The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 664 Crying will only make me kill harder!

After all, Chu Hao is a kind and gentle person,

"Little Jiji, I am a reasonable person, let's be reasonable."

Lingji Bodhisattva's face is full of bitterness, the pain mask has been put on,

The last time Chu Hao talked about being reasonable, he lost half of Lingshan.

Now it's my turn?

Bodhisattva Lingji wants to slap himself hard right now, what the hell, is my brain sick? !

How the hell would I let King Huang Feng go to the fucking lottery to kidnap without knowing his identity?

So lucky to get the prison god Chu Hao?

Bodhisattva Lingji wanted to die.

Chu Hao pointed to Lingji Bodhisattva, Chu Hao's voice was full of grievances,

"I'm just an innocent ordinary person passing by, and you actually instigated King Huang Feng to kidnap me and eat me? What's the reason for this?"

"You instigated kidnapping, instigated murder, and added crime to your crime, but you don't know that people are doing it, and God is watching! Didn't you fear being discovered by the law enforcement and prison gods of the Three Realms?"

"Okay, now you have caught me, are you happy? Are you satisfied!"

"Do you know how big a crime you have committed? A death sentence!"

Bodhisattva Lingji almost couldn't bear the grievance, so he burst into tears,

"...I want to go back to's too scary here!"

It was so uncomfortable, he really never imagined that such a horrible thing would happen!

How unlucky must this be to be able to kidnap the prison god Chu Hao in the middle of the vast crowd?

It must be a special fate!

Chu Hao looked at the aggrieved Lingji Bodhisattva, shook his head,

"Little Jiji, don't worry, although I was the one who was kidnapped, I don't like public revenge, I'm more fair—"

Lingji Bodhisattva was overjoyed, thinking that Chu Hao was going to let him go, even if it was blackmail.

"You won't survive."

Chu Hao made a repair.

Bodhisattva Lingji burst into tears, Oh my god, devil!

"It's useless to cry. Crying will only make me kill harder!"

A more excited smile appeared on Chu Hao's face.

Lingji Bodhisattva cried like a child, and even louder!

It's not that he wants to cry, but after living so many yuanhuis and countless years of cultivation, now he is about to be slaughtered by Chu Hao, it's not uncomfortable for anyone else!

The strength and cultivation of the law enforcement and prison gods of the three realms will definitely allow their parents to raise them for nothing. This is a real confidence.

Thinking of this, Bodhisattva Lingji cried even harder.

Bodhisattva Lingji cried so hard that he couldn't make a sound, but his appearance, in the eyes of many Huangfengling monsters pretending to be dizzy, was very satisfying!

Just now, he is superior and arrogant, and he should not feel too superior when he regards monsters in the world as inferior creatures.

But now Lingji Bodhisattva was sentenced to death by the prison god, but he was crying on the spot, not even daring to stand up and resist like all the monsters, which has to be said to be another kind of embarrassment.

However, the more uncomfortable Lingji Bodhisattva is, the happier everyone will be!

Especially King Huang Feng, when he saw Chu Hao directly sentenced to death without even asking, he jumped up happily,


But King Huangfeng felt something was wrong, and pretended to faint.

Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie watched from the side.

Seeing Lingji Bodhisattva's sad appearance, Zhu Bajie couldn't help feeling compassionate,

"The majestic Lingji Bodhisattva, why did he end up in such a situation? It's really heartbreaking. Forget it, I, the old pig, will help you to speak a word of justice."

The flame of hope was ignited again in Lingji Bodhisattva's heart.

"Boss, why don't you give him a good time, the kind where the true spirit is annihilated!"

Zhu Bajie smirked, and mercilessly extinguished Lingji Bodhisattva's fantasy with a splash of urine.

Bodhisattva Lingji was terrified: No, I think I can still save it!

Bodhisattva Lingji turned over and jumped up, taking out the Wind-fixing Pill in his hand.

Chu Hao was stunned for a moment,

"Take a wind-fixing pill, what are you trying to do?"

Bodhisattva Lingji, with a ferocious face, shouted loudly,

"You forced me, you forced me! Even if it hurts Tianhe, if the fish dies and the net breaks, I will never die with you!"

"Blue-yellow kamikaze, the wind is coming!"

In the next second, a gust of pale yellow wind suddenly blew between the sky and the earth. The wind was mixed with yellow sand and green leaves, which looked extremely strange.

This wind is extremely violent| violent, and all the creatures blown by this wind were all cut apart by the green leaves in it, and pierced through the body by those yellow sand like bullets.

All of a sudden, the rivers and rivers were bloody and bloody.

Those with a little bit of cultivation were okay, but suffered some flesh damage.

But those monsters with little cultivation, including birds and beasts playing among the mountains and rivers, were cut into pieces in an instant under the blowing and cutting of the green and yellow divine wind.

This is the supernatural power of Lingji Bodhisattva, the blue and yellow divine wind.

This is the violent wind that originated from the four great spirits of earth, wind, water and fire.

Bodhisattva Lingji shouted fiercely:

"Prison God Chu Hao, you forced me. If I want to die, all living beings here will be buried with me!"

"My blue-yellow divine wind, every time I use it, it kills and injures countless people, and even after death, this wind will continue to blow violently until all living beings here are annihilated!"

"If you insist on killing me, then let all the creatures in Huangfengling be buried with you! Hahahaha!"

Bodhisattva Lingji has gone a little crazy. After practicing Taoism for tens of thousands of years, he finally became a Bodhisattva on a high level.

But now he is sentenced to death by the prison god Chu Hao, Lingji Bodhisattva does not want to die!

So the trick of getting along was to force Chu Hao to submit.

Seeing that many of his subordinates were dying quickly, King Huang Feng scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously, and roared angrily:

"You pretended to be a Bodhisattva, and you actually traded the lives of common people in exchange for your own existence? Is this the mercy of your Western Paradise?!"

"Stop it, stop it!"

But Lingji Bodhisattva pointed at Chu Hao, gritted his teeth and cursed sinisterly:

"He forced me. I am the Bodhisattva of the Western Paradise. I am the spokesperson of compassion and Buddhism. If he wants to kill me, it means that all living beings will lose the opportunity to enlighten them!"

"It's all his fault. If you want to blame it, you have to blame him. Unless he doesn't kill me, this blue-yellow kamikaze can stop!"

Chu Hao looked on in amazement, what a crude method of diverting conflicts?

This reminded Chu Hao of the trolley problem, not the kind of trolley idiots, but the kind of people passing by with a toilet stick.

Although Bodhisattva Lingji roughly passed on the crime of killing living beings to himself, Chu Hao was not entangled at all.


Chu Hao didn't pass by with a toilet stick, Chu Hao was the kind of person who could hoist the entire tram and, by the way, make people who made the tram difficult!

Seeing Chu Hao sneer,

"Are you worthy of being named wind?"

The next second, Chu Hao hiccupped slightly.

Then he saw that in the void, a hundred times more violent and incomparably huge hurricane suddenly blew up!

Nothingness and wind!

Blowing in the opposite direction towards the blue and yellow divine wind!

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