I have a hero dream

Chapter 117 Formation

But after a while, many elite troops from the City Lord's Mansion poured in from the east. The number was about 5000, of which 500 were cavalry, 2000 were shield spearmen, and 500 were archers.

But at this moment, all the officers and soldiers in the field were killed and injured, and there were less than 50 people left, while the white horse cavalry was not damaged. The troops felt it too.

It's just that the white horse cavalry didn't go to see them, but continued to slaughter the remaining remnants. The city lord's mansion and others ignored each other, and they were all very angry, but Xiang Zongqi, the leader, saw a different scene.

Because he found that this white horse cavalry was very familiar, and one of them was particularly conspicuous, that was a white horse commander, and he also saw some familiar figures in it.

After careful observation, he was surprised. He didn't expect that the general Li who lived some time ago would be the murderer who hacked and killed him for [-] searches. It's the white-eyed wolf.

As the son of the four great generals of the imperial court, he actually defended the people and strangled many officials. From this point, the other party can be judged as a rebel.

In addition, he also felt the extraordinary charge of this white horse cavalry, the formation was neat, and everyone in the entire army had the aura of a magic soldier.

The elite soldiers behind him didn't recognize the leader of the white horse cavalry in front of them at all. Instead, they kept waiting for the commander's order in their hearts. The lieutenant beside him was much more witty. He saw that Xiang Zongqi was slow to give orders.

Just think of a few doubts in my mind.

One: The origin of this white horse cavalry is extraordinary.

Second: one of them is very likely to be a figure recognized by his own commander.

Third: This white horse cavalry is very powerful. If you act rashly, you will definitely suffer a lot of damage, so you have to wait for the opportunity and steal the opportunity.

Xiang Zongqi asked straightforwardly, but the hands holding the rein couldn't help but sweat. Obviously, his face was a little nervous, because he didn't know how to face this noble person: "The visitor is General Li, the son of the four great generals. Li Chengchao."

When the white horse cavalry finished killing and there were only one hundred remaining, the young man on the snow-white horse who was sitting at the top was stunned. He looked eastward, and when he saw the leader, he nodded and said, with a very serious attitude. Boldly: "Exactly, City Lord Xiang will not be seen for a day, how are you doing these days?"

Although he knew that from the moment he helped the people deal with the officers and soldiers from just now, he already understood the situation between himself and this white horse army, and he also knew how serious the crime was!

It's just that he wasn't afraid, he just felt a little sorry for his father's teaching. When he faced Xiang Zongqi, his complexion changed very quickly, his eyes suddenly became very firm, and there was a kind of determination to see death as home.

Lieutenant General Zhan Feng looked at him and sighed in his heart, because he knew that the commander had a noble status and was an important member of the imperial court, but seeing the scenes just now was unbearable in anyone's eyes.

With the tone of the court, Xiang Zongqi spoke many words in a row without panting or blushing, and at the end he sighed leisurely, as if he was sighing something, his eyes were full of regret: " General Li, you are the son of the four great generals of my dynasty after the famous generals in the world!

You openly killed many search teams this time, and you went against the imperial court, you know what crime you deserve!This series of charges can already charge you with treason, but why do you still do it.

You are really the empress of a famous general in the world! "

Hearing the words, the troops behind him had expressions of disbelief on their faces. They all felt that the god in their hearts had collapsed. They really didn't understand why, as the sons of the spear god, they still had to fight against the court!

Just to help the people?Still can't understand some trivial things.

They kept accusing Li Chengchao one by one.

There is no distinction between right and wrong in the world. Some people act for justice, but in the end they are cast aside and scolded by others.

Shouldn't justice exist?Will the evil eventually cover the sky with one hand?The unrepentant crowd still said such words in cold blood.

At this moment, the love for the dynasty in Li Chengchao's heart quickly dissipated at this moment. He really didn't understand that people, who are also living things, are so-called toys in the eyes of the court!

He didn't understand why his father, who was like a gun god, and the father of a famous general in the world, wanted to protect this fallen court, a fallen dynasty.

He looked at the faces of these people in front of him, all of them were unrepentant, which made him a little hateful at this moment.

A thought arose in his heart that he didn't need an extremely honorable status.

Xiang Zongqi looked at Li Chengchao, a very stubborn person, and his eyes that hated them, and knew that the other party seemed to be serious this time.

After a long time, the two parties were at a stalemate and were still at a standoff.

Only then did Xiang Zongqi face the battle seriously, and now he completely forgot the identity of the opponent, and gave an order to the people behind him, shouting: "End the battle."

5000 troops soon began to form an formation. Originally, from no formation to a square formation, the general was located in the center of the formation, and the peripheral troops were deployed layer by layer, with spears, shields, bows and arrows outside, and motorized cavalry inside. (Refer to Baidu.)

In this battle, [-] white horse cavalry vs. [-] elite soldiers, the two formations have their own advantages, but the side with more horses is still more advantageous.

Li Chengchao is well aware of the importance of formation in battle. When he saw the opponent change formation, he also ordered the formation change: "Jie formation one."

After the white horse cavalry heard about it, they quickly formed an formation. They first wrapped Li Chengchao in the rear position of the formation, and then distributed their main forces in the center to assemble. The configuration, with a slightly convex front end, belongs to the offensive formation. (Refer to Baidu.)

The two sides are huge, and the battle is imminent. The commanders of the two armies led the troops to attack forward. Due to the relationship between the square and circle formations, the mobility was a bit slow, but this did not hinder their strong defensive formation.

The small number of white horse cavalry itself is very mobile, and combined with the fish scale formation, their offensive power is very strong.

The armies of the two sides are slowly approaching, and the offensive formation is facing the defensive formation. Who is the strongest?

Which side will win the final victory!In a powerful army duel, both sides belong to the imperial court, but because of their positions, this also means that one is good and the other is evil.

A small army against a large army, who is the final winner!The important factor in this battle is the commander-in-chief's command.

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