The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 68 Capture Monkey King?sorry, off work

"Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree!"

The moment Chu Hao took out the Qibao Miaoshu, countless creatures in the sky and on the ground stared straight at the moment!

This wonderful tree of seven treasures is very famous!

Zhunti Taoist, one of the two sages in the West, made it from the body of Western Gengjin Bodhi combined with gold, silver, colored glaze and other seven treasures.

That is the magic weapon of a saint!

It actually fell into Chu Hao's hands, and looking at it like this, the sacrifice was already successful!

what on earth is it?

And Monkey King here is not to be outdone, he has a special light of stone flowing all over his body, which turns out to be directly using the source of true spirit.

"Hahahaha! Prison God, come on, let me see how powerful you are!"

Sun Wukong ignited the endless fighting spirit in his body, although when he saw the wonderful tree of seven treasures, he already knew that he would definitely lose.

But people can be defeated, not surrendered!

He is the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, even if the Jade Emperor comes down, he can only be defeated, there is no reason to surrender without a fight!

"Stay stubborn, watch the trick!"

Chu Hao was not polite at all, and slowly sacrificed the wonderful tree of seven treasures in his hand, and saw seven kinds of most beautiful brilliance falling from the sky like long chains, like galaxies woven out.

When the colorful brilliance appeared in the world, everyone felt a huge pressure, as if they were under the pressure of being buried deep in the bottom of the sea.

Not to mention, Sun Wukong, who was under the colorful brilliance, was even more oppressed.

Monkey King didn't feel timid to fight in his heart, on the contrary, his fighting spirit was like a monstrous flame,

"It seems that my old grandson is going to lose this time, but an upright defeat is also a wonderful battle, come on!"

The gods looked at Chu Hao, and then at Monkey King in his original form, looking forward to it.


Chu Hao held the wonderful tree of seven treasures and rushed towards Monkey King quickly.

And Monkey King also rushed towards Monkey King with full fighting spirit, a big battle was imminent.

All the gods and monsters moved away a few steps, lest they be affected by the aftermath.

But at this moment, Chu Hao suddenly stopped, slapped his forehead,

"Oh, it's five o'clock, almost overtime! Get off work!"

"Ah yes, you also get off work early, I have taken annual leave, please contact Drift Bottle if you need anything."

"That's it, slip away!"

After all, under the gaze of countless gazes, Chu Hao turned into a rainbow and disappeared from the field.

Only the gods and Buddhas in the sky are left in a mess in the wind.

Sun Wukong, whose fighting spirit exploded:? ? ?

The passionate and inspiring heavenly soldiers and generals:? ? ?

The little goblin with a confused face:? ? ?

This, what's the situation?

Nezha standing next to him helplessly supported his forehead, and those Yaocha generals and others also remembered the fear of being dominated by Chu Hao after get off work.

The newly recruited general next to him asked:

"God Nezha, this...what the hell is going on?"

Nezha twitched the corners of his mouth,

"Little friend, do you have a lot of question marks? Don't worry, I do too, just get used to it."

But Mu Zha looked angrily, "How dare you run away, Prison God, stop!"

Mu Zha turned into a beam of light and flew over to stop Chu Hao.

And Nezha and many gods who were familiar with Chu Hao sneered as Mu Zha went away.

In the next second, Mu Zha came back with a bruised nose and a swollen face, with tears on his face.

"Prison God, you are too deceitful, you dare to talk to me like that! Wuwuwu...I'm going to sue the Taishang Laojun and put you to death!"

Nezha and the gods laughed out loud, this Mu Zha really doesn't know how to live or die, Chu Hao who is off work dares to stop him?

After Mu Zha passed by, Chu Hao beat him up violently, and said "You're asking me to do something" and beat him back.

And Mu Zha did what he said, and went back to report to Taibai Jinxing.


Above the clouds, several soldiers were sending messages to His Majesty at high speed.

Every time a soldier comes in, it will bring a tense military situation.

"Your Majesty is not good, all our heavenly soldiers and generals have been beaten down! Then Sun Wukong is about to come up!"

"Your Majesty, things have turned around! The Three Realms Prison God Chu Hao is beating Sun Wukong, and even the other demon kings have been hammered!"

"Your Majesty, the Prison God suddenly stopped... He ran away!"

The Jade Emperor patted Long Hu excitedly, "What's going on!"

"Your Majesty, it's time."

"he is off from get off work……"

The corners of the Jade Emperor's mouth twitched, and his eyes were desperate, "Ming Jin withdraws his troops and fights again tomorrow..."

"Your Majesty... Tomorrow, the Prison God will have his annual holiday."

The Jade Emperor roared: "Let him come back, as the god of heaven and hell, he must do his duty!"

Taibai Jinxing faltered: "Your Majesty, Hell God said, he said... Are you teaching me how to do things?"

The Jade Emperor suddenly felt as if his heart had been pinched, and his head was a little short of oxygen.

"Your Majesty, take care, Your Majesty!" Taibai Jinxing panicked.

I committed a crime!Why did he approve his fake!

Twice, and both times were off work on time!

Should I adjust the duty time later?I heard that [-] in the West is very blessed?

The Jade Emperor only felt that his heart could not bear the exciting news.

But at this time, another soldier came to report:

"Your Majesty, Zhenjun Guanjiangkou Erlang is here!"

The Jade Emperor waved his hand tiredly, "I know, I know, get rolling!"

The Jade Emperor felt a little embarrassed that he could get the prison god to take Sun Wukong into his hands, but he still had to trouble this annoying nephew.

But suddenly the little soldier ran in again, "Your Majesty, Erlang Zhenjun was frozen by the cold air of the ninth-level black ice, and his strength was a little weak. The monster monkey pressed down on Erlang Zhenjun and beat him. Taishang Laojun seems to have passed."

The Jade Emperor has a weird face, the Western religion has missed, and the saints have come to reap the merits?

Then it seems that the heaven is not bad.

Thinking of this, the Jade Emperor's face brightened again.



After Chu Hao left, the world fell into an embarrassing silence.

On the immortal side, he was also hesitant, wondering whether to attack or not?

As for the monsters, they were also hesitant.

"Will they fight or not? Even the Prison God Chu Hao is off work?"

"My lord, why don't we get off work first, learn from others, and get off work on time, how good it is for the employees."

"Are you sure he didn't run the one early?"

"Then what do you do now?"

"I don't know, just pretend to be dead first, if the enemy doesn't move, I won't move."

As a result, the world fell into this embarrassing situation where the enemy can't move and I can't move.

It often lasted for less than half an hour, and even the gods began to discuss whether to talk about it tomorrow.

But at this moment, a three-eyed general rushed in with a large group of people.

It was Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun Erlang Zhenjun who came from Guanjiangkou.

As soon as he entered the arena, Yang Jian shouted angrily,

"Bold monster monkey, come with me...Ah Choo! My Cao, it's so cold!"

Just when Yang Jian was about to say a few words on the scene, he suddenly felt the cold air surging between the heaven and the earth.

But it was because after Chu Hao left, the Promise Ice melted, everything revived, and endless cold air spread between the heaven and the earth.

Feeling the cold air, Yang Jian couldn't help shivering. He is the god of water, so he is extremely sensitive to these cold air, and even suffers double damage from the cold air.

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