The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 690 Special Activities to Rectify the Black and Evil Forces in Liusha River

Chu Hao searched and dug up the small Mount Sumeru, and originally planned to go directly to the Heavenly Court.

But suddenly the system suddenly issued a task.

[Business comes to your door, how can you refuse it for thousands of miles? 】

[Mission: Go to Liusha River and participate in the special activity to rectify the evil forces in Liusha River]

[Reward: One Jiuzhuan Dahuandan, 300 ginseng fruits]

Chu Hao raised his brows high, oh, who would have thought that the system would take care of people like this?

Even if there is a business opportunity, Chu Hao doesn't need to find it by himself, and Chu Hao arranges it clearly.

Based on the belief that no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it is still meat, Chu Hao decided to be a righteous law enforcement prison god of the three realms, and participate in this special campaign against evil forces in Liushahe!

Chu Hao hurriedly packed up and ran away.

Not long after Chu Hao left, he suddenly felt a booming sound coming from behind him.

Chu Hao turned his head suddenly, even if he was separated by thousands of miles, Chu Hao could see a huge mushroom cloud rising——

That is the smoke and dust rising from the explosion of Little Sumeru Mountain into ruins!

It was only at this time that Chu Hao suddenly realized,

"Oh, I'm sorry, there is such an awesome existence in Little Sumeru Mountain, why didn't I know?"

"Good fellow, fortunately he walked fast, otherwise he would have turned into dust... Judging by his strength, he might be a mighty one."

Chu Hao could clearly feel the terrifying energy coming from the smoke and dust. It was designated to be a great power, and not the great power of Xitian.

Chu Hao left without thinking too much.

Chu Hao didn't know that there was a little tail behind him.

After the demon saintess came out of the dungeon, she casually struck and destroyed the little Mount Sumeru that was already about to fall!

Gu Yang watched helplessly from the side, the demon saintess pointed with her pale and slender finger, and the entire Little Sumeru Mountain exploded from the middle in an instant!

This is a kind of power from the inside out, so small that every grain of sand is turned into powder!

Gu Yang is sure that if this finger is pointed at him, he must be turned into a powder on the spot!

The fear is getting worse.

Those dozens of demon heads were dismissed early by Gu Yang and went back to their lair.

Gu Yang was going to leave too.

However, after breaking through the Little Sumeru Mountain, the demon saint followed Chu Hao quietly with Gu Yang.

Gu Yang originally wanted to say that the master ordered not to go back, otherwise it might be exposed.

But seeing the face of the demon saint who was a little morbidly excited, Gu Yang shut his mouth rationally.

I don't know why I would go back though.

But we dare not say, and we dare not ask.

Just after the small Mount Sumeru turned into dust, the Tathagata Buddha arrived with Samantabhadra Bodhisattva and Manjusri Bodhisattva.

When the Tathagata Buddha saw the sky full of smoke and dust covering the sky and the sun, his face instantly pulled down.

The Tathagata Buddha waved his hand casually, and with great|magic power, he wanted to use these fragments to condense the prototype of the small Mount Sumeru.

However, when all the smoke and dust gather together, there is no plasticity at all.

It's because the smoke and dust are too broken to be used anymore.

If it is sand and stone, it can still gather soil to form a mountain, but the smoke and dust are all from the inside to the outside, smashed to the point that there is no trace of its original appearance.

Totally crushed!

In such a situation, even the Tathagata Buddha has no way to restore the prototype.

The Tathagata Buddha frowned instantly,

"Damn it, Little Sumeru Mountain has been shattered into dust, and there is no way to recover!"

"Such abilities can only be possessed by the demon saint who fought with me tens of thousands of years ago."

Puxian Bodhisattva and Manjusri Bodhisattva were shocked and said in unison:

"Could it be!"

Tathagata Buddha took a deep breath,

"The demon saint has been born, and the Three Realms welcomes the powerful demons. I just hope that there will be no other conflicts with Journey to the West."

"Quickly, go down and search to see if there is a golden Buddha statue!"

Manjusri Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva did not dare to neglect, they hurried down to look for them.

After searching for a long time, Manjusri Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva rushed up, but they shook their heads.

"Can't find anything."

"Little Mount Sumeru has been turned into ruins, and the ruins are filled with the aura of the demon race, and there is no other aura to be found."

Tathagata Buddha himself scanned it several times, and when he was sure that the thing was really lost, Tathagata Buddha sighed.

On the old face, there is a look of loss,

"Oh, it's a pity that I can't transform that female devil again after all..."

Samantabhadra raised his eyebrows,

"My Buddha, what exactly are you talking about?"

Tathagata Buddha looked into the void with his eyes full of regret,

"When I fought against the demon saint, although I won many times, I couldn't completely suppress her, but was almost defeated."

"My and her strength, six | four."

Puxian Bodhisattva and Manjushri raised their brows high, their faces paled in shock,

"What, even the Buddha has sex with that female devil?"

"Then how did you win in the end?"

The Tathagata Buddha's face is full of sorrow,

"It's because I later discovered that the superior demons can isolate their own weaknesses, making themselves impeccable and invulnerable."

"I and the Buddhas have been searching for thousands of years in all directions, and finally found the weakness that she separated from, and blocked the weakness. The strength of the female devil was greatly reduced, and finally I was able to suppress her!"

"If the female devil is still alive, if she takes control of that weakness, she will be able to control her vitals, and she can be slightly restricted."

"It's just that now that the female devil is here, I'm afraid it will be another bloodbath!"

The Tathagata Buddha's face was full of sorrow.

Samantabhadra Bodhisattva and Manjusri Bodhisattva looked at each other in dismay. From the words of the Tathagata Buddha, they felt a strong sense of uneasiness.

Originally, the Three Realms were already chaotic and terrifying enough, especially when there was an anomaly mixed in, the event of Journey to the West became a nightmare difficulty.

Now there is an extra demon saint?

And the strength of this demon saint is still the kind that can wrestle with the Tathagata Buddha!

Manjusri and Puxian Bodhisattva became more and more nervous and panicked, but they really didn't know what kind of shocking changes would come next.

Tathagata Buddha sighed, originally thought that Xitian could control this powerful female devil, and then she would be another tyrannical bodhisattva.

Unexpectedly, such a thing happened.

Tathagata Buddha felt pain in every possible way, but he could only sigh helplessly,

"That's all, 88 people on Little Sumeru Mountain were buried here, irreparable."

"We still need to go to Liusha River as soon as possible, at least to rescue Tang Sanzang and General Rolling Screen."

Tathagata Buddha always had a sense of ominousness in his heart, and he always felt that this catastrophe was far from being blamed.

How should I put it, without being blackmailed by Chu Hao, he always felt uneasy.

That's probably how it feels.

The Tathagata Buddha didn't even have time to recite the rebirth mantra to the 88 people on Mount Sumeru, so he turned his head and went to the Liusha River.

The Tathagata Buddha wasted some time in his search on Mount Sumeru.

But he didn't know that it was because of hindsight that he was always one step behind the disaster.

At this moment, some wonderful changes have taken place in Liushahe.

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