The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 702 The task of the demon clan is to steal Xitian's home!

However, Gu Yang did not forget that he still had an important mission, and this time he rescued the witch Luo Nai was only the first step.

The demon clan is not only that, the demon clan also has tens of thousands of powerful demon clansmen who have been imprisoned or thrown to the edge of the world.

Of course, the only way is to attack those places and release them!

This is the only way to liberate the demons, which means that the mission of the demons in the future is to steal the house!

And in this world, the one that imprisoned the most demons is Xitian.

Heavenly Court is generally beheaded directly, and it is sealed if it cannot be killed.

And because Xitian still needs a large number of buddhas, bodhisattvas and arhats, it can be said that they will not refuse anyone, so when exterminating demons, they will generally be locked up in the name of compassion.

Treat them in the same way as Sun Wukong and Luo Nai, so that they are gradually infected by Buddhism, put down the butcher knife and become Buddhas immediately.

No matter how many people those demons have killed, and how crazy and crazy they are,

As long as you take refuge in my Buddha, you will turn your back on it, and any Buddhist law in the Western Paradise can tolerate you. After all, the Buddha's final say on the Buddha's law.

Although after such a long time, there are not many demons who can be subdued in the end, most of them are really bad, so they don't want to join the Western religion and are melted by the Buddha's light.

However, the rest are some extremely powerful existences. If they can all be liberated,

The revival of the Demon Race is in sight!

And Gu Yang is not an empty-handed white wolf. Although they are all demons, there is no such thing as national unity among demons.

Gu Yang has a trump card, which is to use the last magic weapon of the demons to lure them to join the big team of the rising demons!

That's right, the savings left by the demons in this world are used to persuade those arrogant, evil, chaotic and disorderly demons!

The bloody truth, the strong respect, selfishness, evil and chaos, indulgent desires, killing instincts, this is the real demon race.

Occasionally, there are some big devils like Canglan Yinmo, who have their own rationality, so they can be entrusted with important tasks. Most of the other devils are dominated by desire|desire,

In other words, the devil is the body of desire, it doesn't matter whether it is dominated by desire or not.

Gu Yang is very confident, as long as he has those treasures, he can naturally tame those crazy things!

At this moment, those powerful and violent demons gathered around Gu Yang!

Those demons who were raging on Little Sumeru Mountain returned to Gu Yang and stared at Gu Yang.

"Where's the treasure you promised? Houtian Lingbao, take it out quickly!"

"Where's the spirit grass? I've been imprisoned for so many years. I've run out of gas, and even killed someone. You have to compensate me!"

"Shh, don't mention those immortals who are more like demons than us, it makes me sleepless."

Gu Yang glanced at these monsters, his eyes were full of contempt, but he sarcastically said:

"That's all you have. As long as our demon clan revives, your so-called immortal monarchs are nothing but ants before my huge demon clan."

"If it wasn't for that Xitian traitor who happened to be rescued by the passing Queen Mother, he is already at the bottom of the abyss, being tortured by the demon saint!"

"As demons, you should be self-reliant and self-reliant. You don't need to rely on others. What are you afraid of that mere fairy? He is inferior to me in terms of strategy!"

All the devils nodded repeatedly, but they didn't answer back at all, and they didn't think there was a problem at all, but they all urged:

"Whatever you say is right, as long as you give us the treasure, we can teach you another hour."

"Add one, you can add more money to continue scolding, add more money, and we will help you scold that fairy!"

"Anything is fine, give the treasure first, don't talk too much, it will take too long to talk about feelings and become stronger."

All the demons have no bottom line,

It's not because of Gu Yang's obedience. They all have a very bottom line and propose that you give me money, and I can oblige.

Gu Yang twitched the corners of his mouth, his heart was filled with hatred that iron could not be made into steel!

A bunch of bastards, can't you be a little more lonely and cold like me?Can't we fight for real interests? !

Only when the demons become stronger, we can have everything we want, so why should we care about such mere treasures!

If Chu Hao was here, he would definitely highly agree with Gu Yang's ambition, and Gu Yang is indeed qualified to say so!

After all, he is a good boy who doesn't ask for anything in return even when he is tricked into working. He even took out the treasures at home to share several times.

Chu Hao was sure that there were no such good people in this world.

Gu Yang looked at this group of monsters who were waiting to be fed, and he couldn't get angry, but said coldly:

"follow me!"

"Do what?"

"Get the treasure!"

All the devils got excited all of a sudden,

"Okay, go ahead!"

Gu Yang has a face full of disdain for these monsters.

To be honest, none of them are reliable!

He doesn't have the majesty of being a devil at all, how embarrassing our demons are if it gets out!

But Gu Yang is not easy to get angry, and in the future, he still counts on this group of young men to conquer and steal Xitian's hometown, but it is not easy to scold them too much.

Soon, Gu Yang brought all the devils to Mount Qidao.

It has to be said that the geographical location of Qidao Mountain is really remote. Even Gu Yang searched for it for a long time before finally determining the location of Qidao Mountain.

Chu Hao is a polite person. Although he ransacked someone else's house, Chu Hao closed the door and put the key back where it was.

The entire Qidao Mountain is calm and calm, as if it has never been visited by robbers.

However, it was this peace and barrenness that made all the devils look at each other in dismay,

"Where is Qidao Mountain? This is clearly a place where birds don't shit. What treasures are there? Are you trying to deceive us!"

"Yeah, although we are the devils, we also know that it is wrong to deceive others, so hand over the treasure!"

"Damn, don't you just want us to work for you?! Sure enough, you are the biggest devil! No, the most evil devil in the world will not trick people into working!"

Gu Yang's face was black, his heart was full of rage, but he snorted coldly,

"For a group of incompetent people, there should be a limit to their ignorance. The place where the treasure is hidden should be hidden. If it is a brilliant style, it will be announced to the world!"

"I arranged the place where the treasure is hidden here, and concealed it with formations, and created puzzles that no one can solve. In this world, absolutely no one can solve it!"

"At most, it is to find this place where the treasure is hidden, but after that, there are two layers of formations. If it is not serious, it can be exchanged for the disaster of killing oneself."

"If I forcibly break into my treasure land, the treasure land will naturally die with the intruder, destroying the peerless genius who was able to find the treasure land here."

"All of this is under my control. To be a demon, the most important thing is to use your brain, understand?"

The devils nodded,

"Understood, what you say is what you say, as long as you can give me the treasure."

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