The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 681 Didn't read the almanac, retreated and killed 3 strong men?

Gu Yang looked around, this small Mount Sumeru could not be described as ominous and peaceful.

In the middle, auspicious clouds appeared, and auspicious mist appeared, and the entire Mount Sumeru was surrounded by this auspicious mist, with brilliant candles and golden flames shooting rainbows;

There is a Buddhist monastery in the small Sumeru Mountain. You can only hear the melodious bells and chimes, and see the ethereal cigarettes.

However, such a peaceful and beautiful picture, after Gu Yang and other demons stepped up, the entire Buddha's light shines all over, and the peaceful and peaceful world is broken!

Gu Yang and those dozens of demon heads just stepped on the small Mount Sumeru, and the demonic energy in their bodies surged crazily!

There is a man at the gate of the Zen courtyard, with beads hanging on his neck, and he is chanting Buddha in his mouth.

It seems extremely ironic for a Taoist to recite the Buddha's name, but his identity is also a member of the Jiejiao back then, and he just worshiped in the Buddhist sect.

At this moment, when he saw Gu Yang leading dozens of demon heads to the gate of the small Sumeru Mountain, the Taoist was so frightened that his face turned green.

The Taoist retreated step by step in fear, and exclaimed:

"The devil is invading, the little Mount Sumeru is in trouble! Hurry up and invite..."

Before the Taoist finished speaking, his broad head flew high, and his eyes were full of madness and terror until death.

The blood of the Taoist became the beginning of the killing on Little Sumeru Mountain for who knows how many years.

With a wave of Gu Yang's hand, the entire scarlet sky was instantly sealed, and the entire Little Sumeru Mountain was trapped in a large formation.

The originally peaceful and beautiful Mount Sumeru instantly dyed the entire sky red!

At this moment, all the buddhas, arhats, monks and Buddhist soldiers on Little Sumeru Mountain felt the terrifying and powerful aura coming from them.

They felt the fear from the demons!

At this moment, standing at the gate of Little Sumeru Mountain, the demonic energy of dozens of demon heads soaring into the sky, as well as the dying cry just now, have already plunged Little Sumeru Mountain into panic.

Little Sumeru Mountain instantly turned into a pot of porridge, and many monks and Buddhist soldiers ran around like ants on a hot pot, screaming again and again.

The only Buddha in the Little Sumeru Mountain, the Namo Zhuma Buddha broke through the closed door!

Namo Zhumo Buddha suddenly stood up and shouted angrily:

"Why panic! It's just a small problem!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, invite Lingji Bodhisattva, where is Lingji Bodhisattva?!"

An impatient monk echoed and scolded: "Bodhisattva Lingji is dead, haven't you woken up yet? He died a long time ago, and his ashes were thrown away!"

Namo Zhumo Buddha stomped his feet anxiously,

"Where is the Bodhisattva of Inexhaustible Intent? Where is the Bodhisattva?"

Another person replied: "I was taken away by the Great Strength Bodhisattva. I don't know what happened. Anyway, I just left?"

Namo Zhumo Buddha was trembling with anger,

"Cao Cao Cao! There are only these two Bodhisattvas guarding the entire Little Sumeru Mountain. What should we do if they are gone?"

"Ah!! Little Sumeru Mountain is a place where monsters are imprisoned. Once it collapses, the consequences will be disastrous!"

All of a sudden, many monks and Buddhist soldiers in the Little Sumeru Mountain were in a mess, scurrying around like ants.

Suddenly, Namo Zhumo Buddha stomped his feet again, and said in surprise:

"We still have a hole card! The reason why we dared to use Mount Sumeru as a place to detain demons was because we had a geographical advantage!"

"We are close to Futu Mountain. There is our Western Paradise strongman here. That strongman will definitely be able to subdue the demon!"

There was an arhat with a face of madness, and cursed:

"Did you|hehe|damn drink fake wine? Zen Master Wuchao in Futu Mountain has been slaughtered, the kind who can't see the dead body!"

"Futu Mountain is still scorched for hundreds of miles, and the monster who killed Zen Master Wuchao has not been found so far. Are you closed and stupid?"

When Venerable Namo Zhumo heard this, his entire face turned pale.

My Cao, I've only been in seclusion for a few months, why have you changed so much?

Didn't you read the almanac and retreat to kill the three strong men?

I have to blame them for not being tough enough!

Namo Zhumo Buddha firmly said:

"Everyone, don't panic, you don't have to escape from minor difficulties, but you can't escape from major ones."

"Hurry up and send someone to Xitian Lingshan to ask the Tathagata Buddha to help!"

"Colleagues, fight the enemy together with me, and don't let monsters come out of the world and cause harm to the world!"

The words of Namo Zhuma Buddha finally worked.

Headed by Namo Zhuma Buddha, many powerful people from Mount Small Sumeru began to gather and quickly formed a fighting force, which was enough to make Mount Small Sumeru stable.

Of course, the main reason is that in their cognition, no monster is capable of impacting the rule of Xitian.

After all, the current Three Realms is not like the prehistoric and desolate ones where strong men rose up, and Xitian has a huge advantage, as long as Xitian's rescue arrives.

On Little Sumeru Mountain, hundreds of thousands of monks and Buddhist soldiers formed a large formation, ready to fight!

All of a sudden, a corpse flew over and bumped into the formation formed by the monks.

It was just a corpse, and it directly broke the formation formed by the people on Little Sumeru Mountain!

As the leader of the formation, Namo Zhumo Buddha was pushed back a few steps, spitting blood from his mouth!

At this moment, Namo Zhuma Buddha's heart was broken instantly, his whole heart was icy cold,

"It's over, the coming monster is powerful and unstoppable!"

Namo Zhumo Buddha is in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and his strength is already extremely powerful, but he was beaten into the air by a corpse, and even the formation formed by tens of thousands of people was easily broken up.

The strength of this person far surpasses that of Da Luo!

Namo Zhuma Buddha has been thinking about how to run away...

Obviously, Gu Yang didn't leave a way for the people in Little Sumeru Mountain to survive.

Then I saw the mighty demonic energy descending from the sky, Gu Yang brought dozens of demon heads down, the violent|violent demonic energy instantly made all the monks tremble with fear.

They have never seen such a strong formation.

Since the first battle of the Conferred Gods, there has never been such an incident of monsters attacking the Western Paradise base.

But I don't know whether it is luck or misfortune, they have become victims of advancing the wheel of history.

Gu Yang saw that all the monks and Buddhist soldiers were afraid, and there was endless bloodthirsty madness|violence in his eyes.

When Gu Yang thought of Xitian bullying him in all kinds of ways before, especially that Xitian traitor Chu Hao, he licked his hair!

Cruel, extremely cruel!

Gu Yang is absolutely unwilling to recall that painful memory.

However, how much harm was done to him by that Xitian traitor, today, he Gu Yang will take revenge here, a thousand times, ten thousand times!

Let that Xitian traitor always be able to fall into the situation of being hated by Xitian!

Gu Yang stepped on the corpse of the Taoist, and roared proudly:

"Set up the formation! Here today, my demon clan should stand, and all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas should be my demon clan's pedals!"

"Listen to my orders, no one will be left behind, and no one will be spared!"

Dozens of demon heads showed their ferocious madness at this moment.

Among them, there are Heavenly Demon, Shadow Demon, Yin Demon, Karma Demon, Balrog Demon...

As soon as they made a move, the entire Mount Sumeru fell into a bloodbath instantly because of their attack!

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