But it is said that Guanyin Bodhisattva came down with a burden and came to the Yanyun Mountain.

Gu Yang hid in this mountain.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva looked indifferent, pointed at the Yanyun Mountain, and said to Boy Bailian:

"The devil is inside, go yourself."

Bailian boy sneered,

"Look at your frightened appearance, aren't you just a devil?"

"Look at it, I will be able to kill it soon!"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva smiles on the surface but not on the flesh,

"Oh, come on, let's say goodbye."

Guanyin Bodhisattva finished showing his kung fu, turned around and left, not at all willing to stay with the white lotus boy for an extra minute.

Boy Bailian watched Guanyin Bodhisattva go away, but said with a sneer:

"Sure enough, the gods and Buddhas of the Three Realms, who are cowardly, are scared out of their wits by a little devil!"

"It's just a demon, but it still needs to be avoided? It's ridiculous!"

"Master always said that gods and Buddhas in the three realms all have evil human nature, greedy for life and afraid of death. I can't be as cowardly as them, I will be the strongest assistant of Master!"

Bai Lian boy showed indifference on his face.

Boy Bailian waved his hand, and took out another treasured knife of the acquired treasure level.

Naturally, it was given by the sage Zhunti.

Boy Bailian rushed into the mountain, but he didn't even think about it, and he didn't even care about the sneak attack.

Anyway, in front of him at this moment, boy Bailian just wants to hit him directly, so do you need to worry about him so much?

Boy Bailian struck out with a big sword, cut through the sky, and suddenly slashed on Yanyun Mountain with his sword!

At that moment, Gu Yang who was hiding in the mountains was startled!

Gu Yang hid in this mountain for fifteen days, he thought about any kind of situation.

But I just never thought that someone would dare to break through the mountain directly!

How retarded is it to dare to do this thing? !

Immediately, Gu Yang was not polite, taking advantage of the time when Bai Lian boy was slashed down with a big sword, Gu Yang made a long-planned combo at Bai Lian boy without saying a word!

In the very first moment, there were endless monsters hiding in the mountains, and they rushed towards Bailian boy like a tiger coming out of the gate!

These monsters are not simply sent to death by thousands.

The moment they started, the whole world seemed to be sealed, and waves of devilish energy gushed out from the ground, weaving a net of devilish energy that covered the sky and the sun.

This was originally to deal with Chu Hao. Gu Yang specially learned it from his own master, who can gather the power of a group of demons, plus Gu Yang himself as a team!

No one can escape from this Luotian demon net unless he is in the quasi-sage realm!

Boy Bailian saw that the magic net was covering him, but he was not afraid at all, and he didn't even think about running away.

Within the Three Realms and Six Paths, how many people can make themselves escape?

What's more, isn't this just a mere monster?

Boy Bailian took out a big knife, looked at Gu Yang very arrogantly,

"Little demon, the boy under the seat of the sage of the Western Heavens came to collect you, so hurry up and catch you!"

Boy Bailian declared himself to be a family, and for his IQ, he was already extremely smart.

After all, within the Three Realms and Six Paths, there are indeed not many people who catch up with the name of the saint.

However, the demons are excluded.

As soon as Gu Yang heard that Bai Lian boy was actually a saint, Gu Yang's mind raced in an instant, and he judged the situation clearly in an instant!

Gu Yang snorted coldly, with anger hidden in his heart,

"Damn Chu Hao, actually reported me to the saint? Hmph! It seems that he still doesn't give up!"

Gu Yang already understood everything.

He knew that Chu Hao must have guessed that he was ambushing him. He is indeed my biggest enemy, Gu Yang, and his mind is sober!

Gu Yang thought that his concealment methods were very good, especially when he came here, so he cast doubts in order to confuse Chu Hao.

Unexpectedly, Chu Hao was able to break through the truth, and even reported himself to the saint. Obviously, Chu Hao was testing himself!

Gu Yang is very sure that Chu Hao just wants to be on two boats,

If Gu Yang wins this match, it proves that the demons do have the courage and ability to challenge a saint, then Chu Hao will naturally join the demons obediently;

And if this sage boy wins, Chu Hao will be able to convert to my Buddha once again for his crimes and meritorious deeds!

Gu Yang overestimated Chu Hao even more in his heart, he deserves to be my opponent!

However, a icy look flashed across Gu Yang's eyes, and the corner of his mouth curled up into a sinister smile,

"I, Gu Yang, are not so easy to use. Breaking your situation is easy!"

"This so-called sage boy, judging from his words and deeds, seems to be a mentally handicapped who knows how to live and die, why not make him a real mentally handicapped!"

No matter how you say it, Gu Yang is also a strong man of the demons walking in the world, and an irresistible enemy of Xi Tian, ​​so naturally he has some extremely powerful means!

Those methods are useless to Chu Hao, but they are definitely easy to catch this boy Bailian!

In the next second, Gu Yang brandished his long sword, rushed towards Bailian Boy, and fought with Bailian Boy.

There is still some difference in strength between the two.

But Gu Yang took the lead, and within the magic net, Gu Yang's strength was even stronger.

But Bailian boy also has advantages.

He is mentally handicapped.

That's why Bai Lian boy was not cowardly at all when he fought, and he wished he could exchange injuries for injuries.

After all, he is covered by a quasi-sage, as long as the true spirit is not eliminated, he basically cannot die.

But it was precisely because of Bailian Boy's extremely brave fighting style that he didn't realize that every time Gu Yang swung his sword, an invisible black line flashed in the air.

It is as secretive and calm as a spider weaving a web, but it also has an antelope's horns, which is mysterious and mysterious without trace.

Moreover, under the sky, those monsters are also secretly acting.

This scene was originally an ambush against Chu Hao, so Gu Yang naturally made countless preparations!

It's just that a boy named Bailian bumped into her now.

Boy Bailian didn't know it, but found that he had the upper hand in the battle with Gu Yang, he was very happy!

Boy Bailian took advantage of the victory to pursue, and the attack became more and more fierce!

"Hahahaha! You mere devil, you will definitely die today!"

Gu Yang secretly sneered in his heart,

"Hahahaha! Mere boy, you are doomed today!"

The two sides fought together.

In the distance, Chu Hao had just finished supervising the construction of the Law Enforcement Hall from the Heavenly Court, and caught fish by the way, so he lazily wanted to go back to the west to fish.

However, Chu Hao went to accidentally discover the fight between Boy Lian and Gu Yang.

There is a ghost if you don't find it.

Although it is said that Gu Yang intentionally uses the magic net to cover up the fighting breath to prevent being discovered by Tianting and Xitian.

But Bai Lian boy was wrong, he fought like a madman, and his breath leaked from time to time.

Chu Hao was stunned when he saw that these two people were fighting together.

Chu Hao shook his head,

"Tsk tsk tsk, the battle of the world, the white lotus boy fights the devil Guyang, and the crouching dragon and phoenix chicks fight."

[What are you still doing?Join in the fun! 】

[Task: Help the good brother win]

[Reward: Take it yourself! 】

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