Ning Yunfeng felt tired watching these officials chasing and killing them endlessly. During this time, the four of them were often hunted and killed, and they were chased and killed by large forces.

He did not understand why the number of these people, instead of decreasing, had increased so much.

From [-] troops at the beginning, to [-] troops, and finally to [-] troops, this terrifying number made him unable to resist, so he could only keep adjusting his escape route.

Now he has been running away for ten days and nights. Even if they are hiding in one place, they can still be searched by these troops. This is something he doesn't understand, but no matter how he understands it, he can only run away again.

During these ten days and ten nights, he has been running away almost all the time. No matter how powerful the four of them are, they can't stop eating and continue walking. In addition, they haven't slept yet. This double bad effect slowly makes the four of them almost exhausted.

A gray-haired old man in silver armor said lightly: "Chasing, don't miss any of them. Divide into four troops to chase each of you. I don't believe that our huge army can't chase these four people. Remember me! It's the result."

As soon as the words fell, four of the generals deployed 3000 troops out of the [-] troops, and then followed the four roads to catch up.

Outflanked by five routes, he didn't believe that these four people could still escape his clutches. After all, he wanted to at least hand over some useful efficiency before the gunman, one of the four great generals, came.

There are still ten days before the arrival of Gun God Li Zhen.

Ning Yunfeng's relatively calm personality gradually showed a trace of impatience. He watched the troops behind him getting closer and closer, and his whole face turned dark: "I still chase, there is really no end."

He looked at the three people beside him and said, "Let's go separately and gather at the south gate later."

When the three of them heard this, with a whoosh, they quickly turned into a ray of light and left towards the other three roads.

Ning Yunfeng turned extremely fast and entered a dark alley. Seeing a large gray box in front of him and many wooden barrels around him, he decisively split the wooden barrels one by one, stacked them behind, and added a large gray box Leaning against the box, he knew that this would delay the troops behind him for some time.

Then he circulated the true essence in his body again, and ran out at top speed.

The troops behind really saw the obstacles in front of them, the old man frowned, and ordered a few soldiers to dismantle them one by one, and then continued to charge.

But he didn't expect these obstacles, and he was delayed for some time. He supported his forehead and shook his head.

He knew that these were all pediatric things, but this dark alley was extremely narrow. He glanced at the army behind him, and squeezed in anyway, but the mobility was very slow, because it was too slow, and there were a lot of people.

The old man shouted angrily: "I really don't know where that kid got these obstacles."

Ning Yunfeng looked back and saw that there was no one at the end, a sneer appeared on his face, he knew that some of his god-given tricks had succeeded.

It's just that he didn't expect that when he walked into the dark alley, there were these things that gave him time to make these obvious traps, although these were very childish things

But what he likes is that this passage is very crowded, especially when walking with large troops, the maneuverability can be said to be super slow, and there is an uphill road here, which is the same for the soldiers who chased him all the way. It took a lot of physical strength and food and clothing.

He watched many people running away in a panic with their bags, but he silently showed pity in his eyes.

He secretly made up his mind that after he inherited the throne, he must change the world, the entire court situation, and the rectification of these troops.

This idea also allowed him to gain the admiration of the people in the future, and also made him once the overlord of the world over the past dynasties.

Countless talents went to the dynasty, of course, these are things to come.

Ning Yunfeng touched his belly and felt full of hunger, and dizziness also appeared in his mind. After all, he knew that if he was hungry for too long, his eyes would be dark and he would pass out.

But he still persisted with his firm will. He held Fang Tian's painting halberd and walked forward. He saw that there was a restaurant in front of him. Although it was closed, there was a burst of fragrance inside.

He ran quickly, looked at the hole in the window, stepped on the wall and flew in, a black shadow fell inside, he watched plate after plate of delicious beef stuffed buns, and slowly ate them.

He sat under the table, stretched his head out, and held buns one after another in his right hand. Although it was very hot, what could be worse than being hungry.

In front of him was a chef, holding a shovel in his right hand, and constantly holding a black pot in his left hand. He quickly stir-fried the rice with both hands. The speed was very fast, and the aroma of the golden fried rice in front of him spread all over the restaurant.

At this time, he didn't know the situation outside, he was just cooking, but he didn't know that the people behind him were stealing food one by one!

And this person is still the future emperor, the chef is obese, wearing chef clothes, wearing a half-moon white hat on his head, humming a little song in his mouth, and now he is almost integrated into his own world go.

It seemed that he was the only one in the whole world, but Ning Yunfeng, who was not far behind him, felt that as long as he didn't delay his food, it didn't matter how he sang.

Ning Yunfeng swept away dozens of plates of steamed stuffed beef stuffed buns in the kitchen, one plate after another was empty, Ning Yunfeng touched his stomach, feeling very satisfied, then took out the remaining plates and wrapped them lightly. Put it lightly on the table, it was 50 taels of silver.

Immediately afterwards, he jumped out of the window, these movements were smooth, and he landed and left with a bang. The chef seemed to have noticed something, and looked back, only to see that the stuffed beef buns were all gone, and he yelled : "tmd, a thief broke into the restaurant, wait a minute, there seems to be 50 taels of silver, could it be that the thief ate it and returned the money?

The thieves in this world don't steal things, but start legitimate businesses instead? ? "

He sighed because he had originally planned to give these beef buns to himself for afternoon tea.

So cool!The taste is so delicious, it will be unforgettable for a lifetime, and I really hope to have another meal in the future.

He took a look at the name of the restaurant, which was called Gu Gu Gu Restaurant, and thought it was very strange. He thought about who it was that could take such a strange name, and then he continued to walk the escape route, heading towards the south gate.

The other three people didn't know that Ning Yunfeng was on the way to escape just now and ate something along the way. If they knew, they would probably curse inwardly: Don't call me when you bastard eats.

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