The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 985 Dijun, I'm guilty, I'm crazy!

Only then did Guanyin Bodhisattva understand why Da Ri Tathagata appeared in such a chic way before, and directly fell into the soil with his head down.

It's no wonder that when Da Ri Tathagata faced Chu Hao, he was full of kindness, and even humbled and took the initiative to give up four incomparably precious Yaoyuan.

The relationship is not because I am really sensible, but because I was taking refuge at that time, and I didn't dare to speak up. One thing more is worse than one thing less.

Dainichi Tathagata looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva very solemnly, and said solemnly:

"Master, they haven't left yet, the Asuras and the Demons have joined forces, and they won't give up."

"I will stay here, at least to keep Westward Journey from being disturbed, but I don't think their purpose is that simple."

"I want you to go back and tell the Tathagata Buddha about this matter. The Asuras and Demons are eyeing each other, so let Xitian be more vigilant!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva felt even more pained when he saw that the Tathagata was so dignified.

It turns out that the current situation is so serious!

Guanyin Bodhisattva knows that Xitian is also in a state of desperation now, and if this kind of thing happens now, it will really add fuel to the fire.

Moreover, Guanyin Bodhisattva also knows that there is a high probability that Xitian will not send any more people to help him now.

So even if it is Guanyin Bodhisattva, I am afraid that he will have to fight alone in Journey to the West in the future.

Thinking of it this way, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's intestines are full of regret.

Guanyin Bodhisattva only hated himself for being so stupid at the time. Although he felt something was wrong, he didn't think of so many things.

It's good now, it seems that he has offended Chu Hao a little inadvertently.

If I go to Journey to the West again after this, won't I be made things difficult again...

Guanyin Bodhisattva took a deep breath, life still has to go on, let's talk about the future.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva bowed to the Tathagata and respectfully said:

"Then please continue to guard Westward Journey here, and I will go and tell Buddha Tathagata about this."

Da Ri Tathagata suddenly thought of something, but he still hesitated to speak, just put his hands together,


Guanyin Bodhisattva flies towards the sky, heading for the western sky.

Dainichi Tathagata sighed, and the scene of fighting with the witch Ronai and the two Asura demon kings flashed through his mind.

At that time, Dainichi Tathagata vaguely felt that the three of them did not intend to kill themselves, and even if Dainichi Tathagata was able to come back intact, they might have let them go.

Dainichi Tathagata didn't know what they were looking for, but Dainichi Tathagata was sure that it was definitely not good news.

That witch Luo Nai is okay, she wears a delicate and lovely doll, and she can vaguely recognize that the doll is the prison god Chu Hao,

Da Ri Tathagata thought, if Luo Nai only thought about Chu Hao, then she would not join hands with the Ashura clan normally,

There must be some secret things that I haven't figured out.

However, Dainichi Tathagata did not express his guess after all, after all, it was just a guess, especially now that Xitian was facing great difficulties, and he couldn't spare his hands.

Dainichi Tathagata felt that he didn't need to let his guesses add pressure to Xitian.

What's more, it's not good for me...

Dainichi Tathagata didn't know that he had changed from a staunch supporter of Xitian to a selfish loser without knowing it.

Even though, the change of Dainichi Tathagata is really justifiable. After all, his treatment has changed from a township teacher to a strong man, and he has been belittled to a person who comes down to work. It is so uncomfortable.

Dainichi Tathagata regained his physical strength, and then continued to defend against the Asuras and the witch Ronai.

But life is not easy, Buddha sighed, he still had to work.


And at this moment, in the Wave Moon Cave.

Tang Sanzang sat on a high pile of corpses, his face was as indifferent as an old monk in meditation.

He was still ten feet tall, and his muscles were still so knotted, like a great witch reincarnated.

Tang Sanzang is enjoying the power of the pile of corpses, and is intoxicated by it,

However, at this moment, Tang Sanzang felt the demonic agitation in his body, and he suddenly felt a murderous intent rising in his heart!

Tang Sanzang is extremely sensitive to his killing intent. After all, Tang Sanzang has already felt the extreme pain, like ten thousand ants eating his heart!

The demonic energy not only disturbed the true spirit of Jin Chanzi, squeezed the living space of Jin Chanzi, but also made Tang Sanzang's soul more lingering demonic energy.

Tang Sanzang felt the inexplicable restlessness in his heart, the thirst for blood, and gradually lost his yearning for justice.

"Why is this so? Could it be that the poor monk has really gone mad?"

"The poor monk has been kind to others all his life, repaying evil with kindness. If he goes mad, wouldn't he become the person he hates the most?!"

Tang Sanzang frowned, looked around,

Looking into the distance inadvertently, in the blood water, Tang Sanzang's one-foot-tall figure, dripping with blood, was reflected in a ferocious appearance.

"This, is it really me?" Tang Sanzang actually felt more guilty.

Although it seems that killing these second-generation monsters does not violate his own Dharma, Tang Sanzang's demon and Buddha nature are fighting at the moment.

For the first time, Tang Sanzang had a little wavering in his Buddha heart. With his appearance, how could he look like a monk seeking Buddha?

Tang Sanzang stared at the reflection in the pool of blood, with regret and suspicion gradually appearing on his face.

But at this moment, a white boot stepped on the pool of blood, crushing Tang Sanzang's reflection in it completely!

Tang Sanzang was startled, and suddenly raised his head, only to see Chu Hao looking at him indifferently.

"You are here, what are you afraid of?" Chu Hao's voice was full of indifference and suspicion.

[Detecting that Tang Sanzang began to doubt life, it's time to guide him in the maze, Master Chu!

[Task: Tell Tang Sanzang about the advanced Buddhism, and suppress the devilish energy in Tang Sanzang's body

[Rewards: cassock accumulating energy growth rate, ten [-] flat peaches

Even if it was an unsystematic task, Chu Hao naturally wanted to guide Tang Shanzha.

Tang Sanzang never concealed anything from Chu Hao. At this moment when Chu Hao asked, Tang Sanzang covered his eyes, lowered his head, his face was full of guilt,

"Dijun, I, I'm guilty... I killed a lot of creatures... I've gone mad, have I already practiced Buddhism and practiced crookedly?"

Chu Hao came over and sat on the chair very casually,

"Why did you fix it crookedly? Don't you have a lot of bad monsters? What's there to be afraid of?"

Tang Sanzang looked at his huge and muscular arm, his eyes were full of confusion,

"I was full of excitement during the killing just now, as if I was about to ascend to heaven, but after the killing, my heart was full of guilt, and I became like this..."

"Am I not crazy?"

Unexpectedly, when Chu Hao opened his mouth, Tang Sanzang was dumbfounded.

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