The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 678 Gu Yang: No one can solve the mechanism's calculation!

Gu Yang is not stupid, he has long known that this kind of thing happened, those Bodhisattvas must have gone to Xitian Lingshan to invite people at the first time.

Gu Yang knew his own strength, and it was absolutely impossible to resist the Three Thousand Buddhas.

The fundamental purpose of arresting Tang Sanzang this time is not actually Tang Sanzang, but...

Gu Yang didn't say anything, and he wasn't even willing to tell any of his subordinates.

He knows very well that walls have ears, and he cannot reveal his purpose even if there is a little risk.

He's learned.

After being tricked by Chu Hao the last few times, Gu Yang gained a lot of wisdom from eating a little bit, and he gained a lot of wisdom.

Otherwise, after the last battle with Guanyin Bodhisattva, Gu Yang would not hide in the mountains far away from Futu Mountain and ambush him for more than ten days.

Although a mentally handicapped boy finally came, it was still a bit of a harvest. Now that the white lotus boy is involved with all the bodhisattvas, it can be regarded as a help.

The revival of the demon clan is a long road. Before the demon cave accumulated magic power and let Gu Yang go out to find his subordinates, Gu Yang messed up everything.

But no problem.

The Mozu family has a great career, and they can still stand it.

This time, Gu Yang was once again entrusted with the important task of handing over the accumulated magic weapons to the demons who are about to be born!

Those are the pure demons, and they are not inferior products like Bailian Boy, who are infected with demon energy and exchange vitality for strength.

For Gu Yang, the most important thing now is time.

Gu Yang also knew long ago that the people from Xitian had already gone to Lingshan for help.

The corner of Gu Yang's mouth curled up into a sinister smile,

"How could I make such a small mistake? Three Dharma Guardian Garan, nothing more!"

That's right, when Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva sent Jiedi and Dharma Protector Jialan and others, Gu Yang had already secretly sent demons to intercept and kill them!

Calculate the time...

Gu Yang was sitting at the bottom of the quicksand river, suddenly several black shadows gathered around him.

Several monsters with ferocious faces and fangs half-kneeled beside Gu Yang, and there were three bloody corpses in their hands.

It was those Dharma Guardian Jialan who went to report to Xitian!

Gu Yang has indeed succeeded, he has strategized, and his reputation is well-deserved.

Gu Yang walked up to General Shulin, lowered his head, and said respectfully:

"Master, please order, I can't wait to get them out!"

The shutter general didn't speak, he had already fainted.

Instead, a phantom formed by the black mist behind General Rolling Blind appeared, and a cold laughter came,

"Well done, go, just keep the hidden demon here to deter all Buddhas."

"But remember, I am a hostage now, don't expose..."

The black shadow gradually faded away, leaving only the body of General Shulin lying beside Tang Sanzang.

Gu Yang bowed his head deeply,

"Follow the master's decree!"

Only then did Gu Yang stand up arrogantly, waved his hand,

"The Hidden Demon stays here and becomes me here, threatening Tang Sanzang and General Rolling Curtain!"

"In addition, the Canglan Yin Demon stays behind and circles around here."

"Others set out to rescue our brothers!"

With Gu Yang's order, all the demons hiding in the quicksand river, like a stone statue, moved one after another!

They are the few demons left in the Three Realms, and they are rare and powerful among the many demons.

The demon clan is very large, and there are countless races.

There are affliction demons, yin demons, celestial demons, death demons, sin demons, walking demons, karma demons, heart demons...

This is just a branch.

There are also ten kinds of demons of the supreme path, one is called heavenly demons, the second is called earth demons, the third is called human demons, the fourth is called ghosts and demons, etc...

Of course, no matter how they are classified, they are all according to the classification of their respective sects, and each has its own theory. There are so many demons that cannot be exhausted.

In the prehistoric times, the demon ancestor Luohu fell and became a demon, but there were not many demons remaining in the Three Realms.

The demon troop led by Gu Yang at this moment was also worthy of being collected by Gu Yang after traveling all over the Three Realms.

Although there are only dozens of demons following Gu Yang.

But don't underestimate these demons, they are all above Taiyi Jinxian, and there are even ten Da Luo demons among them!

Although it can't compare to the brilliance of the demon ancestor Luohu in the prehistoric era when he shook the heavens, but in this journey to the west, such a team has reached extremely high combat power.

In addition, Gu Yang personally led the team, this time, it was the demons' counterattack!

Gu Yang led the team composed of demons, and headed for the distance in a mighty way.

In fact, Gu Yang wondered for a moment whether Chu Hao would find out where he hid the magic weapon, but this thought was only fleeting.

Gu Yang's eyes were very arrogant, and he secretly sneered in his heart,

"Among the three realms and six realms, I should be the only one who knows where the treasure is hidden. No matter how clever that prison god Chu Hao is, he can't guess it!"

"Even if I find it there, I have also set up the Supreme Formation, and I am the only one who can understand it within the Three Realms!"

"If all of this is found out, what's the point of that day?"

"Absolutely impossible!"

Gu Yang felt that it was impossible for anyone to be so enchanting. Ever since he buried the magic treasure alone, Gu Yang hadn't even been there, and he hadn't even mentioned the place where the treasure was hidden to anyone.

If anyone can guess this, it can only be said to be a bit outrageous.

Gu Yang led all the devils, and quietly circled around from the bottom of the quicksand river.

Get up from the distant river bank, and then make all the monsters hide.

Their goal is pointing directly at Little Sumeru Mountain!

But at this moment, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva and others are still dealing with Boy Bailian.

Although now there is an extra Bodhisattva of Inexhaustible Intent, they have the upper hand in the fight.

But Bailian boy's status is quite special, and everyone dare not kill him, for fear of being reprimanded by the Zhunti sage.

However, it is precisely because all the Bodhisattvas Mingwang have their hands and feet tied, so the Great Strength Bodhisattva has no good chance to get out of this battle until now.

"It seems that you are very helpless? Do you want to help you?"

Chu Hao lazily passed by, kicked Dashizhi Bodhisattva's foot, and walked away.

Great Strength Bodhisattva: "???"

Is it so annoying?

Just passing by, kick me by the way?

Guanyin Bodhisattva originally wanted to keep Chu Hao for help, but thinking of what Chu Hao said before, Guanyin Bodhisattva still chose to keep his mouth shut.

Those who ask for money cannot afford it.

Unless it can be repaid with other things, Chu Hao doesn't like it either.

Guanyin Bodhisattva was secretly aggrieved.

This distraction directly caused a flaw in the battle on the field.

Boy Bai Lian risked his injuries and used his life-for-life fighting style to leave a deep bloodstain on Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva.

Great Strength Bodhisattva: "???"

Why is it me again?

Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva had already found an opportunity to go into the water, but was forced to join the battle, which was very uncomfortable.

Chu Hao was just passing by and kicked his foot on the spur of the moment, but he didn't know that this kick delayed the timing of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva and caused Xitian to suffer a great disaster.

However, that is something later, let's not mention it for the time being.

Chu Hao went away alone, the goal in his eyes became clearer and clearer, and he found the treasure!

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