The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 651 A mouse, really think of itself as a character?

The monsters in Huangfengling have always been more arrogant.

In this area, the largest organization is the monster headed by Huang Fengling.

The powerhouses from all directions and the demon kings from all directions surrendered.

As the king of Huangfengling, the king of Huangfeng is extremely strong, and the ordinary Da Luo demon king has been defeated by him.

It is even more rumored that King Huangfeng is inextricably related to Xitian.

And during this time, the envoys and Bodhisattvas from the Western Heaven came to Huangfengling very frequently, often discussing some shady matters with Huangfeng Monster.

It also confirmed the fact that Xitian enslaved monsters.

Moreover, seeing that a careless Dharma protector Jialan, who is not even a fairy, dares to drink five times and drink six times in the Yellow Wind Tunnel, one can know the current situation of the Yellow Wind Tunnel.

Even the majestic Great Demon King in the world felt the pressure from Xitian, but this was an inevitable doom.

Under the catastrophe, if you don't choose to cling to Xitian, you will only have a dead end!

It was precisely because Jialan knew that this group of arrogant demon kings in the world would not be able to do anything to him, so his tone of voice was almost like an order.

Even if he knew that the person facing him was the aloof King Huangfengling, this Jia Lan would not restrain himself.

At this moment, in the darkness, that scarlet round eye stared at Jia Lan, but said coldly:

"Chu Hao, the Prison God of Law Enforcement in the Three Realms, shouldn't he build a Law Enforcement Hall in the Heavenly Court?"

"This is different from what we agreed at the time. I'm only responsible for taking action against Tang Sanzang, but I can't deal with this Prison God Chu Hao!"

King Huangfeng is not a fool, if he goes to confront the God of Hell, wouldn't that mean death? !

Being calculated is bad enough, but you want to force yourself to die?

He was originally a Taoist mouse at the foot of the Lingshan Mountain. Because he stole the clear oil in the glass cup, the lamp was dimly lit. He was afraid that King Kong would take him, so he left, but he became a ghost here to play tricks.

But Huang Fengguai didn't know that all his actions were completely calculated by the Tathagata.

Where is Lingshan?

The gathering of three thousand Buddhas, the protection of the Ming Kings of the five directions, and the protection of the eight heavenly dragons, stole the clear oil at that place, and could they still sneak out all the way?

Among the Three Realms, only Chu Hao survived the treasure hunt in Lingshan.

After King Huangfeng came down, he obtained Buddha nature by virtue of the clear oil, and cultivated into a great demon.

For a while, he was very lucky, not afraid of the sky, not afraid of the earth, and when he saw monsters, he claimed that he followed the example of Monkey King and made a big disturbance in the Lingshan Mountain of the West Heaven. However, his fate was still just a marionette controlled by him.

Just some time ago, Journey to the West started, Lingji Bodhisattva came directly to Huangfeng Cave, easily defeated Huangfeng King, and made Huangfeng King instantly understand the truth.

He still remembers Lingji Bodhisattva's sneering and arrogant eyes, and his compassionate tone when he pronounced his fate:

If you don't want your body to die, Dao disappear, and your true spirit be annihilated, you should cooperate obediently, collide with the great sage, and frame Tang Seng.

When the time comes, I will come out to rescue you, and you can return to the west, achieve positive results, and practice hard in the west.

Or, you can try to resist?

The yellow wind monster sitting on the throne still remembers Lingji Bodhisattva's aloof, indifferent and mocking eyes.

King Huang Feng gritted his teeth, secretly furious, and crushed the armrest of his throne!


After all, I was still too naive. I should have known something was wrong when I saw the glass cup that was left unattended!

But living beings will always be controlled by desire, even gods and Buddhas cannot escape from the vortex of desire.

King Huang Feng knew that he had been fooled, but it was already too late, and he became Xi Tian's matchmaking puppet.

He is very clear about his future, and obediently in Lingshan, even if he is a Daluo Jinxian, he will be scorned by those stupid and despicable Buddhist soldiers!

King Huangfeng risked his life to steal clear oil and go down to Lingshan, not because he didn't want to be a mouse anymore, he just wanted to stand upright and be a free monster!

He didn't want to see those dirty and disgusting things in Xitian again, and those hypocritical and despicable Buddhas!

Guardian Jialan saw that King Huangfeng refused to agree for a long time, but he still understood something, so he couldn't help saying coldly:

"A mouse is a mouse. I, Xitian, gave you a chance. You are not grateful, but you still hesitate?"

"Don't forget that Bodhisattva Lingji is watching you. If you act rashly, you will know what will happen!"

Garan's words were full of threats, and his eyes were full of sarcasm and contempt.

Except for the Buddha and immortals, any living beings are inferior living beings in the eyes of Xitian, and they are slaves that can be easily manipulated.

Including people, including big monsters, including the Asura clan...

Jia Lan dared to speak so loudly, naturally it was because Xitian gave him enough confidence.

Even if the yellow-haired marten's cultivation level is that of the Great Luo Jinxian, if he goes to the Western Paradise, he won't get any benefit at all, let alone climb up to the position of Dharma Guardian Garan in his whole life!

But in Xitian, where the ranks are so strict, people with low status can never question and resist those who are superior. This is the eternal theorem of Xitian.

Therefore, in Xitian, without an identity background, it means that there will never be peace!

Ability and strength don't count in Xitian.

Don't you see, a white lotus boy can point to the Tathagata Buddha and speak loudly, even if he makes a big mistake, I will be merciful to the Buddha, what is so unreasonable?

In the eyes of Dharma Protector Jialan, King Huangfeng is just a powerful slave of Xitian in the future, nothing more.

Therefore, Dharma Guardian Jialan was worried at all when he spoke, and just sneered:

"I know what you are thinking. Although the Hell God is powerful, this is your mission. Even if it costs your life, you have to complete it!"

"That's it, you can do it yourself..."

Dharma Guardian Jialan turned and left, but he still sarcastically said:

"It's just a mouse, do you really think of yourself as a person? Have you forgotten who you are? It's ridiculous, cut..."

Dharma protector Jialan swaggered and was about to leave Flash.

But he didn't feel that the eyes of King Huang Feng behind him were as scarlet as a blood moon, and those eyes were full of madness!

Every word of Jia Lan hit Jia Lan's heart!

He only wants the most basic respect. He gathers countless monsters here and becomes a monster king, but he is still regarded as a sewer mouse!

All dignity was trampled on by Xitian.

Now even a Jialan dares to talk to himself like that!

The wrath of King Huangfeng is self-evident.

Seeing Jia Lan walking out at this moment, King Huang Feng's mind raced!

The Prison God Chu Hao is here, and his name Huangfeng Dawang remains suspicious, but the demon emperor among the four royals before, the Great Emperor Gouchen, has vouched for Chu Hao.

King Huang Feng recognized this point.

What if... kill Jia Lan and go to the prison god?

King Huangfeng's eyes flashed red.

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