Li Chengchao looked at Ning Tianyu, whom he met for the first time, and felt that there was a breath of suffocation in this person, but he soon calmed down.

Sure enough, as they said, the sound of hot-line horseshoes charged towards them.

The [-] troops mutilated the people along the way, killing those who saw them, as if these people were held in their hands like dolls and discarded at any time.

The leader is General No. Jin under Li Zhen's account, and he is also an extremely powerful figure.

When this person appeared, Li Chengchao's pupils constricted, because he knew this person and had met him several times, and he also knew that this person was one of the five-attribute generals under his father's command, and he was also a master of weapons.

Everything about metalness can be photographed out of thin air, and this person, and the other four, he doesn't know where these people came from, it's like appearing out of thin air.

The strength he possessed was simply not what the world he belonged to possessed, that's why he was so frightened.

Ning Tianyu and Ning Yunfeng looked at Li Chengchao with something wrong, and also saw a trace of fear from the other person's face. They knew that Li Chengchao probably knew this person.

Ning Tianyu and Li Chengchao got along for a month, and gradually got to know this person's temperament. The two had nothing to do with each other, and they quickly became acquainted. During this period, they even called each other brothers: "Brother Li, you know this person ?”

Li Chengchao narrowed his eyes, pointed at General Jin, and kept persuading Ning Tianyu. The more he talked, the more nervous and flustered his expression became. , can be said to be a master of weapons, we'd better run away.

There is no need to confront him head-on, otherwise we will be seriously injured, and he is also leading part of my father's tiger and wolf cavalry, which can be said to be like a tiger with wings added.

In addition to these two factors, there is also his strong physique, especially in terms of cultivation, he is several realms larger than us, and the same goes for these cavalrymen.

well!In their eyes, our small number of people are nothing more than people who can easily charge and break. "

The others changed their colors when they heard the words. At first they thought that the other party was not just trying to force them a bit, but now it seems that they are simply blocking the car with their arms.

Ning Tianyu frowned, he knew what Li Chengchao said represented, and he didn't wait for them to think about it yet?

General Jin, who was on the other side, took the lead and said, "Young Master Li, your choice is to fight? Or to surrender!"

Hearing this, Li Chengchao's face suddenly turned pale. He swallowed a sip of water, looked at the less than 100 troops behind him, and then glanced at the huge army of the opponent, he was entangled in his heart, he didn't know what to do .

Because he knows that any choice will put him in a difficult position, on the one hand is the friend he just met, and on the other hand is the camp to help the people.

On the other side is General Jin under his father's account, and he is also a very cruel person, but his emotions are not shown.

Soon he made a decision and seemed to be making self-sacrifice: "General Jin, if I surrender, can I let my friend go?"

After hearing this, Ning Tianyu and Ning Yunfeng shook their heads: "No."

General Jin's tone was very cold, but a disgusting smile appeared on his face at the end: "Young Master Li, you should be aware that you have no bargaining chip to choose. I can guarantee you to leave safely today, but all those behind you will die. , so I can do business easily."

Li Chengchao thought again that General Jin would reject him, and he was very direct. He sighed, knowing that he had no one to protect the people behind him. give up all.

Among them is the will of his dead lieutenant Zhan Feng.

General Jin smiled even more, he was a well-deserved smiling tiger: "It seems that Young Master Li is going to fight for your so-called friend and the common people, so don't blame me for being ruthless, after all, you and I have met several times .

Tiger wolf charge method, Qi. "

He made a gesture, and he and the cavalry behind him rushed forward completely recklessly, condensing a powerful murderous aura on them, and the phantoms of fierce tigers and wolves appeared behind them.

Everything around seemed to be swept by the strong wind, and all collapsed, and Nanding City shook.

Ning Tianyu and the others fought together, but they soon felt the enormous pressure in front of them. The feeling was like a desert, and they were completely trapped in it, unable to escape.

General Jin moved his right index finger, and countless iron spears immediately appeared on the ground of Ning Tianyu and others. Fortunately, Ning Tianyu felt the sense of terror and crisis from the ground in a short time. With every thought and movement, countless dragons appeared under everyone's feet Elephant shield for absolute defense.

It's just that in terms of how powerful the absolute defense is in the metal of General Jin's body, this defense is still too small.

One or two were sent flying, coupled with the charge of 2 horses, they were directly smashed into pieces by swords.

Fifty Riders immediately pushed away several core personnel with their superb reflexes, and all of them died in the end.

In a blink of an eye, there were only ten people left on the field. Some of them were seriously injured and some were slightly injured.

Ning Tianyu didn't expect these things to be so powerful that they couldn't react at all. Fortunately, Ning Tianyu wasn't behind it.

Coupled with the fact that Ning Yunfeng has been able to completely control the power in his body during this period of time, this also resulted in only a slight injury just now.

But soon they realized that they were not worth mentioning in front of the terrifying army in front of them, and the strength of General Jin in front of them.

One or two quickly dispersed and retreated. The speed of the cavalry was so fast that it was frighteningly fast. Even if they scattered and fled, they would be chased immediately.

Ning Tianyu held the Golden Dragon Tears and Blood Sword to block, but the power of the cavalry's charge directly sent him flying. He clutched his chest, pointed the sword to the ground, and looked forward with horror.

Even if Li Chengchao used the Thunderbolt Eightfold Method, he couldn't stop the blow condensed by the Tiger and Wolf Charge Method. In addition, the opponent's cultivation base was several times higher than theirs, and the power was even more terrifying.

Ning Yunfeng crossed his hands and covered his head to block, but he still fell to the ground weakly.

Ren Jue, Bu Junwu, Xiao Li, and Ning Kuang all fell to the ground, vomited blood, lay powerlessly on the ground, and struggled again and again.

General Jin said arrogantly: "It seems that I don't need the head coach, I can handle you."

But what they said made them not have any rebuttals. Instead, they knew that they were not far from death. Ning Tianyu looked at the sky with a gloomy expression, and then shouted behind him: "Let's go."

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