I have a hero dream

Chapter 156 Zhuge Jin

Zhao Wuming, who faced the army that day, was personally marching. He was wearing a silver-white armor, holding a sword that his father had always worn back then, and it was also a sword for rejuvenating the country.

Facing the attack of Chu State at that time, he led all the soldiers to meet the enemy without fear.

The uninterrupted and happy life between him and his sister has become silent and melancholy since he ascended the throne.

It's just because he can't play innocently and cheerfully like he was when he was a child, but he is blindly worrying about state affairs. Facing the attack of a powerful country, he discusses military affairs with his civil servants and generals.

The busy state affairs every day made him physically and mentally exhausted, and he had no time to worry about his younger sister.

Since he was a child, he didn't want to deal with the big and small affairs of the government, just because it was too troublesome and there were many restrictions, coupled with the sudden change of status, it was really hard for him to accept it.

But for the sake of the country, he can only give up his own freedom. It has only been four or five years since he ascended the throne.

Before he ascended the throne, his father was old and declining, and his health was getting worse day by day. When he knew that he knew that his time was short, he wrote down his will and made him the crown prince.

Fortunately, Yan Guo has no other children except their brothers and sisters, which also leads to their happy life. None of the civil servants and generals in the court have the slightest intention of rebelling.

Just because the day Zhao Wuming was born was destined to be extraordinary, all of this was due to the fact that the five-clawed dragon descended from the sky that day, and it also dropped the so-called Peerless Sword.

And this scene is also known as the doomed god of war, and the other six countries only feel extremely jealous when they hear the words, after all, they believed in these things most in ancient times.

The opponent Zhao Wuming faced that day was actually Chu's No.1 general 'Zhuge Jin', and he was also called the most terrifying opponent among the Seven Kingdoms.

The reason why he is terrifying is that apart from his natural supernatural power, his sword skills amazed even the current sword gods, and he even admitted with his own mouth: This son is extraordinary, if he grows up for two or three years, I will not be as good.

This sentence made the Seven Kingdoms frightened, and his bravery in this first battle can be said to be astonishing.

Zhuge Jin alone led a hundred cavalry to kill tens of thousands of soldiers in the most powerful country at that time, and his opponent was a fierce general of the old generation, also known as the lion on the battlefield.

It's just that its final fate was disastrous. Thousands of heroes were defeated by a rising star who outnumbered the opponent by thousands of times.

This number is simply unimaginable, and this battle has also caused a sensation in the entire Seven Kingdoms, and it is also the strongest record of winning more with less.

There are no crooked strategies, but simply the strongest bravery.

One man led a hundred cavalry with one sword, and although he was the only one left in the end, none of the enemy soldiers survived, even the veteran fierce general known as the lion on the battlefield was not his opponent.

And the big country at that time perished because of the loss of all its troops, and these seven countries had not yet been established at that time.

It can be said that it was at the beginning of troubled times, but now there are three or four big countries, and the others are the ones that will be destroyed at any time.

And Chu State, which has now become one of the four giant countries, even let Zhuge Jin go out in person.

Moreover, the people who were handed over to the other party still had a hundred thousand troops. It can be said that this is how much they trusted him. Of course, the reason why so many people were handed over to him was only because of the scene where Zhao Wuming was born.

In addition, the emperor of the state of Chu didn't want to raise a tiger, so he didn't give the other party any chance to grow up, and now he came here to strangle this seed who wanted to transform into a big country.

The army of Yan State is small, coupled with the fact that the place is small and not rich, and the population is only less than 1000 million. It can be said that the combat power of the entire Seven Kingdoms belongs to the bottom.

But for Zhao Wuming, who was born to be the god of war, he forcibly increased the overall strength of the army.

It's just that there is still a lot of distance compared with Chu, a powerful country in the world.

Zhuge Jin vs Zhao Wuming.

One is the No.1 general.

One is a born god of war.

Which is stronger and which is weaker?It's a fight.

Zhao Wuming, who has an army of [-], although he has a city in his hands, is still nothing compared to this old famous general, and the same is true in terms of combat power.

Yan State used almost all of its military power to contend with Chu State, but Zhao Wuming, who was on the battlefield for the first time, felt his scalp tingle.

The first reason for this is nothing more than the psychological pressure caused by her never being on the battlefield.

But more importantly, the opponent he is facing now is not an ordinary person, but an undefeated No.

As the battle was about to break out, Zhao Wuming immediately ordered his soldiers to put down logs, torches, and stones in the city.

The enemy soldier climbing the ladder looked up, and was knocked to the ground, spitting blood and dying.

Instructing Zhuge Jin that he didn't seem to regard them as life at all, and kept using numbers to overwhelm them.

Of course, this was just to cover up his next strategy. With a wave of his right hand, the catapults were immediately ready, and many soldiers slowly moved the catapults towards the city gate.

The rows of sword and shield soldiers were used as cover, but this was not over yet, and the catapults were also on standby behind.

Looking at this scene, Zhao Wuming didn't feel too surprised, but felt that it was just a warm-up trick.

Indeed, as he said, with the completion of these siege equipment, what awaited them was a hellish battle.

A huge bow and crossbow locked the position on the city, ready to launch, and this is also the strongest siege weapon specially designed by the Mohists, because it is different from ordinary crossbows.

The reason for saying this is that besides the fact that it takes half a year to refine, its material is even rarer in the world, and its range is five hundred times longer than other crossbows.

And the power is even more astonishing and terrifying, each crossbow is equivalent to the strongest blow of the Emperor Realm, and Chu State has as many as ten of them in its reserves.

In addition, Zhuge Jin has not yet made an attack, and everything else has completely defeated Yan.

When he looked at that handsome face on the city, he knew that that person was Zhao Wuming, the current Emperor of Yan Kingdom.

He looked at the emperor who had never seen blood, and dared to fight him personally, and he admired him very much in this regard.

However, such things as courage can't explain strength, after all, fighting is a real thing, not some bells and whistles.

Zhao Wuming looked at the opponent's equipment that was countless times stronger than his own, and felt that the battle poison was very slim, but he never thought about losing.

Instead, he thought it was interesting. On the battlefield, he only felt that his blood was boiling, and the battle of defending the city broke out in an instant.

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