I have a hero dream

Chapter 120 Young Hero Ning Shaoxia

July [-], at noon.

The corpses were piled up as high as a mountain. During this time, Xiang Zongqi of the City Lord's Mansion heard that the Holy Majesty had issued a number of holy orders, and praised him for his great achievements. Supporting him will arrive in about three months, and the number is still 20 troops.

Just 1 people here can sweep the people in Nanding City, not to mention an army twenty times larger. This army can be said to be overqualified for use here, but the most important thing for this army is to deter Xiaoxiao.

During this period of time, Gu Wenlai, the ancient miracle doctor of the City Lord's Mansion, can be said to be quite angry. Apart from his medical clinic in Nanding City, what is more important is that he heard that the people who belonged to the many victims were all done by Xiang Zongqi in front of him. of.

This made it impossible for him to imagine that he is also a member of the People's Party, so he loves the people very much, so he resigned himself these days, but how could Xiang Zongqi make him resign so easily, after all, this person is a genius doctor.

So he was detained and kept under strict surveillance by the army.

This was also scolded by Gu Wenlai. Although as a doctor, he pays great attention to etiquette, but at this moment, everything broke out. come out.

Xiang Zongqi didn't pay attention to him, just pretending that he didn't hear it. Although he didn't want to do it, since those under his command had done the right searches, he could only do so.


During this time, Li Chengchao and the other Fifty Riders were healing inside, and most of the injuries were healed, but Li Chengchao was basically useless.

It was a feeling of despair. He didn't eat anything every day, and he was reflecting on himself every day. He also lost a lot of weight, and his handsome face was full of illness.

During this period of time, he slowly regained his composure and became rational, but after he heard the words of one of them, Xiao Li, he became stupid again.

Because the big news he heard was that his lieutenant general Zhan Feng, who was also his good friend and brother since childhood, was willing to fight to the death with the other fifty cavalry and the enemy in order to protect him.

He didn't know the final result, but he knew that it was basically no different from sending him to death.

Fifty riders were also very sad to see him. After all, from the first [-] riders to now there are only fifty riders left. The gap is self-evident, and his damage is even more tragic.

Moreover, this white horse cavalry has been together for nearly seven or eight years, and their relationship is no different from that of brothers. However, the wreckage of the 750 cavalry that was killed will never be complete. This is also the result of Li Chengchao's improper command. Careless result.

After all, a proud soldier must be defeated in a battle, and it was because he failed to recognize the situation clearly, which also led to the final result of the destruction of the clothes.

Think about the white horse cavalry that has been trained for many years, from the original novice to the invincible, this kind of process is extremely rare.

It's a pity that Li Chengchao is still young because of his age, and his experience can only be said to be very high on the road to training, but his combat and combat experience is still too weak compared to Xiang Zongqi, a Confucian future, and he is simply playing with an ax in the class.

The remaining fifty riders kept persuading the coach not to be sad. Failure does not mean failure forever. Although this sentence of encouragement was good, but it fell into Li Chengchao's ears and made him feel that he was not worthy of being a coach.

Not to mention being unfit to be a general, this kind of inner demon made his growth path in the future very difficult, and it took him a lot of time to get out.


In another battlefield, Ning Tianyu was surrounded by three thousand search teams.

Ning Xiaoke sent a conversation with your thoughts in the bracelet, and after a long time, he gradually stopped stuttering: "Father, why are there so many dead people here, and why do those people treat you, father? hit."

"Xiao Ke, this is all due to the reckless behavior of the search team and the arbitrary violence against the people by relying on the official power, alas! The people can be said to be extremely innocent.

How to put it, in a nutshell, the mastermind of all of this is the search team. As for why they want to kill me, it may be because I help them from the standpoint of the common people. "

Ning Tianyu used the shadow technique to fight in front of their formation with ease, and communicated with his thoughts while avoiding the arrow feathers of the [-] archers out of the [-] in the search team.

Every bow and arrow was cleverly dodged by Ning Tianyu.

Ning Xiaoke nodded ignorantly, but she was full of hostility towards those search teams from the outer crystal ball of the bracelet.

Commander of the [-] search team ordered: "This kid is really troublesome, why can't these bows and arrows shoot, this kid's movements are a bit weird, we just need to be careful."

Two thousand archers are in the back row, and one thousand shield spearmen are in the front row while blocking and standing by.

When they looked at Ning Tianyu one by one, they seemed to be looking at a monster.

In their hearts, they don't know why a boy has such a strong strength, and they represent the search team. They don't know why, but they still can't hit each other after fighting here for an hour or two.

After the other party used body skills, the whole person disappeared inexplicably, but when they thought the other party was really escaping, the result was that they were severely slapped in the face. The fist that hit them actually shocked them all.

Those who couldn't do it backed away. Although they didn't form an formation, it was 3000 people against a boy after all. In the end, they couldn't even touch it and were counterattacked by the Jedi.

This was something that the search team couldn't imagine. The opponent was like a fierce general, seven in and seven out and retreating.

Ning Tianyu's strength is about the same as that of the person in front of him, but if he uses it with all his strength, he will use a different field of terror, just like just now.

As his agility technique, the shadow technique was only responsible for avoiding attacks, and when his Golden Dragon Tears and Blood Sword came out, the search team of 3000 people was dumbfounded.

One after another, the shield gunmen were cut and flew to the ground, and they were unable to resist and died directly.

He was like a killing god chopping cabbage casually. He didn't use any fancy moves, but he just casually chopped up the huge search team without looking like a human being.

The members of the search team seemed to have seen a ghost, and even the chief was more straightforward, froze in place, completely forgetting that he was going to command.

The 3000 people looked like ants in front of Ning Tianyu, and the people around them showed joy and shouted for the young hero Ning Shaoxia.

When Ning Tianyu heard this, he didn't react in any way, but he was secretly delighted, but the fighting spirit in his eyes was even stronger, and he had already started fighting with all his strength, becoming more and more courageous.

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