I have a hero dream

Chapter 131 Han'an City

Why are so many people dying here?What happened to make them like this.

When Ning Tianyu had this idea in his mind, all these changes occurred again at this time, only to see that there were corpses everywhere in and outside the city, but suddenly these signs disappeared.

On the contrary, they are defending the city vigorously one by one. Every soldier's face is full of enthusiasm, but more of them are hatred and fighting spirit.

The people inside are old and young, men and women.

As for the endless soldiers standing outside the city, their aura is soaring, everyone has been on the battlefield, seen blood, and even experienced life and death, so everyone is full of murderous aura.

The leading marshal looked indifferent, wearing golden armor, a golden helmet on his head, and a golden sword on his waist. From a distance, his whole body seemed to be shining brightly, very dazzling.

On the top of the city is written the big three characters 'Han'an City'.

The general on the edge of the city wall was half a hundred years old. He had silver hair and a parted beard. His pupils were constricted, and his hands were even tighter holding the stone bricks in front of him. His feet were trembling involuntarily.

Just because he saw such a huge scene, which he had never seen before, this person is the commander in command of 'Han'an City', and he is also the only general here, the only commander, because the other generals and deputy generals were here before Already killed in battle.

And none of the soldiers in the city was qualified for these positions.

The coaches in different formations here all have a dark history in the Tianjian Dynasty, and it is also the most appalling war.

When the Heavenly Sword Dynasty was first established, although the founding emperor Ning Jing had already wiped out countless countries, there were still some remnants who were ready to fight.

At this time, the dynasty is the weakest period, because all the soldiers and horses have been broken on the previous road. Although it has just been established, the foundation is not stable, the people's hearts are not stable, and the military's morale is even more unstable.

But Ning Jing still disregarded everyone's opposition, and resolutely established this prosperous dynasty in the future, but in this era, for the people, there were only wars and wars, and wars.

Many countries have witnessed this transformation from a small group of people to a small country, and finally formed a big country, which also made the countries feel unprecedented pressure.

When they wanted to clear it up, they didn't expect that this country, this dynasty was no longer something they could shake.

In the end, the only way for these great powers to be destroyed is that when these great powers join forces, all targets point to this dynasty. In the process, the two sides fought fiercely for a whole year.

At that time, the common people were in dire straits, full of complaints and complaints, each of them had no food, no warm clothes, no home to return to, and could only live outside.

In order to protect the safety of the people, the Heavenly Sword Dynasty can only dispatch the most core army to protect their safety, but how can it be so easy?

The founding emperor Ningping is a person who loves the people very much. He is also a person who is willing to fight and has ambitions. Of course, he has the heart to build a beautiful country with other like-minded people.

This also prompted them to go from friends to monarchs and ministers.

At that time, every city suffered from the joint general offensive of other major powers. Although these troubles were resolved in the end, it also lost a lot of military power.

But the crisis situation of this "Han'an City" is completely different, because it can be said to be a great threat to the already weakened dynasty, and there are almost no generals in the court.

Because these people are dead and injured.

Even Ning Jing, the founding emperor at that time, was getting more and more haggard day by day due to the loss of most of his brothers and friends who founded the country with him, and still did not eat at all for more days.

He was doing white things every day, even if there was such a battle report, he would feel weak, but these things were handed over to an old shell general, and he was still the kind who couldn't step into the martial arts.

That person is an old man who purely practiced martial arts, and also the head coach of "Han'an City", Shen Xuan.

For him, this battle can be said to be very different, and there is almost no chance of winning.

At this time, Ning Tianyu was watching the battle like a bystander.

He witnessed the confrontation between the two armies from one side, but he could feel from a distance that every one of the soldiers outside the city is not simple, whether it is breath or momentum, they are all first-class.

But it was the opponent's coach who made him feel the strong danger. He only felt that the opponent could lead the army through the entire city with a wave of his sword.

Of course he saw the result of this battle?It's just that he doesn't understand why he has to go through this?

Because he knows that every time he steps into this martial arts pavilion, everything he experiences inside is always reasonable, because it is a fact that can make him become stronger rapidly.

Does he not know what other people are like?But he knows that every time he comes to a different environment, he becomes stronger all the time!

As for this time, he couldn't guess the changes in the surrounding environment at all like before.

It's just that in every evolution process, his state of mind is tempered, stepping into a deeper realm, and it also makes his will become stronger and stronger without knowing it.

The soldiers on the city wore black armor and silver horn helmets on their heads. Some held swords and shields, some held spears, and some held bows and arrows.

They stood at the front of the city wall, and soon the commander retreated behind the scenes, but when these soldiers first came to this position, they only felt that the army in front of them was oppressed by the army, which made them feel strong and powerless.

Everyone was sweating coldly on their foreheads, their complexions began to show tension, their hands and feet were trembling, some of their faces turned pale all of a sudden, and what was even more exaggerated was that they fainted on the ground with fright.

Because this army is a new force, and it sent the people into the barracks for a short time to force them into soldiers, but they didn't realize it.

And this was an unintentional move for the founding emperor.

Only the coach Shen Xuan was an exception. He knew that although he was entrusted with important tasks by the emperor, it was more because of the feeling of being abandoned in his heart.

He saw that although there were over a million people in this army, everyone had different aptitudes, and their training was extremely low. None of them had seen blood, and it was their first time on the battlefield.

Many of them couldn't hold weapons, and most of them held them forcibly. There were many heavy armored soldiers who turned into light armored soldiers, and the accuracy of archers can be said to be two out of ten, which is considered very powerful.

Although the coach wants to encourage them, but now he only feels that the chance of his death in this battle is much higher.

And there are very few medical soldiers in the barracks, so he doesn't hold out any hope, he just hopes to be able to guard it every day.

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