The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 95 Good Harvest Great Harvest!

Chu Hao happened to catch a glimpse of the prehistoric monsters who died in the chaos, and there would always be reddish threads on their bodies, floating in this sea area.

The silk threads are tangled and entangled, and the final destination is the devilish cave.

Chu Hao guessed in his heart that this devil energy cave was probably collecting devil energy, and he became more and more sure that this should be the tomb of Rahu.

However, Chu Hao always felt that it was not that simple.

Because those red silk threads are divided into two strands...

One went into the devilish cave, and the other went deeper.

"No... there are other bosses, right?"

Chu Hao felt more frightened.

Rahu had died as early as the time when the chaos opened the heavens, and the centipede was dead but not stiff.

Do these batches still want to be resurrected?

Chu Hao didn't dare to guess any more, and he was not qualified to deal with these things.

When it comes to the existence of Rahu's state, unless the saints take action, no one in the three realms can stop him.

Chu Hao's goal was just to pick up corpses and catch fish near this devilish cave.

Chu Hao searched hard near the Demon Qi Cave, and deliberately shrunk the light of the Qingyun Golden Lantern, lest he would attract those more terrifying existences.

In fact, two extremely powerful sea phoenix megalodons have already entered the arena.

The entire sea area near the Moqi Cave is even more chaotic because of the addition of two sea phoenix megalodon sharks!

The ears are full of violent roars, every moment there are huge monsters falling, and countless powerful monsters join in the chaotic fight.

Chu Hao cautiously walked through the group of monsters.

From time to time, monsters would rush forward when they saw Chu Hao regardless of 21.

However, Chu Hao's strength can be regarded as high-level here, and Chu Hao still has various magic weapons in his hands, so he can barely deal with it.

Of course, this state can last for a few days. If Chu Hao stays here, let alone the Taiyi Golden Immortal, I am afraid that even the Da Luo Golden Immortal is in danger of falling!

However, the risk and reward are directly proportional.

During the days of traveling through the seabed, Chu Hao collected no less than ten corpses of powerful monsters, which were all excellent materials.

There was even a one-horned sea lin whose strength almost reached that of the Taiyi Golden Immortal was sandwiched among them, and it was the unicorn bloodline that survived from the ancient prehistoric times to this day!

The body will automatically give birth to the extremely ice-spirited ice-spirited fish,

The Honghuang Island Turtle, which is known as the strongest armor on the seabed,

The sharp horn can summon the Thunder Python of the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation,

The three-winged crystal crocodile with the supernatural power of flying and supporting signs... and so on.

These big monster kings who frequently dominate the world outside, even monsters whose strength even a king like Li Jing dare not face directly, Chu Hao secretly got several corpses.

You are so pitiful, there are not many monsters out there who stand out, but in the deepest part of the sea, there are so many extremely powerful monsters!

Of course, these monsters don't seem to have opened their spiritual intelligence, or in other words, because of the magic cave, their spiritual intelligence has been completely wiped out.

In a matter of minutes, they have turned into emotionless fighting machines.

I only know how to fight and fight.

For Chu Hao, this is news that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Although Chu Hao must always guard against their sneak attacks, at the same time, Chu Hao can also find opportunities to plunder the extremely precious corpses of these monsters.

There is no light on the bottom of the sea, and I don't know how many days have passed.

Chu Hao only knew that in the past few days, from excitement to numbness, he had gained a lot in danger.

Add up zero and zero species, 22 corpses of powerful prehistoric monsters!

These corpses have infinite uses. The demon pills on them alone can make ordinary monsters rise to the top and be promoted to eat and drink.

In addition to the demon pill, there are also materials on them.

If it is a refining tool, there are at least a few powerful acquired spiritual treasures, and even treasures have a chance.

If it is alchemy, it can extract all kinds of top-quality pills, and even a few pots of Daluo Jindan can be made!

The harvest was simply too great, and Chu Hao was a little numb.

Of course, Chu Hao also felt real despair these days.

At this moment, Chu Hao saw a phoenix-eyed water wolf flying by.

The phoenix-eyed water wolf was obviously still conscious, and was doing the same business of picking up corpses like Chu Hao.

The only difference is that the phoenix-eyed water wolf is the real Daluo Jinxian.

Chu Hao's entire soul seemed to be frozen, and he dared not move.

Except for monsters at the level of Da Luo Jinxian, no one could have such a powerful deterrent ability against Chu Hao.

Chu Hao's forehead was dripping with sweat, his mind was running fast,

"Da Luo Jinxian, if this guy makes a move, I'm afraid I'll lose my skin if I don't die!"

"That's all, anyway, there are so many powerful [magic weapons, self-explosive magic weapons, they should be able to get away, right?"

"No matter how bad it is, I am shaking people! I believe that the Jade Emperor will definitely see that I have done so much for the Heavenly Court and save me..."

Chu Hao had already thought of several retreats in his mind, but they all required paying a heavy price.

Xiao Qiong stood in front of Chu Hao nervously, but was already trembling and speechless.

In front of this phoenix-eyed water wolf, the primordial dragon whale does not have an advantage in blood, let alone Xiao Qiong is not yet an adult, so he is not an opponent at all in terms of strength.

However, Xiao Qiong was also loyal, and even if he couldn't beat him, he would stand firm in front of Chu Hao.

However, to Chu Hao's surprise, the phoenix-eyed water wolf just glanced at Chu Hao, then turned and left.

It wasn't until the phoenix-eyed water wolf left that Chu Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

"His uncle, he almost confessed here..."

Chu Hao was puzzled in every possible way. Obviously, this phoenix-eyed water wolf had been wandering around here for the first time.

Chu Hao originally wanted to sneak attack monsters and pick up corpses forcibly several times, but there was always an inexplicable sense of crisis that made Chu Hao dare not make a move.

It was only when he met the Phoenix-eyed Water Wolf that Chu Hao realized that the sense of crisis was because of the Phoenix-eyed Water Wolf.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Demon Qi Cave, it seems very interested?"

Chu Hao was still in shock, but he stopped thinking about it.

Where Chu Hao couldn't see, the phoenix-eyed water wolf dragged a huge corpse, and slowly walked into the magic cave.

The devilish energy that was strong enough to drive any monsters mad didn't seem to have any effect on the Phoenix-eyed water wolf.

Of course, Chu Hao couldn't see this scene.

Fortune and misfortune depend on each other.

When Chu Hao got out of the sight of the phoenix-eyed water wolf again and raised his head, he suddenly saw a familiar figure.

"Dragon scale cod!"

Chu Hao finally found a lot of dragon scale cod.

At this moment, the dragon-scaled cod was already wounded and dying.

The strength of this dragon-scaled cod has reached the perfection of the Golden Immortal, and within a few days, the dragon-scaled cod was seriously injured and dying.

Chu Hao only felt as if he had fallen into a dangerous place.

Sure enough, when Chu Hao looked over, he saw a shark as big as a mountain, with teeth as thick as a mountain peak, and a shark with phoenix wings staring at it.

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