I have a hero dream

Chapter 158 The Blood of Yang Flame

Zhao Wuming's swordsmanship was fierce, and lightning pierced out, but in Zhuge Jin's view, he was still too aggressive.

Only shape, no reality!

The soldiers in the rear also fought with the soldiers of the Jin State, and screamed again and again just after meeting each other.

Due to the lack of Zhao Wuming's command, Yan's army quickly became a mess.

They are constantly being blasted away by Jin's army that has turned into sharp spears.

Every soldier's face was full of fear, and the weapons in his hands were thrown away in panic. Their trembling lower lips and weak feet showed that they were in a state of extreme despair.

They are fleeing in all directions at the moment, this is not like Yan's army at all, it is more like deserters.

Zhao Wuming, who was fighting Zhuge Jin at the moment, didn't realize that he was alone and fighting alone.

On the contrary, from the moment the closed city gate was opened at the beginning, he had already given his back to the trusted army.

It’s just that this kind of situation happened unexpectedly. Of course, it is extremely difficult for the Yan Kingdom to gather enough [-] troops. In addition, most of the troops are new forces. Just commit a crime.

This strength is only a little bit higher than that of the new force.

After all, everything in the Yan Kingdom is scarce, and it is even more difficult to cultivate a strong army.

The Jin army is like a butcher without any emotion, the weapons in their hands are constantly harvesting the cowardly people in front of them.

The army of Yan State who was running for their lives didn't care about those people's pursuit at all, they just wanted to enter the city blindly, but the city gate was closed, how could they have the strength to open the city gate, and even if the people inside helped He opened it, but time did not allow it.

This abyss-like death is walking towards them step by step, it is like silent steps, death-like silence.

The army that was beating the city gate was knocked down by the enemy behind them one by one with the killing weapons, and fell to the ground one by one. The scene of the separation of the corpses made the people in the city turn pale with fright. His eyes went dark and he passed out.

The corpses on the ground seemed to cover every inch of the land, and the blood-red blood stained the entire city. This battle was destined to be extraordinary, and it was also a rare battle of destroying a country.

Although Zhao Wuming was a natural god of war, Zhuge Jin, who was facing this top general, was still not very attractive.

Every sword showed the unrivaled appearance of the sacred dragon on the weapon, but Zhuge Jin blocked it with ease, and instead of retreating, he advanced, hitting more and more fiercely.

It seems that all Zhao Wuming's sword moves have been seen through one by one, and those moves seem to be tightly framed, without any flexibility at all.

And Zhuge Jin's sword is as if the invisible is better than the visible, every move, every style can be changed at will, no matter it is strength, speed, and shape, he has mastered it to death.

This is like a toy exclusive to him, he can make his own decisions about any changes.

A look of surprise flashed in Zhao Wuming's eyes, and the rhythm that belonged to him at the beginning was gradually mixed up by the opponent at will, and gradually became the home field of that person.

He who had always been advancing was unexpectedly beaten slowly so that he had nowhere to fight back. He held the holy dragon sword in his hand and quickly blocked it.

That surprised look was even better than that just now, and in just a moment, he was out of breath.

Since he, who has always been unrivaled in martial arts, was unable to take down the opponent in a short time, he was attacked by the opponent instead, and the situation on the battlefield quickly became superior or inferior.

But his unwillingness to admit defeat also made him slowly become impatient. When he was knocked to the ground for the first time, he realized that his army had already been blood-splattered on the spot and became unconscious.

But he still didn't give up, although the enemy army in front of him had already formed an encirclement circle, but he still blindly fought alone with Zhuge Jin.

"Even if I'm the only one left, so what? Die for me!"

There seemed to be a force emerging from his body, and the tired limbs seemed to be infected by this force and became stronger.

And the two pearls in his eyes unexpectedly glowed a faint red light.

When everyone looked at it, they only felt that the demon god was alive, and this situation was also listed as one of the top ten anecdotes by the state of Jin.

It's just that Zhao Wuming doesn't know what the price of doing this is?

And although he inspired the family blood, it also made him doomed to die young in this life, and his life expectancy is not far away.

And this is also called the blood of Yang Yan by the ancient race. The blood of Yang Yan means that after being stimulated, relatives and friends around him are destined to suffer bloody disasters, and this is also the evil fate of the lonely star.

And this bloodline has also been called "abandoned son of heaven" by everyone from ancient times to the present.

He had just aroused Yang Yan's blood, and his strength increased greatly. Zhuge Jin couldn't stand it for a while, and kept retreating.

It was a power like an evil force, and all armies were afraid. The Jin army that had formed an encirclement circle was a little timid after being frightened by this person.

It's just that he found that there are hundreds of thousands of people in the army, and he quickly calmed down, but his heart is still wavering.

Even if Zhuge Jin uses all kinds of magic, Zhao Wuming can break it with one blow, which also makes the opponent very helpless.

The army slowly approached Zhao Wuming's position. Zhuge Jin saw that he could not take down the opponent, so he retreated to the rear and commanded an army of [-] to form a spear formation to try to suppress the opponent.

A crowd of [-] people seemed very stressful, not to mention Zhao Wuming who was on the spot.

Although he is strong with the blood of Yang Yan, he also knows that he is difficult to defeat a crowd of [-], so he chooses to see if there is a weak point to make a breakthrough.

It was just a long period of observation, and he found that there was no place where he could break through. Fortunately, his physical strength and excellent spirit did not make him timid, but made him more courageous as he fought.

Dozens of soldiers fell down every time they shot, and the blood on their bodies was all enemy soldiers.

The blood in his body felt the loss of the enemy's blood, and he only felt a burst of boiling, but more of it was the excitement in his heart.

At this moment, Zhuge Jin only felt that the man was so terrifying, and the determination in his heart made him decide not to raise tigers as a threat, and the idea of ​​cutting weeds and rooting out sprouted in his heart.

"The array of five weapons, start."

"Prick, hit, swing, shoot, throw."

As soon as the words fell, the [-] spear formation immediately changed. The original spear formation actually had more shield soldiers, archers, crossbow soldiers, and halberd soldiers.

And they were doing their jobs in an orderly manner. They were divided into five groups of one hundred thousand, one row of shield soldiers, two rows of spearmen, three rows of halberd soldiers, four rows of archers, and five rows of crossbowmen.

This also caused Zhao Wuming to be very strenuous now, and the remaining army of more than 9000 million who was beaten by him is now counterattacking like a tiger.

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