It seems that I have just stepped into the introductory period, so I will try the Thirteenth Heavenly Sword Style again.

Ning Tianyu held the sword finger in his hand, concentrated his energy on one point in his hand, and pointed towards the patterned teapot on the table. It seemed that all the air in the room was evacuated and turned into invisible golden sword energy, which contained a terrifying power.

Passing through in a blink of an eye, dense cracks and cracks appeared from the inside to the outside of the teapot, and then burst open, the tea inside poured out, the temperature was so high that it fell on the table and melted directly.

In addition, the chairs in front of him, together with the murals in the lobby, and the windows all pierced through many large holes pierced by sword energy.

When the passers-by outside the inn heard the loud noise from above, they all raised their heads to look at the scene in the rightmost room on the third floor of the Nanjiang Inn. They were stunned, and then knelt on the ground, praying for God's blessing, Then get out of here quickly.

As for the guests in the inn, they yelled and gesticulated one by one, and even the diners were so verbose that they dropped the bowls and chopsticks in their hands on the table, and the food was scattered all over the floor exaggeratedly.

The proprietress even yelled: "Who is doing this?"

It's just that Ning Tianyu in the room on the far right of the third floor doesn't care about these things, he only cares about the results. Seeing that his strength has made such a small improvement in recent days, he is suddenly ecstatic. At this moment, he seems to have forgotten the more important matter.

I really didn't expect that the two secret books in my previous life would have such powerful power. It seems that I am one step closer to becoming a hero, but now I can only keep practicing to be able to have strong strength to protect the people around me.

An hour later, Ning Tianyu was forced to change rooms and had to pay nearly 100 taels of maintenance fees. The proprietress Lin Ziyi already knew everything.

Her face was so scared that she fell to the ground, but she had to lose money for her own business store.

But now Ning Tianyu also felt that the other party was reasonable, and he saw that his savings were not enough, so he was willing to change the house, as long as he didn't disturb his cultivation anyway.

The second room on the far right on the third floor was still vacant. He moved his things in and went in. When he saw that the room was similar to this one, he didn't care about it and just went in silently.

The clerk behind him came in with trays of food, and the room was filled with aromas. There were all kinds of pickled vegetables and pork, boiled beef, spicy crayfish, and fried shredded radish.

During this period of time, he gradually got used to this place, and he was very happy to see that the food in the inn he was staying in was so good.

But when he was sitting alone at the table, holding the bowl and chopsticks and putting the food in his mouth, he couldn't help thinking of the memories of his adoptive parents and his adoptive mother getting along with him. I think this is the happiest day of my childhood.

Slowly, the petite and virtuous girl Ning Xiaowan appeared in the picture in my memory, and I couldn't help crying. There were tears flowing out of my eyes for no money, and the tears slowly gushed out like a fountain. .

Now he only feels that the people around him are leaving him one by one. Now he seems to be walking on a dark road, with a cool wind blowing over him. He is wearing a black robe, but the people around him seem to be getting closer and closer. away from him more and more.

When he disappeared, he looked back and saw that there was no one there, but pieces of withered yellow leaves fell on the ground from the big banyan tree next to him. It seemed that time was passing by, even the trees were the same.

Leaves are like friends or family members in life. Every time a piece of your friends or family members disappears, you will lose a little bit until there is no one left, only the shriveled and old roots remain.

Ning Xiaowan, where are you?From the day you disappeared, I miss you all the time!

I think about it even when I'm fighting, I think about it when I'm wounded, I think about it even when I know I'm dying.

It's a pity that even if I miss you, I still can't see you!

Now I am like a lonely wandering boy, without companions, family members, or you, this life is so ethereal and ordinary.

Although I have the desire to help others and the ambition to save the world, without you, I am afraid that I would not be able to shoulder this great responsibility myself.

But I am a man, even if I am really unsatisfactory, I will try to do it, no matter the world of the world, I will make the world more and more beautiful, just like in my comic book.

Ning Tianyu wiped the tears on his face with his cuff, his voice was a little hoarse, and he choked up a little while eating, until he finally cleaned up the food, he called the waiter waiting outside to come in to clean the table and clear away the dishes.

He lowered his head, put his thin little hand on his chest, touched his heart, and took a deep breath, as if he was relieved.

It seemed that he put all these things in the deepest part of his heart again, and soon his complexion returned to normal, a little indifferent, but also fierce, with clear and energetic eyes.

Then he reviewed the martial arts moves he had learned since then. The martial arts he used to be very proficient and sophisticated, it seemed that he had already mastered everything.

Qi can be retracted or released in the hands, all under control, the swordsmanship is superb, the boxing strength is mighty, and the body skills come and go without a trace.

At such a young age, if someone else were here, they would probably say that he is a genius who is rare in ten thousand years.

Now he has reached the elementary level of physical training, and he is only one step away from the middle level.

But instead of being proud of it, he stepped up his practice, as if he regarded this as his top priority.

If you sweat a lot every day, take a warm bath.

Day by day passed, and soon came the year of ten years old.

At this time, he was very strong, much taller than before, but he was 1.5 meters tall, and his appearance changed slightly, becoming more and more handsome, but the feeling of indifference became stronger and stronger. It's like a cool and handsome guy.

Although he is only ten years old, his strength has also improved a lot compared to before. With a high-level cultivation in the physical training state, his strength is even more extraordinary. If he fights with all his strength, he can still compete with the elementary level of the foundation establishment state. The kind that wins and loses.

Today, he is no longer the thin, frail, bully-looking kind, but the kind of thirteen or four-year-old that other people look like.

In addition to his usual practice, now he is worried that he has little money left, so he will go to this famous martial arts gym to the north of Nanding City to help out, and earn some extra money by the way, but now he is forced to live, so he has no choice but to Go do some cleaning of the martial arts gym.

Moreover, he got this job because he couldn't get what he asked for, because there was a monthly salary of ten taels of silver a month, and he had been working for nearly three months.

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