The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 97 People from the Western World?You wait for me!

This was able to freeze the Promise Ice of the Flood Demon King, and the phoenix-eyed water wolf just struggled hard.

Then I saw the thousands of feet of ice that had been frozen and turned into nothing!

It turned out that the phoenix-eyed water wolf arbitrarily annihilated the Wuji Xuanbing in the air by virtue of its powerful mana, leaving nothing behind.

The phoenix-eyed water wolf looked at Chu Hao's figure in surprise,

"The Promise Ice of Primordial Spirit of Chaos?! Who are you, and why do you have so many supernatural powers!"

Even the phoenix-eyed water wolf was stunned.

He came from cultivation in the prehistoric times, inherited the charm of the devil way, and has lived to this day. He has seen countless methods, but he has never seen such a strange and powerful existence.

Especially when the other party is just a mere human, a human with no advantages.

Obviously, Chu Hao didn't have any time to talk to the phoenix-eyed water wolf.

Wuji Xuanbing delayed for a few breaths, but it was enough for Chu Hao to fly hundreds of thousands of miles.

"Leave me!"

Feeling the anger of being teased, the phoenix-eyed water wolf turned into a streamer and continued to chase Chu Hao.

Chu Hao did the same thing, freezing pieces of sea area with infinite black ice repeatedly, blocking the phoenix-eyed water wolf behind him.

"The same move doesn't work for me!"

The phoenix-eyed water wolf is not an ordinary person. How can he be a weak chicken if he can reach the realm of Daluo Jinxian?

Even, this time Wuji Xuanbing didn't even have a moment to block it, and was directly knocked away by the Phoenix-eyed water wolf.

However, what greeted the phoenix-eyed water wolf was an overwhelming seven-colored precious light!

"Seven Treasure Trees! Saint Magic Treasure!"

The phoenix-eyed water wolf looked at the seven-color brilliance sweeping in surprise, and couldn't help being taken aback.

He had heard the name of the wonderful tree of the seven treasures in the hands of the Zhunti sage.

But it never occurred to him that there is such a magic weapon in an irrelevant human being!

"Could it be that he is a powerful person who has recently emerged in the Western world?"

"Hmph, in the Land of Ultimate Bliss, the Tathagata Buddha, the two saints of the West, our enmity must be settled one day!"

When the phoenix-eyed water wolf saw this wonderful tree with seven treasures, it obviously brought back bad memories.

With the realm of Daluo Jinxian, he defeated ten meetings with one force.

Rao is the ultimate innate spiritual treasure of the Qibao Miaoshu, but because Chu Hao is only a Taiyi Golden Immortal, he cannot use one-tenth of its power.

The Qibao Miaoshu's attack could only make the Phoenix-eyed water wolf pause for two breaths.

After two breaths, the phoenix-eyed water wolf broke through the brilliance of the Seven Treasure Tree and continued to charge towards Chu Hao.

But at this moment, Chu Hao was already approaching the surface of the water.

Seeing this, the phoenix-eyed water wolf became anxious, and couldn't help speeding up even more.

Finally, when Chu Hao was about to jump out of the water, the phoenix-eyed water wolf seized the opportunity and swung its paw towards Chu Hao's feet.

Although this claw was just a hasty move, as far as an ordinary Taiyi Golden Immortal is concerned, both legs would be torn apart and disabled on the spot.

However, the phoenix-eyed water wolf's claws grabbed Chu Hao's feet, but only barely left three bloodstains.

Chu Hao's feet only shed a few drops of blood symbolically.

The phoenix-eyed water wolf was dumbfounded, his mentality collapsed, and he couldn't help but curse!

"Cao! Eight [Nine Profound Arts!!] And the supernatural powers of King Kong are not bad? And Qingyun golden lamp body protection!"

"Who the hell are you?!"

The phoenix-eyed water wolf had a cat-playing-the-mouse mentality at the beginning, but failed to catch Chu Hao every time, and his mentality collapsed a bit!

From just now to now, he has seen Chu Hao's endlessly super powerful methods, and many even the Phoenix-eyed water wolf are envious!

From the Buddha Kingdom held in the hands of the great supernatural powers, to the unique technique of the three-legged Golden Crow clan to transform the rainbow into a rainbow, to the infinite black ice of the four origins of chaos!

From the Qibao Miaoshu, to the Qingyun Golden Lantern, to the Eight [Nine Profound Arts!

Any one of these can be brought out to create a super strong Taiyi Golden Immortal.

But he didn't expect that Chu Hao had them all!

Is this still a person? !

The phoenix-eyed water wolf just feels that he can't accept the reality. Is it because he hasn't been born for too long and is already behind this era?

In the past, anyone with a method in Chu Hao's hands could dominate one side.

The current proud son of heaven wants all of them?

Just as the phoenix-eyed water wolf was scolding, Chu Hao had already emerged from the water.

It was much easier to get out of the water, and Chu Hao's Golden Crow Turning into Rainbow Technique was fully deployed, and it turned into a stream of light and disappeared in place.

The phoenix-eyed water wolf looked at Chu Haoyuan's back, and shouted viciously:

"Boy, please remember, my name is Gu Yang!"

"One day, I will kill you on the Western Spirit Mountain and take your dog's life!"

The phoenix-eyed water wolf turned its head resentfully, and returned to the depths of the sea.

Chu Hao didn't care about that, he flew with all his strength and went straight to the heaven.

Seeing that Chu Hao was so nervous along the way, the gods thought that something important had happened, and they ran away in fright.

"Could it be that monsters have come to heaven? Hide quickly!"

"My Cao, even the Prison God is so nervous, so we are doomed?"

"It's over, it's over, my cemetery hasn't been chosen yet!"


All of them looked like headless chickens, almost burying their heads on the ground.

Chu Hao ignored these fools and flew at full speed.


After entering the Star Dou Palace, Chu Hao quickly opened the big formation that covers the sky.

It wasn't until this time that Chu Hao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Here, even if he catches up, I won't be afraid..."

The big formation covering the sky gave Chu Hao confidence.

Here, even the phoenix-eyed water wolf can only lie on its stomach.

However, Chu Hao just remembered that the phoenix-eyed water wolf did not continue to chase, and it seemed that the phoenix-eyed water wolf did not intend to chase them all.

It's just that if you want to go to the deep sea in the future, you won't have this opportunity.

"By the way, his name is Gu Yang? There must be no such person in Journey to the West... Could it be a character from the wild?"

"Besides, he seems to have misunderstood something, why did he kill Lingshan? Hehe, anyway, it's those idiots in the Western world who were beaten, so it's their bad luck."

Chu Hao was in a good mood after narrowly escaping and framing Xi Tian again.

"Huh... I'm exhausted..."

Chu Hao relaxed. He was lying on the ground in large characters at this time, but his face was already pale and indescribably haggard.

God knows how many methods were used to avoid the pursuit of the phoenix-eyed water wolf.

Especially for these great supernatural powers, each casting requires a lot of mana and physical strength, and it is a bit overwhelming for Chu Hao to use them alone.

Not to mention, along the way, Chu Hao used three great supernatural powers one after another.

The kingdom of Buddha in the palm of your hand, the technique of turning golden crow into a rainbow, and the infinite ice!

Using all three at the same time, Chu Hao felt that he was about to be drained!

With the help of the incomparably thick aura in the sky-shrouding formation, Chu Hao quickly recovered his mana.

While looking at the Buddha Kingdom in his palm, Xiao Qiong was fighting back and forth with two sea phoenix megalodon sharks.

"Hmph, being arrogant at the bottom of the sea, and coming to the boundary of this seat, I won't allow you to act wild!"

There was a cold light in Chu Hao's eyes.

This is the Xingdou Palace, with Chu Hao's big array covering the sky, no matter how powerful they are, they won't be able to make waves!

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