The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 85 Prehistoric True Dragon Bloodline, Immemorial Dragon Whale!

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas were all blindfolded.

Are you sick?How did you initiate a good person card!

At this time, shouldn't he be scared to pee, and then kneel down and beg for mercy?

This is a primordial dragon whale, a prehistoric alien species, born strong, shouldn't Chu Hao have just found deep despair when he saw the primordial dragon whale?

For no reason, how could this Chu Hao say that they are good people!

The Dragon King of the Four Seas only thought that Chu Hao was completely frightened and crazy, and his eyes were full of pity.

"It seems that this fairy is frightened crazy."

"It's also normal. It was only tens of thousands of years ago that we found the ancient dragon whale. No one knew about it. It's normal to be scared when we see this alien species."

"Hmph, don't talk nonsense with him, come on, let the ancient dragon whale eat it!"

The Dragon King of the Four Seas was obviously not intimidated by Chu Hao's good card. In their view, this was definitely Chu Hao's bluff.

Chu Hao was not the case. He waved his hand and said excitedly:

"Wait a minute, you don't want to kill me in a moment."

"Could you tell me the origin of this Primordial Dragon Whale? Also, the Primordial Dragon Whale belongs to the Realm of the Taiyi Golden Immortal. How can you domesticate him as a mere Golden Immortal?"

The Dragon King of the Four Seas froze for a moment, feeling puzzled by the fact that Chu Hao was so excited when he was about to die.

What kind of human suffering is this.

Brother, we shake people to beat you, you should be scared for a while!

Why the hell did you send us a good person card like seeing a baby? !

Ao Guang was furious,

"Damn it, you'll know when you're dead! Go!"

With a wave of Ao Guang's hand, the gigantic Taikoo Dragon Whale locked on to Chu Hao, and suddenly its furious figure pressed towards Chu Hao.

This is more oppressive than the whole mountain.

After all, the Taikoo Dragon Whale has the blood of a real dragon, and it cannot be compared with the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas and other garbage dragons who have gone through countless generations.

The blood of the real dragon refers to the blood that flowed from those dragons directly before the first robbery of the Dragon and Han Dynasty, that is, when the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn clans stood together.

The dragon at that time was the real dragon.

And only the dragon at that time could be called the real overlord of heaven and earth, and even repeatedly overwhelmed the Phoenix and Qilin tribes.

Of course, these are prehistoric secrets, so I won't mention them for now.

It's just that Chu Hao is eager to see the hunt. This young Taikoo Dragon Whale has huge room for development, and he can even reach Da Luo Jinxian when he becomes an adult.

As long as Chu Hao is cultivated well, this is definitely a great fighting force.

Therefore, no matter what, Chu Hao must take down this ancient dragon whale as his subordinate!

At this moment, Chu Hao finally stood up slowly from the Frozen Throne.

It wasn't until this time that everyone discovered a terrifying truth.

Ever since Chu Hao froze millions of demon soldiers and Ao Lie just now, he has been sitting on the Frozen Throne without moving.

First Ao Run, and then Qi Qi, the Dragon King of the Four Seas.

No one has ever forced Chu Hao to leave the Frozen Throne!

Even the Dragon King of the Four Seas was aware of a bad premonition.


Standing up from the Frozen Throne, Chu Hao's aura instantly became extremely majestic!

Like mountains and seas!

The Dragon King of the Four Seas hadn't felt this kind of horror just now, but when he saw Chu Hao get up from the throne, he realized how terrifying the real Chu Hao was.

"This man...why is his aura so majestic? Could it be that his strength is the best among the Taiyi Golden Immortals?"

"The Taikoo Dragon Whale...should be able to defeat him, right?"

The four dragon kings' eyes widened, and their tone was a little more unconfident.

Ao Run quietly added, "How about... let's call the Great Sage over..."

Ao Guang nodded, "Don't worry, he's almost here."

However, Ao Guang's eyes fell on the Taikoo Dragon Whale, and he became excited again,

"However, I don't think the Taikoo Dragon Whale will be worse than that Immortal Monarch! This is the Taikoo Dragon Whale!"

"No, wait... Could this be..."

Just when the Dragon King of the Four Seas finally raised his morale, suddenly, they saw that Chu Hao's body was growing rapidly.

In the next second, a tall and tall Chu Hao appeared in front of everyone!

"Law Heaven and Earth!!!"

"Great supernatural powers, the law of heaven and earth!"

"How is it possible, he is not Monkey King, nor Erlang God, how can he be so powerful!"

When the Dragon King of the Four Seas recognized the supernatural power of Fatianxiangdi, he was so frightened that his eyes almost popped out!

This is the recognized super supernatural power in the Three Realms.

What can be compared with it is the super supernatural power of holding the Buddha Kingdom in the palm and the art of turning the golden crow into a rainbow.

But I didn't expect that Chu Hao would be able to imitate the abilities of heaven and earth!

For a moment, the Dragon King of the Four Seas seemed dumbfounded, standing still for a long time, unable to calm down.

However, Ao Guang is still the Dragon King of the East China Sea, the head of the four kings, with a broad vision and a strong heart.

Ao Guang waved his hand and said confidently: "Don't worry, even if you know the world, you will never be able to defeat the ancient dragon whale. After all, the ancient dragon whale is the blood of the ancient dragon, and no one can defeat it..."

Before Ao Guang finished speaking, he suddenly heard the mournful cry of the ancient dragon whale in the distance.

Everyone looked over, but they were dumbfounded.

At this moment, the gigantic giant that Chu Hao turned into actually pressed the Taikoo Dragon Whale on the surface of the water, and the hammer exploded every time!

In ancient times, there was Wu Song beating the tiger, but now there is Chu Hao hammering the dragon whale!

Those people in Jiyun City looked at it, their blood boiled with excitement, and they were extremely excited.

Taite Niang stimulates [excited, two huge creatures ten times bigger than Mount Tai, punching to the flesh, you fight each other with one punch, this kind of scene is rare in the world!

Live as a human, die without regret!

The Dragon King of the Four Seas was so frightened that his jaw almost fell to the ground.

"My king, Cao!"

"What's wrong with Te Niang!"

"The ancient dragon whale was pressed to the ground and exploded with a hammer?!"

"What kind of monster fairy are we offending, we beat the ancient dragon whale violently!"

At this moment, a message flashed in Ao Guang's mind, and he suddenly fell into deep thought.

"Wait, this insoluble black ice, Fatianxiang's methods seem to be quite famous recently... I seem to have heard of similar battles somewhere..."

Ao Guang desperately recalled that although he hadn't paid attention to government affairs for a long time.

But it doesn't mean that he is completely ignorant of the outside world. When he entered the calm world, two big fights started. It seemed that even the Great Saint Demon King they enshrined in the South China Sea had joined the battle.

Ao Guang can't remember who is also possessing such great supernatural powers...

But the other three dragon kings were extremely desperate.

Because, Chu Hao had already cleaned up the Taikoo Dragon Whale.

The Taikoo Dragon Whale's entire body was lying flat in the huge icy cage, and it had already become Chu Hao's prisoner.

But Chu Hao didn't have any scars on his body. In the battle with Taikoo Dragon Whale, Chu Hao didn't use his full strength at all.

"Next, it's your turn!"

Chu Hao returned to his original state, his eyes were indifferent, and he walked slowly towards the Dragon King of the Four Seas.

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