The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 93 Undersea Demon Cave!Could it be... him? !

Chu Hao thought for a while, and said to the Jiao Demon King:

"Flood Demon King, do you want to be an official in the Heavenly Court?"

Great Sage Overturning the Sea hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I'm used to being free, and I don't want to work under someone else's command."

Chu Hao was not surprised either, and said bluntly:

"Journey to the West is about to start, and catastrophe is approaching, and all creatures from the three worlds will be involved."

"You have been contaminated with Sun Wukong's karma, and you don't know what your future will be."

"If one day, you want to have a shelter, you can come to the heaven, as long as I am Chu Hao, there will be a place for you."

The Flood Demon King was extremely moved. He had only received a generous reward from the Heavenly Court a few days ago, and it was because Chu Hao took the initiative to ask for credit for him.

But now Chu Hao is still willing to leave a way out for himself, which is something the Flood Demon King has never felt before.

Although the Flood Demon King has always said that he is free and unrestrained, this is actually not the case.

The spiritual energy in the human world is ten times thinner than that of the heavens, and the resources are scarce, and the path of cultivation is extremely bumpy. Even though he has the blood of the real dragon, he has cultivated for countless years to reach the state he is today.

What's more, since the cataclysm of the Lich, the status of the Yaozu has been declining.

On the one hand, it is necessary to avoid the crisis of being kidnapped by the Western religion called Duhua, but it is also necessary to prevent the heavenly court from coming out to destroy monsters.

I also fear that one day I will accidentally step on someone to death, and be hunted down by people of the Three Realms and Six Paths.

The living environment and status of monsters are actually very poor.

Immortals all over the sky, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas all look down on monsters, and can bully monsters wantonly.

This is by no means just in Journey to the West.

Therefore, even the Monkey King like Monkey King accepted the heavenly court's offer of peace immediately after he successfully cultivated.

If it weren't for the fact that Sun Wukong was originally destined for Journey to the West, maybe Sun Wukong would also become a member of the Heavenly Court.

It's just that, when monsters are gods, they have no heels and no backing, no matter how strong they are, they still have to act according to the face of others.

But the Demon King Jiao didn't expect that Chu Hao didn't mind his status as a monster, and even threw an olive branch at himself. For the Demon King Jiao, this was a hundred times more important than the reward from heaven.

"Thank you, Lord Prison God..." Flood Demon King whispered.

Chu Hao smiled lightly,

"Cultivate hard, don't get involved in the karma of killing people, you will have your share of the world in the future, I will go!"

Chu Hao took Xiao Qiong and left on his own.


South China Sea Eye.

Chu Hao and Xiao Qiong were above the sky, looking down at the sea area.

The demonic energy surged in this place, and Chu Hao could see sea monsters infected by the demonic energy everywhere, attacking each other like crazy.

Pieces of blood on the sea never fade away.

One can imagine how long the killing around here lasted.

"Master, I'm afraid..."

Xiao Qiong felt the devilish energy and panicked in her heart. She threw herself into Chu Hao's arms, not daring to say anything.

Xiao Qiong was seriously injured and dying because of this piece of devilish energy, and was later controlled by the Dragon King of the Four Seas, so she has some psychological shadows about this piece of devilish energy.

Even if the cause of the shadow in his heart is excluded, this wave of demonic energy has brought a huge threat to Xiaoqiong, as if there is a bottomless abyss in front of him.

Chu Hao patted Xiaoqiong on the back, "Don't be afraid, I'll just go down by myself."

Chu Hao could also feel the intensity and terror of this devilish energy, and he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Among these three realms, what kind of monster can possess such a threat?

This devilish energy was assessed by the system as a terrifying existence capable of affecting the Three Realms, but Chu Hao searched through his memory, but he couldn't find the reason for this devilish energy.

"Could it be Rahu?"

Chu Hao frowned.

"It doesn't matter, the system task is only to find out the source, as long as I find the cave of devilish energy, it should be regarded as the completion of the task."

"Even saints have not interfered with the existence of this level. I am absolutely not qualified to touch it now, so it's better to be careful."

Demon Patriarch Luohu was the one who competed with Dao Patriarch Hongjun for the spokesperson of the Dao of Heaven. Such an existence might be useless even if Amitabha Buddha came.

Chu Hao was about to go down, but Xiao Qiong held Chu Hao, and said pitifully:

"Master, don't go down, okay, it's very dangerous down there!"

Chu Hao rubbed Xiaoqiong's head, and said softly, "It's okay, I'll go back as soon as I go."

However, Xiao Qiong still firmly held on to Chu Hao's clothes, weakly: "Then... I will go with you, I will die with you..."

Chu Hao sweated profusely, "Don't be so pessimistic, why did they all die together before it even started..."

Chu Hao couldn't bear to let such a cute little loli like Xiaoqiong stay here, what if he was murdered by bad guys.

Although... her body is Taiyi Taigu Dragon Whale...

But in Chu Hao's heart, this is still a cute little lolita!

Chu Hao took Xiaoqiong, took out the water-proof beads, and walked straight down the road.

This water-avoiding bead was given by Shui De Xingjun after Chu Hao was promoted last time.

At that time, Chu Hao thought it was useless and threw it in the portable space, but he didn't expect it to be of great use at this moment.

Avoid water droplets, divide the water and go down.

Chu Hao slowly entered the deep sea.

South China Sea Sea Eye, this place is the center of the South China Sea, and there is a huge vortex all year round.

This vortex is so big that even the Taikoo Dragon Whale itself is less than one-tenth of it.

With its superficially powerful tearing ability, even the strongest in the realm of human immortality will be torn to pieces.

And the deeper you go, the greater the water pressure.

It is impossible to see the bottom for tens of thousands of feet, and the depth of the South China Sea is immeasurable.

Chu Hao had been down for a long time, and finally reached the end, but he couldn't see any light anymore.

In the bottom of the sea, no light can enter.

It was so dark that even Chu Hao couldn't see clearly.

"Fortunately, I have another Qingyun Golden Lantern, which happens to be used as a light."

Chu Hao directly sacrificed the Qingyun Golden Lantern, which was a majestic innate spiritual treasure that countless immortals had robbed of its head, but was used by Chu Hao as a lighting lamp.

The Qingyun Golden Lantern was not an ordinary lantern. Chu Hao's mana was poured into it, and a hundred miles of golden light shone instantly.

Between hundreds of miles, you can see everything at a glance.

Just when Chu Hao turned on the lights, he saw more than a dozen gigantic submarine beasts staring at Chu Hao.

There are even many powerful monsters that have flowed from the past to the present, such as dragon-toothed giant catfish, speeding giant squid, wild snake...

These monsters are not ordinary monsters, but alien species left from the prehistoric times.

The highest strength even reached the thrilling realm, extremely tyrannical.

Fortunately, all these monsters can only live in the deep sea. If these monsters are released into the world, they must be terrifying existences that will cause harm to the world.

But it is also because they can only live in the deep sea that they can survive so many catastrophes.

Fortunately, Chu Hao was already in the realm of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, coupled with his strong mana background, he was barely able to walk among this group of powerful monsters.

Any Taiyi Golden Immortal would probably be torn to pieces by this group of prehistoric monsters.

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