I have a hero dream

Chapter 136 Yan Shuya

The voices of the crowd were extremely loud, and these patriotic voices were heard even in the enemy's barracks twenty miles away.

In the general ledger, Cao Shun, who was sitting on the main seat, was still meditating at first, but when he heard the voice, he couldn't bear the sullenness in his heart and stood up. Frowning, he walked over and opened the curtain Looking in the direction of Han'an City.

After a while, his handsome face was gloomy and frightening, and even the fists in his hands made a 'click' sound from the knuckles due to clenching.

However, since it was a set time, although there were teams of soldiers patrolling, but fortunately the night was darker and pitch black, so they did not see the change in the face of the governor.

Soon Cao Shun's face returned to calm. He returned to the tent, supported his forehead, and thought to himself: "Although the strength is very ordinary, it is very good at boosting morale, but you can only play tricks." It's just a side trick.

But if you only have this strength, then this battle is nothing to watch, I hope you don't let me down, otherwise I will try my best to destroy you, including that city.

Three days is not too long or too short to let you breathe for a while, I hope you can recharge your batteries and fight with my God of War army with all your might. "

At this time, the morale in Han'an City was high, but the core reason was that Shen Xuan was here, which caused the morale to increase instead of decrease.

The patrols in shifts were managing the law and order. Many soldiers in the barracks had already gone to sleep, but because of the recent fighting, they were very tired.

In the main tent, Shen Xuan repeatedly tossed and turned on the big bed, unable to sleep. Although he chose the small strategy of beating drums to stop the battle, to him it only eased the fighting and gave the soldiers time to rest.

But he still felt that it was not enough, because he knew that the enemy he was facing was not some small people, but a big country that was about to transform, and he felt full of danger for the God of War Army under his tent.

At this time, he was thinking of the worst idea, and this thought was also an important reason why he couldn't sleep, but slowly, many strange thoughts emerged: "If the city is broken, it may be the day when our army is destroyed. It's just that this is not the most critical and important point.

If it was really a defeat, then this small state of Jin would shock the world with this battle and be famous forever, but it's a pity that I am now facing a situation where my vitality is greatly weakened.

As a result, there are no generals to use, no soldiers to use, alas!It is very difficult to win, it is better to lead the troops to retreat directly.

No, wait a minute why am I thinking this way?Isn't it treasonous and unfaithful, trapping me in disloyalty?

I have to quickly put this idea behind me. Having this thought may cause our army's morale to be unstable and greatly reduced.

But that secret weapon will be effective against those troops who have stepped into martial arts?If it doesn't work, the battle will undoubtedly be lost. "

When he thought of the last moment, he straightened his body from the bed, sat up on his knees, cold sweat the size of soybeans appeared on his forehead, and his palms were also full of sweat.

He slapped his head, trying to get rid of these bad thoughts, but he couldn't forget that when he tried many methods, it didn't help, so he just let nature take its course.

three days?

Governor Cao Shun, I can fight against his two armies, even if the final outcome is very unsatisfactory, it is an honor to lose.

Silent all night.


Ning Tianyu penetrated many buildings and people like a lonely ghost. He saw two burly men wrestling in the military barracks in Han'an City on the muddy ground.

Their faces were full of joy, but they were even more excited because these two men were not lowly soldiers, but centurions with high ranks.

Both of them command about 100 soldiers under their command, but they don't fight to the death like enemies. Instead, they are playing like good brothers. The two are joking, laughing and falling.

Ning Tianyu watched the ordinary people laughing and playing, and found it quite interesting for a while, because this was the first time he had seen wrestling, and the moves used by those two people were also very professional.

Even a person who has stepped into martial arts couldn't help being amazed that there are so many incredible things in this world.

Although a small number of soldiers are still being treated in the medical hall, some of them suffer from dizziness, vomiting, body bruises, etc., but the situation is gradually improving.

Shen Xuan was still kneeling and sitting on the bed in the main tent, it was obvious that he hadn't slept all night, there were dark circles under his eyes like pandas, and his spirit was extremely poor.

At this time, he was extremely sleepy, but he couldn't fall asleep, so he could only exhaust himself like this. His kneeling legs were unable to stand up due to paralysis, his shoulders were in a triangular shape like a hook, and his body was as tired as a bent snake. The legs are hanging down, and the hands are vertically beside the thighs as if they are powerless and unable to move.

His eyes were dull and extremely dim, and his whole person looked like a lifeless person.

The two soldiers outside the tent glanced at Mrs. Shen Xuan who came to deliver the food, and they didn't ask for instructions in an ignorant manner. Instead, they each stood aside, bowed in a humble way, clasped their fists with their hands, and aimed at each other's toes. , said in unison with great respect: "This subordinate has seen Mrs. Shen."

"Well, you two step back first, I'm going to deliver the food myself."

The woman called Mrs. Shen, named 'Yan Shuya', was extremely beautiful, especially her dignified demeanor reflected the existence of temperament, and there was so-called aura all over her body.

Just because she was born in a wealthy family, and she is a big family, and she was in charge of power with the capital of a woman when she was young, and this also led to the usual situation of dealing with some families of the same level, and some small families, and this is also the so-called deterrent force.

She is not a warrior, she is just a wealthy person, but this temperament and aura have accumulated over the years.

Although she is 45 years old, her charm has not diminished, but it is even better than before. She is full of admirable charm, and this is also feminine.

Even the two soldiers just took a look at them and felt that they had no master, as if they had been seduced by the commander's wife.

When Yan Shuya just stepped into the tent, she was so frightened that she quickly scattered the food on the ground, because she saw her husband's extremely haggard appearance, and it was more like the appearance of a dead person .

With her stiff hands, she first put the food on the wooden table in the right corner, and then slowly approached to observe Shen Xuan's body carefully, because she wanted to know what happened!will lead to this appearance.

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