I have a hero dream

Chapter 169 The Power of Chains

The internal forces one by one formed a white light-like defensive cover on the body surface, but the energy in it seemed to form invisible white lines with Xing Zhongliang, which seemed more like a connection.

In just a moment, the white light on the surfaces of the six people slowly dimmed.

But Xing Zhongliang's whole body is full of power, that continuous energy is sent to every cell in his body, and an astonishing energy that affects all the air in the palace is quickly covering those densely packed rain arrows Suddenly, the pile of rain arrows with no dead ends seemed to be forced to stop time, even that huge army was the same.

It's just that the three leaders in front of him were not affected by it. Instead, they turned into three afterimages and headed towards Xing Zhongliang. When they approached him, they immediately slapped, punched, and claw.

The pile of rain arrows was affected by Xing Zhongliang's internal force, and they fell directly to the ground at once, and this did not hurt Xing Zhongliang and the other seven people at all.

And at the same moment, facing the three people in front of him, he didn't panic at all, but was very calm. When the three people were about to touch his own defensive shield, they immediately fell with a knife in one hand.

A strong purple glow bloomed in the knife in that hand, and it also left with three powerful shock waves.

Boom! ! !

Feeling the energy coming from the hands of the three, Xing Zhongliang took three steps back. He only felt a little numbness in his right hand, but when he saw the situation of the other party, he felt that the confrontation was worthwhile. On the contrary, it is very profitable.

Because the clothes of the three leaders were in tatters, they retreated seven or eight steps, moreover, the tiger's mouth was broken in Zhao's hand.

Although the six people in Xing Zhongliang's camp felt extremely weak, they only felt that there was a chance of leaving after seeing this scene.

The faces of all the soldiers were full of disbelief.

At this time, the three leaders also regarded each other as real opponents. After all, they knew the carelessness of this moment, which would give them a chance to be lost forever.

Although Xing Zhongliang knew that he already had the internal force of six people, his body was too much for him. After all, internal force was gathered in one body, and it was difficult to fully control it.

But now there is no time for him to take control slowly, so he can only be proficient while fighting.

At this moment, he is also very energetic, because in addition to guarding against the attacks of those troops, he also has to deal with the three opponents in front of him who make him feel a sense of crisis.

These three opponents wanted to surround Xing Zhongliang in a triangular manner, but he was not a fool. After all, once surrounded, he would not be able to free up his hands to help these six people.

Although they also have a layer of defensive cover on their body surface, but this is only strong on the outside and dry on the inside.

The three people turned into three phantoms and were approaching rapidly. Seeing this scene, Xing Zhongliang could only pull and attack from a long distance.

He quickly pinched the handprints with both hands, unfolded one by one completely different gestures, and a steel chain hard to see with the naked eye appeared out of thin air on the palms of his respective hands, and it was still in a translucent state.

It's just that he didn't use it immediately, but waited for an opportunity. When the opponent came ten steps away from him, he stretched out his hands towards the two people on the left and right.

Although the leader in the middle had come seven steps away from him, he didn't panic at all. Instead, he stepped on it, and the resplendent ground formed spider web cracks, which also moved towards the leader in the middle.

The two leaders who were targeted by the chains were rushing to Xing Zhongliang's position to give a heavy blow, but when the chains approached them closely, an inexplicable uneasiness filled their hearts.

It's just that when the two of them wanted to react, it was too late, and they saw two steel chains connecting their hearts properly.

The tingling pain stopped their speed immediately, just because they felt that their hearts seemed to be pierced by a sharp sword.

The two leaders covered their chests with their hands, looked at Xing Zhongliang with a pale face, and asked, "What's going on here? How did this happen? What did you do?"

Xing Zhongliang watched these two people being hit by his chains, and felt that if he confronted these three people now, he would barely have the power to fight.

This chain is not an ordinary chain, but a secret technique, and this will also affect the person who is hit, resulting in many restrictions, such as the limit of true energy, once the strength exceeds a few points, it will face heart-wrenching pain Pain and more.

It's just that this will also allow the user to extract a lot of essence, which is also the most important essence of a person, and the essence will also be consumed to a certain extent.

But for Xing Zhongliang, the person who can consume the two great forces is also a good choice, and this also corresponds to his initial thoughts.

As for the leader in the middle, when he heard the screams from the two people behind him, he looked at the person in front of him solemnly.

However, with the opponent's kick just now, he easily avoided the sharp stones in the crevice of those spider threads.

Xing Zhongliang saw that his first step had been successful, but he did not show the face of a winner at the moment, but looked at the person in front of him warily.

Because he knew that it would not be easy for the strongest of these small countries to deal with. After all, judging from the current situation, the opponent's moves were not too obvious.

"Fire Dragon Fist."

The leader who was already four steps away from him punched out a punch, and the entire right arm looked like it was roasted.

But that punch carried the phantom of a soaring dragon, and the violent blood filled the entire hall. Xing Zhongliang didn't dare to be careless about it: "Shadow Claw."

As soon as he raised his hand, the eight-meter-high black five-fingered sharp claws immediately appeared, and the surrounding air was enveloped in black air.

In the whole hall, there used to be only an incomparably hot aura, but now this black aura was born, and the two collided violently, but no one could suppress either end.

A strong wave of one red and one black formed on both sides, and a shadow claw in the void was firmly grasping the fierce dragon, but the dragon did not admit defeat because of this, but became more courageous as it fought. The potential to break through.

Xing Zhongliang saw that his shadow claws were gradually unable to do what he wanted, so he increased the circulation of his internal force, and the bright colors on both sides seemed to form a contrast between good and evil.

The two intensified their fighting skills, but as time went by, the balance of fighting skills gradually deviated towards Xing Zhongliang.

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