, and his whole body was refreshed, and the Yanlong Shuangjue in his hand unexpectedly gathered strength at some point.

The energy of the fire element is constantly gathering between the ten fingers, and amazing energies similar to qigong bombs are constantly merging.

A powerful laser shrouded the white figure, and the energy contained in it was beyond the imagination of everyone here.

Moreover, the person who performed this move didn't seem to be tired at all, but was still full of energy. When he concentrated on one point, he sternly shouted: "Explosive."

When the word "him" fell, everyone's eyes were illuminated by a large red light. They looked terrified, and they all cast defensive shields formed by their true energy to protect themselves, and at the same time raised their arms to block the radiant fire. Yaomang.

Ning Tianyu felt a cold back, and a strong sense of crisis came from behind him, which also made his whole body shudder and goosebumps.

At this time, he knew that the other party was serious, and he also knew that if he used his mental power so infinitely, he would probably lie down unconsciously.

So he used his true energy to frantically use the Lingbo Weibu that he learned from the comics. He looked so light, as if he didn't use too much power.

As soon as his whole body was cast, his figure turned into a phantom, and it was quite blurred. The layers of phantoms were stacked together, and in just an instant, they came to many prescription positions.

Moreover, in these positions, only afterimages can be barely seen, but this is still not enough for him, because that move is like a homing missile, which is constantly moving from his position just now.

Moreover, the coincidence was well grasped. Of course, the power in it also affected other people present, but the defense shields collapsed frequently.

When they felt these energies hitting their bodies, they were shocked, their chests felt tight, and their faces were extremely pale. Just touching a little bit made them all almost dying.

"Is this the Super God Realm? It's really extraordinary, but it's just touched to a tiny bit, and that's it.

If it is directly concentrated on a single point on a person, then wouldn't it be wiped out in ashes, no? "

After seeing the power of it, Ning Tianyu had a comparison in his heart. At this time, he finally knew what the power of the super god was, even though he had seen his good brother before.

It's just that he has kept his hand before, so he hasn't seen the real strength of strong cultivation.

Now he is a little uncertain, because what he is facing is not some second-rate or third-rate characters, but a master who has established himself in the arena for many years, and he is also a person who is the most upright person.

So now he feels that he can't resist, it's as huge as a world pressing on him.

Now he doesn't know how to face it, because he really can't think of any movement method that can directly avoid it, and can also give a heavy blow.

If other people knew what he was thinking, they would probably think that he was a lunatic who actually wanted to hurt the martial arts leader so much instead of trying to escape.

Of course, if you choose to escape, it is completely impossible, because the other party is a decent strongman whom everyone fears. In the previous era, it was a good example.

Even though Wu Zong's Zongmen formation resisted most of this huge laser's strafing.

After all, this is the mountain protection formation in the sect, and it was also created by Wu Choutian using countless top-level materials to find a formation master.

So this is extremely precious to him, and of course the rewards are quite large, so he has been able to withstand the super god realm many times, and it can also be said to be one of the rare and strongest formations in the world.

This also resulted in him not injuring the Zongmen too much while casting the spell. Of course, some floor damage was inevitable.

In his hands, the laser beam became more and more intense, even more than ten times stronger than before. This is simply the rhythm of wanting to wipe out the opponent.

Furthermore, Ning Tianyu himself was not sure that he could withstand this blow, and now he was ten times stronger, which undoubtedly increased the difficulty.

This is already a difficult level in itself, so it is abruptly raised to the hell level.

And this also made him not know how to respond or resist for a while, and the powerful attack was strafed in countless places.

Although some of them are attacking in this mountain protection circle, when the energy in it is shot in, they are buried one by one and disappear.

Because in fact, fights rarely happen in the sect, so even Wu Choutian himself felt the power of the mountain protection circle, which surprised him a bit.

The laser itself was almost always able to hit Ning Tianyu, but now it seemed to be faster than before, and so was the power.

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