I have a hero dream

Chapter 133 Secret Weapon

But Ning Tianyu, who was present, looked very uncomfortable on his face, his fist was tightly clenched on the hilt of the sword, and even his nails seemed to be inserted into the flesh and blood.

It's just that the end result is that they can't do anything, they can only stare blankly.

He tried to shut down the soldiers of the God of War who were shuttling under the city, but it was only shuttling, and he couldn't even touch them.

Those God of War troops are all infantry, and their strength is as huge as giants. A bunch of soldiers are tightly juxtaposed into sharp spears and swords, trying to try through the thick city gate.

The soldiers inside the city gate were blocking them, but the large enemy army, relying on the power of martial arts, actually pushed the city gate a few points, and the battle had just begun.

As if the death sentence had been pronounced for everyone in Han'an City, countless people in the city were all shocked. They knew that if they were to enter, the consequences would be predictable.

They are in the Heavenly Sword Dynasty, and they have long regarded this place as their homeland. Everyone has the determination to defend their homeland in their hearts. One or two use their bodies to block the city gate, trying to stop these extraordinary warriors .

Shen Xuan witnessed all this in the city, and the old man rarely shed a few tears.

During this period of time defending the city, he only felt that the responsibilities on his shoulders were much heavier. It was like a hill, and he was a little out of breath.

It's just that when he saw the expressions of struggle on the soldiers' faces, he seemed to be as relieved as a father, watching the child nod his head, and watching the original new force slowly sprout and grow like a seed.

His eyes are now more determined, without the usual sloppy look, and now he is a soldier defending his homeland, a commander defending his homeland, and commanding the army like a father defending his homeland.

The God of War army below the city was charging like wild beasts, their faces were full of killing, and their fists hit the tortoise-like city gate without fear of pain.

As warriors, the 1000 million God of War army has extremely strong physical bodies, and the experience is the same. In addition to the martial arts that each person has experienced countless life-and-death battles, they have also cultivated a sense of chilling.

And their violent charge and offensive almost caused the city to be uprooted. Fortunately, the city itself has a long history, and its defense background can be said to be one of the best cities in the dynasty.

Relying on the thick city wall of Han'an, the soldiers in the high city slowly changed from fear to calmness, and this also reassured Shen Xuan as the commander, he knew that this city was their only advantage and their only trump card.

Fortunately, the city itself has accumulated a lot of materials, whether it is food or weapons, there are a lot of them, and they are still very good.

Even though they are a new force, relying on these things, they have gradually drawn a little closer to these warriors.

Although Shen Xuan is a very bluffing person, he usually reads more military books, but he is just the kind of person who talks about war on paper.

But with this city, he can play a big role, but it's hard to say the effect.

He watched the group of soldiers doing their job with full vigor, and each of them would do things on their own without him saying anything.

At this time, he was also full of energy. While paying attention to the battle situation, he was thinking about strategies, but he still had no idea, and now his mind was only thinking of using materials to make up for it.

Shen Xuan's face was a little gloomy, he sighed: "Oh, it seems like this is the only way to go, fortunately this city has a lot of supplies, otherwise I really can't think of what to use to deal with them!"

Because he was not a soldier, nor a military adviser, he was just an old man talking on paper.

But after all, he is now the lord of the city and the lord of the commander. He knows that if the soldiers remain in this state for a long time, it will only get worse and worse, and of course there is a relationship between morale and morale.

He turned to the transportation army behind him and called out, "Zhao San, where are you?"

Hearing this, a fair-skinned young man behind him immediately bent over and cupped his fists and said, "The last general is here, what orders does the commander have?"

"I have something important to tell you today, I hope you don't let me down."

When the young man heard this, the joy that could not be expressed on his face was even greater, but he still held back his emotions. He knew that what the commander ordered must be a big deal, because he was a transportation officer, and this position was also the commander's job. He only gave it to appreciate it.

So he has always wanted to repay the other party, and this city has only been a short three months since the other party took over.

And during this period of time, he was promoted from an ordinary soldier to the most important post in the war by the opponent, which can be said to be something he never thought of.

And there was no war when he took office, which made him unable to perform well, but now it is different, he knows that the time has come for him to perform.

He also knew that this time he had to show his superior performance the best, to let him know that he hadn't overlooked it, and this was the opportunity Zhao San had been waiting for.

Now it has finally come true. From the first day of these three months, he secretly vowed that he would report it to the commander one day.

As soon as Shen Xuan saw his twitching expression, he knew that the other party was excited, but after the other party quickly showed that he could complete the task perfectly, a smile appeared on his face: "Okay, I see It's up to your resolution, and in that case, time is waiting.

The two hundred of you stop what you are doing first, and immediately follow Officer Zhao to the warehouse to get our secret weapon.

At critical moments, I will instruct Zhao San to activate this secret weapon yourself.

And this is also a good opportunity for us to fight back. Remember to be quick, so go down first. "

As soon as the words fell, Zhao San was stunned at first, but when he remembered what he had just been entrusted with, he led the two hundred strong soldiers and leaders behind him with fists clasped and left without hesitation.

I hope that secret weapon can hinder them for a while!

After a while, a heavy vehicle with the length of a row of stone bricks on the city wall moved slowly. There were countless long boulders in it, weighing about 30 jin. Although the speed was very slow, the attack launched The strength is quite astonishing.

Shen Xuan looked at this secret weapon, and nodded with satisfaction: "You did a good job on this matter Zhao Transport Officer, and I look forward to your performance later."

Zhao San smiled embarrassingly, but his smile was bright. When he looked at the heavy truck from the warehouse at first, his eyes were also wide open, but he still tried hard to be peaceful.

The other two hundred Zhuang people also looked the same, and as they pushed the cart, they also felt that the weight inside was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

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