The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 645 Chu Hao's traditional skills reappear, stealing magic energy!

But when Gu Yang waved his big hand, layers of black light suddenly moved around Bai Lian boy.

Those layers of magic nets suddenly wrapped around Bai Lian boy like ropes, and Bai Lian boy was locked in place in an instant!

Bailian boy was terrified,

"What kind of method is this?!"

Gu Yang sneered,

"It's a pity that you are mentally handicapped, otherwise I can explain to you that the sky spider web is just a means for me to cover people's eyes and ears, and my backhands are endless!"

In order to deal with Chu Hao, Gu Yang must have deliberately planned.

Among the Luotian magic nets, the sky spider webs are just the first mover of the cheating skills.

But there is still the dragon-binding rope of the demon clan, which has been eyeing it.

In Gu Yang's heart, he felt that it was a huge waste, that all his efforts were in vain, and he was only using them on a half-step quasi-sage who seemed to be a fool.

It's a pity.

But thinking that the next plan would bring the worst revenge on Chu Hao, Gu Yang was secretly happy.

If the helper you invited here not only didn't die, but went back to fight Xitian, let's see how you, Chu Hao, go back to Xitian to return to life!

Without further ado, Gu Yang bound Bailian Boy to the spot, waved his hand,


Naturally, they were calling for the monsters below to bring out the magic light that Gu Yang had buried early.

This magic light is basically the same as the last time Tang Sanzang was infected, the only difference is that this time there is more magic energy.

If this magic light hit Bailian Tongzi, Bailian Tongzi would suddenly be completely demonized on the spot, and would be controlled by Gu Yang!

Gu Yang frowned, but he couldn't wait for his demons to make a move.

He looked down, but saw a scene that made him so angry that he exploded!

At this moment, Chu Hao was holding the god-killing spear, and was intercepting the beam of devilish light.

This devilish energy, which was originally used to infect Bailian boy, was completely blocked by Chu Hao at this moment, and all the devilish energy entered Chu Hao's God Killing Spear.

Steal electricity!

Traditional skills!

Chu Hao had been waiting by the side for a long time, and what he was waiting for was to steal from the rich and help the poor!

Chu Hao didn't expect that Gu Yang would be such a good person, and he knew that what he lacked the most was this devilish energy,

Well, come here as soon as you come, what gift do you bring?

Chu Hao's God Killing Spear devoured tons of demon energy.

Gu Yang stared angrily and roared,

"Ahhhhh!!! Chu Hao, you despicable villain, you dare not fight me head-on, and you actually do these sneaky things every day!"

"Stop it, it's my family's devilish energy, don't steal it anymore! Tell you to stop, do you hear me?"

Chu Hao looked up and saw that Gu Yang found himself.

Chu Hao couldn't help being shy, like a naughty little boy.

Lonely and angry,

"Ahh! Despicable, treacherous, shameless, obscene! Stop!"

This is the demonic energy that the leader finally approved to let Gu Yang recruit soldiers!

When he bewitched Huang Fengling Tiger Pioneer before, he only used a small amount of money.

It was used to explode... the devilish energy infecting Bailian boy was only a small part of it.

What is buried here is enough to create a powerful and large army of demons!

But now, Chu Hao's Godkilling Spear, the violent|violent suction directly goes back to the source, uprooting all the devilish energy!

Originally, Gu Yang just prepared a little magic power to demonize Bailian Boy, just like nourishing Bailian Boy with a small water gun.

And what Chu Hao did was to drive a crane and hoist all his buckets away!

Prominently cut the weeds and eradicate the roots with one hand, and the leeks will not leave roots!

In an instant, a Tianyuan magic stone had condensed on Chu Hao's killing gun.

Good guy, as expected of Gu Yang, he is a hard-core good brother!

Gu Yang saw that his eyes were tearing apart, he couldn't bear it anymore at this moment, he directly left boy Bailian and went after Chu Hao!

Damn it, stealing the house in person, who can bear it!

"Stop, despicable villain, you dare to do such despicable things in broad daylight, stop!"

Gu Yang went crazy, chasing and killing Chu Hao.

Seeing that almost all the magic energy was absorbed, Chu Hao generously left Gu Yang with a taxi fare.

"Goodbye to you!"

Chu Hao turned into rainbow light and flew away with a swish.

It has to be said that Zen Master Wuchao had to do his best. The two vats of blood he gave to Chu Hao made up for Chu Hao's last flaws.

Chu Hao's current strength is the best among the Three Realms!

A well-deserved first!

Gu Yang couldn't get a fart in the back, and he was so angry that he repeatedly scolded Chu Hao for being despicable and not keeping benevolence, righteousness, wisdom and trustworthiness!

Although Bailian boy was trapped in place by the dragon rope, he laughed excitedly when he saw Chu Hao rescue him.

"Hahahahaha! I really deserve to be the protagonist of the Three Realms, God help me too!"

"Doesn't the prison god of the Three Realms have to obediently come to save me? Hahahaha!"

Boy Bailian is very happy.

Now Gu Yang is chasing and killing Chu Hao, the journey is far away, and there is no one in sight.

However, no one controlled the dragon rope, and it was quickly untied.

I will soon be able to leave leisurely, this time, it is the protagonist's victory!


When Boy Bailian was laughing, a rainbow flashed in front of his eyes.

Chu Hao suddenly appeared in front of Boy Bailian again.

For a moment, Bailian Boy froze in place.

Relying on the technique of turning golden crow into rainbow, Chu Hao temporarily got rid of Gu Yang and returned to the scene of the crime.

What does the law enforcement prison god do when he returns to the crime scene?

Of course it was a crime!

On Chu Hao's face, there was a refined and easy-going smile.

Seeing Chu Hao's smile, at that moment, Boy Bailian recalled his fear of Chu Hao!

Bailian boy was terrified, struggling desperately on the spot,

"You, you, what are you doing!"

Heaven is pitiful, when Gu Yang was about to kill Bai Lian boy, Bai Lian boy was never so scared!

At this moment, the psychological shadow climbed into his heart in an instant, making Bai Lian boy almost suffocate.

Chu Hao glanced at Gu Yang who was chasing after him, and he could see that Gu Yang was feeling very uncomfortable now.

"bring here!"

Chu Hao snatched the red lotus fire from Bailian boy's hand.

Bailian boy almost cried,

"Root, come, someone is robbing!"

Looking back, within the Three Realms, only the Law Enforcement Prison Gods of the Three Realms are in charge of such matters.

Question, who should I turn to if I was robbed by the law enforcement prison gods of the three realms?

"Go to your mother and cry, don't be ashamed... I, Cao, caught up so quickly!"

Chu Hao turned his head and saw Gu Yang who was extremely ferocious.

Chu Hao sized it up, and suddenly remembered that Boy Bailian still had an acquired treasure sword on him.

But at this moment, Gu Yang still has three seconds to reach the battlefield.

Chu Hao didn't dare to delay, so he hurriedly used the technique of turning the golden crow into a rainbow. Before leaving, he pointed at the boy Bailian and threatened gently:

"Take out your sword, I'll come and grab it later... Oh no, take it."

Chu Hao quickly slipped away.

And Gu Yang chased after Chu Hao like a mad dog, roaring angrily,

"Do you dare to stop and fight with me!"

Chu Hao turned into rainbow light, but he still didn't forget to respond,

"Do you dare to catch up and beat me up!"

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