The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 87: Great Sage Covering the Sea?oh that's all right

Ao Guang swallowed, he was really unwilling to hand over the Taikoo Dragon Whale so hard to pick up so easily.

He opened his mouth slightly, wanting to say more nonsense.

But obviously Chu Hao didn't give Ao Guang a chance at all.

Chu Hao swung the precious saber in his hand directly, and immediately, Ao Guang's arm fell to the ground without even spattering of blood.


Ao Guang roared angrily in pain, his face was full of horror!

The sword just now not only cut off his physical arm, but also directly cut off the soul and the part of the true spirit in his arm.

This means that Ao Guang has lost an arm all his life, even if he wants to make an arm out of a lotus root avatar like Nezha.

The primordial spirit is the support that supports the physical body, while the true spirit is similar to the silk threads distributed throughout the primordial spirit, just like the silk in the lotus root.

Now that the true spirit connected to the primordial spirit has been cut off, who can disconnect and reconnect?

Ao Guang was terrified, this was the first time since he became an immortal that he felt the threat of such despair.

At this time, Ao Guang could no longer hold back his air of being the leader of the Dragon King of the Four Seas, and cried:

"I'll let it go, I'll let it go now, please God forgive me!"

This immortal monarch will really annihilate his primordial spirit and true spirit together!You must not disobey him!

Chu Hao shook his head, "What are you planning? You must wait for me to make a move before you repent, are you cheap?"

Only then did Chu Hao wave his hand, letting go of the limitless black ice restriction on the Dragon King of the Four Seas.

Chu Hao also reminded, "Oh right, here is your chance to escape."

Ao Lie next to him woke up with a start, I am familiar with this sentence, if you escape, you will die!

Of course, the four dragon kings are not stupid, they all shook their heads and looked at the rattle drum,

"Don't dare, how dare Xiaolong escape?"

Ao Guang looked at the mighty Taikoo Dragon Whale, extremely unwilling.

This is the early stage of the Daluo Jinxian, and it is still a very young Taikoo Dragon Whale. This endless potential is a great backer for the future of the world!

Not willing, not reconciled!

But no matter how unwilling he was, Ao Guang could only endure the pain in his heart, and began to let go of his soul.

But at this moment, an indifferent voice suddenly came from a distance.

"Who is it that is causing trouble in this great sage's territory!"

When the Dragon King of the Four Seas and Ao Lie heard this voice, they were extremely pleasantly surprised!

He's coming, he's coming!He flew with hope!

In the distance, a gray-white shadow flew over quickly, carrying a demonic aura all over the sky.

The coercion brought by his appearance is stronger than that of the Taigu Dragon Whale.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas was very excited, especially when he sensed this breath, he was even more overjoyed.

"Could it be that the great sage has already broken through, that's great, it's simply great!"

"After the breakthrough, the strength must have surpassed the Taikoo Dragon Whale, and it can even compete with the Great Sage Equaling Heaven."

"Hahahaha! With this help, and the four of us teaming up to form a large formation, we will definitely kill this beast today!"

"God help me, God help me too! Damn Xianjun, your time of death has come!"

The Dragon King of the Four Seas instantly jumped out of Chu Hao's attack range and flew towards the gray-white shadow that had just entered the arena.

Chu Hao was not in a hurry to catch the four old dragons back, but just looked at the figure with a strange expression. Chu Hao always felt that the aura was quite familiar.

The gray-white figure moved from far to near, and the coercion became bigger and bigger.

A man with a gray body, an indifferent expression, and an extremely powerful aura suddenly appeared in front of Chu Hao.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas is like four pugs, following the gray-white man, showing courteousness.

"Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East Sea, Ao Qin, the Dragon King of the South Sea, Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea, and Ao Shun, the Dragon King of the North Sea, welcome the Great Sage Demon King who Overwhelms the Sea!"

The Jiao Demon King looked indifferent, and glanced at the Dragon King of the Four Seas,

"What are you looking for from me?"

The Dragon King of the Four Seas immediately seemed to have found the backbone, and shouted excitedly,

"Flood Demon King, in view of our usual offerings to you, you have to help us this time!"

"Out of nowhere, an unknown pawn popped up. He actually beat us, the Dragon King of the Four Seas, and threatened to raze the Four Seas! Even you, the Great Sage Who Overwhelmed the Sea, are ignored."

"You are the great sage who overwhelms the sea, the leader of all the monsters in the world. After he heard your name just now, he was still unscrupulous and humiliated you in every possible way. He even said that he would pull out your bones!"

"Help us, kill this bastard!"

The Dragon King of the Four Seas looked ferocious, and pointed at Chu Hao frantically, as if he wanted to point out several holes for Chu Hao.

The Great Sage Covering the Sea sneered, pointed at Chu Hao,

"There are people who are so arrogant and troublesome all over the world. It seems that they don't pay attention to me at all. Hmph, boy, what is your origin, report it..."

The Great Sage Flood Demon King who overwhelmed the sea suddenly froze as he spoke. He froze in place, staring blankly at the person he was pointing at.

At this moment, Chu Hao was sitting on the Frozen Throne, with a half-smile on his face, and he was calmly looking at the Great Sage Demon King Overturning the Sea.

In an instant, the voice of Great Sage Covering the Sea stopped abruptly, his eyes widened, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his face was full of horror.

In his mind, he suddenly recalled a terrifying picture:

At that time, an immortal in white clothed thousands of miles with his strike, even the Nine Heavens Profound Fire was frozen, and even the six great sages were trapped in a prison of ice;

At that time, the white-clothed fairy turned into a giant, and beat the strongest of the seven great sages, Monkey King, on the ground. Monkey King had no strength to fight back;

At that time, the white-clothed fairy put away a magic weapon, and sacrificed the wonderful tree of seven treasures, which was the holy man's tool for proving the Tao, and the oppressive force made all the monsters surrender!

As for the Great Sage Demon King Overturning the Sea, he was hiding aside and shivering, watching the fairy king in white beating Sun Wukong violently.

He was so scared that he didn't even dare to fart, lest he be caught and beaten by that fairy!

On that day, he was frozen in the Prison of Profound Ice, and he finally knew what is terror and what is strength!

That figure also became a nightmare that the Great Sage Covering the Sea could not get rid of for a long time.

I originally thought that I would never come into contact with nightmares again in this lifetime, but I didn't expect...

He actually appeared in front of him!

Law enforcement prison god of the three realms!

Chu Hao!

Sweat dripped from the forehead of Great Sage Covering the Sea.

It is no exaggeration, he knew that if Chu Hao made a move, it was unknown whether he could survive three rounds!

It's not that I'm weak, it's that the other party is too strong, too strong!

The Great Sage Overturning the Sea was terrified. It's not that he didn't think about turning around and running away, but when he met Chu Hao's eyes, he knew that he couldn't escape.

The Great Sage Overturning the Sea hated the Dragon King of the Four Seas to death, roaring and cursing wildly in his heart!

Cao Nima is sick!

You are tired of living and I am not living enough!

You actually asked me to fight this famous fairy in the Three Realms? !

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