The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 688 Chu Hao: Mourning for his misfortune, hating him for indisputable!

The Tathagata Buddha knew very well that this time the matter was very important, and he had to do it himself.

The Tathagata Buddha was really afraid of any accidents. If the Medicine Buddha was not in time at that time, it would cause a catastrophe.

Medicine Buddha frowned indistinctly, he thought Tathagata Buddha was blaming himself.

After all, after coming out of Five Elements Mountain, Medicine Buddha failed to sneak attack on Chu Hao and caused Xi Tian a lot of trouble. This time, Medicine Buddha is also duty bound to be born on Little Sumeru Mountain.

Medicine Buddha firmly said:

"Buddha, don't worry, I will be able to handle things well!"

The Tathagata Buddha didn't talk nonsense, he stood up and walked out, leaving only a faint sentence,

"No, this matter involves some things that shouldn't be there, so you don't have to worry about it."

The three thousand Buddhas looked at the background where the Tathagata Buddha left alone, and the faces of the three thousand Buddhas were full of fear and vigilance.

I am afraid that the Tathagata Buddha has seen some clues that should not exist from this catastrophe.

But the three thousand Buddhas don't know why the Tathagata Buddha is so determined to go out by himself?

But it doesn't say how about the Tathagata Buddha.

At this moment, in the small Mount Sumeru, Chu Hao successfully found the treasure house!

The moment the treasury is opened,

Chu Hao fell in love with this feeling of treasure hunting in other people's homes.

There are so many things to see, the entire treasure house is paved with gold, carved with agate, resplendent and radiant!

Not to mention any of the treasures, it is simply the simplest visual impact and the artistic sense of gold and jade carvings,

This is much more vigorous than when Chu Hao copied Gu Yang's house!

How to put it, this kind of visual impact and artistic sense is something that the demons can't learn.

Think about Gu Yang’s small universe, it’s like a cave, and there’s no placement effect, they’re just stacked together, there’s no sense of aesthetic design at all!

A lot of points were deducted for the experience of copying the house. I hope the demons can improve it in the future, otherwise they will not be able to attract Chu Hao to copy the house, and even if they copy the house, they will give a bad review.

"Guigui, even the wall cabinets are carved with gold, why bother?"

When Chu Hao saw the cabinet placed in the treasure house, it was so luxurious that Chu Hao couldn't help shaking his head.

It has to be said that Xitian should be the wealthiest force in the Three Realms, not one of them!

Don't you see, how many golds and agates have been used to build up the merit pool and Lingshan.

Even this small Mount Sumeru, which is just a base in the Western Paradise, can have so many gold and agate carvings, which is not considered luxurious.

Chu Hao suddenly wondered, what about the extraordinary and refined?Could it be that the Buddha and the others also emphasized that a gentleman loves money and obtains it in a proper way?

Let the believers offer incense money every day, and let the believers burn themselves to serve the Buddha, really do nothing, and all the good things belong to me?

Killing and setting fire to the golden belt is not just killing and setting fire. If you chant scriptures and worship Buddha, then the golden house and jade bed are also easy.

Of course, Chu Hao didn't have much opinion. The believers were willing to donate their lives and what they were willing to do, anyway, it had nothing to do with Chu Hao.

Unless Nanzhan Buzhou conquers Xiniu Hezhou, no one in Xiniu Hezhou can escape the influence of Buddhist compassion.

These are also things to talk about.

Chu Hao just wanted to be a diligent porter of other people's wealth.

It happened to be here today that I met the treasure house of Mount Sumeru, and Chu Hao also had more Buddha nature, so it was fate.

Destiny comes and goes, not to be missed.

Chu Hao thanked Little Sumeru Mountain for preparing so many fates for Chu Hao. He was sincerely grateful, just like when he was hunting for treasure in Lingshan.

However, when Chu Hao searched through the entire treasure house and got all the things, Chu Hao's face was filled with contempt.

"Taking back what I said just now, the rubbish little Mount Sumeru is so fucking poor, just this little thing?"

What was placed in front of Chu Hao were round and aura-filled pills.

Not many, but only a few hundred.

These elixirs are similar to millennium cultivation elixirs, but the quality is not high.

It seems to be because Xitian is not very good at alchemy, and after all the calculations, it is only a few million years of cultivation.

I'm afraid he can barely promote a Jinxian to Taiyi Jinxian.

And other magic weapons are even more embarrassing.

The entire Little Sumeru Mountain actually counted as two half-step quasi-sages, and one of them had already been squeezed dry by Chu Hao.

The other one went out to work and never returned.

As for the other seemingly mighty monks and Buddhist soldiers of more than 80, there are not many powerful ones.

And in this treasury, there are some spare weapons, and even magic weapons, and two Houtian Lingbao can be found!

That is really poor!

Chu Hao really mourned his misfortune and hated him for not fighting!

After all, Little Sumeru Mountain is just a small base, and there is nothing to do if it doesn't live up to expectations.

However, Chu Hao found something interesting.

A small golden Buddha statue.

This golden Buddha statue, Chu Hao, could tell at a glance that it was extraordinary. It was probably a treasure made from the corpse of a Buddha.

As we all know, what Xitian likes most is to play with the corpses of dead Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

What relics, golden arhats, bodhisattvas in the flesh...the list goes on and on.

The main reason is that the rise of Western religion was too late. Although Fen Baoyan also went to the second interpretation, they did not get as much as Yuanshi Tianzun.

Among the large number of kalpas, the resources obtained by Ershina are even less.

After the creation of the world, the resources and aura were the most abundant at the beginning. Of course, at that time, the overlords of the world were all occupied, and there was no such thing as the six saints.

In the Lich War, the Six Saints also hid far away, not daring to make a sound.

Then the heroes competed for the throne, the liches fought, the human race prospered, and then the interpretation and cut-off occupied countless resources, squeezing the second shi to survive.

It wasn't until the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods that Er Shi had the chance to come out to fish for things.

But the resources at that time were already very scarce, and the aura of heaven and earth was even more insufficient, so there was no way to casually refine mountains into weapons.

So the clever second interpretation turned his ideas on his own people.

You can't ask for external resources, but the best resource is the body that has been tempered after countless years of cultivation?

In particular, the cultivation method pioneered by Ershi is more similar to the Zhangliu golden body and other exercises. In addition, with the protection of the Ksitigarbha King, there is no need to go through the kalpa, and the physical bodies of many Western Buddhas and Bodhisattvas can be preserved.

Therefore, using the body to refine weapons has become a tradition, even a beautiful legend that can prove the monk's immeasurable merit!

In fact, immortals are also fine, but those who like to play with corpse refining are called evil spirits.

I haven't seen that fairy scattered the ashes of his own parents every day, or played with clay statues with the corpse of a good friend.

That truth is not acceptable to ordinary people, and only compassionate people can have no worries and no bottom line.

Holding the golden Buddha statue in his hand, Chu Hao felt disgusted.

However, Chu Hao did not reject the treasures inside the golden Buddha statue.

"This golden Buddha statue is still radiant for tens of thousands of years, at least half a step to the quasi-sage realm?"

"What's in there?"

Chu Hao didn't think too much, and directly opened it!

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