The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 670 Good Brother, I Will Never Let Down Your Preparations

But Chu Hao finally found Tang Sanzang who was buried in the soil.

But because of the great battle just now, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and the scope was very wide.

Even Tang Sanzang, who was hiding far away and peeking at the edge, was buried in the ground by the sudden explosion.

Fortunately, however, nothing serious happened.

Tang Sanzang buried the sky|burial ground, but he almost buried himself in the end, which is a real drama.

Sun Wukong pulled Tang Sanzang out of the soil like a carrot.

It took Tang Sanzang a while to recover, but he saw all the monsters all over the mountains and plains looking at him, and the Yellow Wind King was standing in front of him.

Tang Sanzang was taken aback,

"My Cao, Wukong Bajie, are you going to betray and sell your teacher to monsters as snacks?"

Zhu Bajie twitched the corners of his mouth,

"Master, don't we have some trust between master and apprentice? Selling snacks is too sorry for the master-student friendship between us!"

Tang Sanzang breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhu Bajie added,

"Selling chrysanthemums."

Tang Sanzang: "!!!"

Zhu Bajie had a smirk all over his face.

Sun Wukong rolled his eyes beside him,

"Idiot, don't scare our master."

"Master, to make a long story short, King Huangfeng was ordered by Bodhisattva Lingji to arrest you."

"But it's all right now."

Tang Sanzang frowned,

"Huh? Lingji Bodhisattva wants to arrest me? Are you all right now?"

Sun Wukong shrugged,

"Anyway, the incident was more complicated, and the final result was that Bodhisattva Lingji was promoted."

"Now King Huangfeng has taken the initiative to surrender, and is ready to join the new Law Enforcement Hall opened by Brother Prison God."

"We can keep going."

Sun Wukong briefly introduced the previous events to Tang Sanzang, including Chu Hao's praise of Lingji Bodhisattva.

Tang Sanzang was only stunned for a few seconds. Although the amount of information was extremely large, it was not unacceptable.

Although it is said that Lingji Bodhisattva Tang Sanzang has never met, Tang Sanzang has heard about it in Buddhist scriptures for a long time.

This is because the bodhisattva, who brings auspiciousness and auspiciousness to believers, is highly praised by believers.

However, he thought that Bodhisattva Lingji and the Great King of Yellow Wind would attack him.

Is this the so-called auspiciousness it brings?

Good guy, if it wasn't for the fact that the prison god Chu Hao sat on the white dragon horse because he was really dizzy today, Tang San would be hiding in the hands of the demons, and he might have been torn apart.

Auspicious, really very auspicious.

Tang Sanzang was rejoicing, and became even more determined that no matter what happened, he must hold on to Xianjun's thigh.

Tang Sanzang looked left and right, a little anxious,

"Where is Xianjun? Where is Xianjun? Without Xianjun, we can't go here!"

At this moment, Chu Hao leisurely walked down from the cloud head and wiped his mouth.

Behind Chu Hao, Guanyin Bodhisattva looked resentful and angry, but he had nothing to do with Chu Hao.

When Guanyin Bodhisattva pursued Bailian boy to no avail and rushed to the scene, he found that things had gone out of control.

And it was Chu Hao who told Guanyin Bodhisattva himself what happened just now.

The so-called killing means killing one's heart!

Guanyin Bodhisattva is 1 furious towards Chu Hao, and Lingji Bodhisattva is also a key figure, even after the catastrophe, he still has his mission.

But there is no way, the law enforcement prison god said that he was going to die, so he would not have survived today.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva entangled with Chu Hao for a long time, and finally lost, as always.

Up to now, Guanyin Bodhisattva could only hold back his anger and descended from the clouds.

Guanyin Bodhisattva came down, and all the monsters were extremely nervous.

But Tang Sanzang, his master and his disciples were used to it, and they were extremely relaxed.

Zhu Bajie took the initiative to say hello:

"I've seen Guanyin Bodhisattva, by the way, what did the boss do to you just now, why do you look angry?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva was extremely ashamed and angry, but he gave Zhu Bajie a glare.

Zhu Bajie was taken aback. I, Cao, was just talking about it casually. This can't be...

Zhu Bajie: Wow!

Boss is an idol!

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked contemptuous when he saw Tang Sanzang, obviously he was worried about Lingji Bodhisattva collaborating with monsters to catch him.

But Tang Sanzang didn't talk nonsense, he just kept it in his heart.

Guanyin Bodhisattva frowned, but told Tang Sanzang:

"Tang Sanzang, there are countless difficulties and obstacles on the way to learn scriptures, and Lingji Bodhisattva is just one of them."

"He was originally an evil disciple of Buddhism who had been expelled from Buddhism. He did these things, and he would be a part of calamity."

"However, it is exactly what my Buddha said, karma is cyclical, retribution is not good, all living beings are equal, and Bodhisattvas commit crimes, and there is an end. Lingji Bodhisattva has died in response to the kalpa, and this difficulty has passed."

"You, you can move on."

Forced explanation is the most deadly!

Tang Sanzang didn't look at Guanyin Bodhisattva. He didn't believe such stupid words, but he looked left and right,

"Where's my fairy? Where's my fairy? Where is he? If he doesn't come here, it's hard to go west!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva twitched the corners of his mouth,

Could it be that Chu Hao is missing for this westward trip?Are you still not satisfied with the two Da Luo apprentices that Xitian assigned to you?

On this side, Chu Hao was confirming something with King Huang Feng.

It is about the appearance of Tiger Pioneer and many monsters in Gaolaozhuang before.

After King Huangfeng's answer, Chu Hao vaguely guessed something weird.

But it was because King Huang Feng, a local snake, has often heard that the devil is soliciting around.

Some big demon kings who were thousands of miles away were forcibly captured by the devil and served as his subordinates.

Fortunately, King Huangfeng was not in his lair at the time, Tiger Pioneer was captured, and King Huangfeng escaped.

Chu Hao frowned, obviously Gu Yang did this, but why did Gu Yang gather so many big demon kings?

Could it be that he really wants to carry a stick and set up a flag, and then he will be stationed in this world and become a big devil?

and many more……

A familiar figure suddenly flashed in Chu Hao's mind.

Could it be that the young man at the bottom of the quicksand river did it?

Chu Hao only remembered that he had introduced General Shutter to Nanhai Haiyan for a cup of tea, but he didn't know what happened afterwards.

It's just that looking at it now, Gu Yang's road in front of the Liusha River is already busy ahead of time, and it seems that he is preparing for something, Chu Hao has a bottom line in his heart.

Good brother, I will definitely not disappoint your expectations!

Chu Hao made up his mind, on the one hand, he wanted to find the blood essence to bargain with Xi Tian as soon as possible, and on the other hand, he wanted to meet his good brother Gu Yang.

Chu Hao waved his hand,

"Stop the ink, westbound team, let's go!"

On the other side, Guanyin Bodhisattva spoke earnestly, but he couldn't persuade Tang Sanzang.

On top of anger.

He suddenly heard Chu Hao's voice.

Tang Sanzang's eyes lit up instantly, he picked up the load, led the horse,

"On the way, disciples!"

Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie followed immediately without saying a word.

Until the group walked away, Guanyin Bodhisattva stood there with a dark face.

I am a majestic Guanyin Bodhisattva, and if I talk for a long time, can't I say a word to the God of Hell?

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