The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 641 Guanyin: My Buddha, I suddenly feel that I can do it

Guanyin Bodhisattva seemed to have a villain in his mind, waving his hands desperately, shouting frantically:

No, don't let boy Bailian go, he's sick!If he goes, there will be big troubles!

I came here to ask for help, but if Bai Lianzi really went there, the difficulty of the game will be fully increased!

Guanyin Bodhisattva was a little panicked, thinking of cooperating with Bailian boy,

Otherwise, I'll just die down there and be cleaner!

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva lightly coughed twice, without making a sound, but said to Tathagata Buddha:

"Buddha, I think this matter needs to be discussed in the long run. Although Boy Bailian is powerful, we don't need to use a sledgehammer to kill chickens."

"I suddenly feel that I can do it, you just let me go by myself, life and death are my destiny."

The three thousand Buddhas present also felt pity secretly.

Good guy, Guanyin Bodhisattva is going all out.

Hearing that boy Bai Lian might cooperate with her, he directly said that life and death depend on one's fate, how scary it is!

However, everyone expressed their understanding. After all, the performance last time has proved that Bai Lian boy is not an ordinary mentally handicapped boy.

And it's the kind of mentally handicapped backed by a saint, which is the scariest thing.

Can't afford to provoke, can't hide.

Boy Bailian laughed loudly, his face was full of complacency,

"Hahahaha! Master Guanyin doesn't need to be so cautious. I said I would help you. It is your honor. You can just accept it with peace of mind."

"There's no such thing as killing a chicken with a sledgehammer. I, Bai Lianzi, am the next generation of saints in the Western Paradise, and I will help you. It will be easy for you to subdue demons!"

Boy Bailian laughed out loud, very happy!

Obviously, he felt that if a protagonist like himself joined Journey to the West, he would definitely be able to change his life against the sky and clear all obstacles for the West!

Boy Bailian, he felt that as the boy of the quasi-sage, he had the highest vision, extraordinary wisdom, courage and strategy.

He has the obligation and the qualification to support this group of weak people who only live in the Three Realms.

That's why he stood up, otherwise, why would Boy Bailian want to go out in person?

Guanyin Bodhisattva was so anxious that he was about to cry, and looked at Tathagata Buddha sadly,

"My Buddha, I suddenly feel that I can do it, just let me go by myself..."

However, Boy Bailian waved his hands with displeasure on his face,

"Okay, I've said that I went there voluntarily, and I didn't want to help you. You don't have to be sentimental."

Guanyin Bodhisattva almost cursed out loud: I think you are so passionate!I want you to die!Why do you still think I'm afraid to trouble you?

Tathagata Buddha sighed, and now, there is no other way.

"In that case, boy Bailian, let's go."

When the Tathagata Buddha said this, he actually had mixed emotions, and he was very sorry to Guanyin Bodhisattva.

But there is no way, this is a sage boy, the chairman of the board, no matter how bad his brain is, the person above him is too embarrassing.

I can only bear it obediently.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva bowed her head in despair and helplessness as if mourning her concubine,

"Follow me, my Buddhist decree..."

Guanyin Bodhisattva gave up struggling.

Anyway, when the time comes, just throw your hands away and let this volunteered idiot | force myself to eat farts in that cave.

It can only be this way……

Guanyin Bodhisattva turned around and was about to leave, however, Tathagata Buddha suddenly said:

"Your Majesty, please stay."

Guanyin Bodhisattva turned around, but saw Tathagata Buddha holding a fiery red seed in his hand.

On that seed, a group of threatening, hairy flames burned, but this flame had a strange shape, like a red lotus flower, and the short one was terrifying.

Tathagata Buddha warmly said:

"This is the red lotus karmic fire seed that has been condensed for tens of thousands of years in Abi Hell. It can restrain any monsters and ghosts. You are going to be dangerous, so bring this thing in case you need it."

Guanyin Bodhisattva is overjoyed, the red lotus karma fire, one of the top ten flames? !

This is the fire derived from the origin of Avici Hell. It is invisible and temperatureless. It is fueled by sin karma. Once it sticks, it cannot be extinguished.

Basically, demons and ghosts, with a little bit of it, can even burn the real spirit!

This is definitely a good thing, with this thing, even Guanyin Bodhisattva can be more confident in facing Gu Yang!

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was extremely grateful. Just now, he thought that the Tathagata Buddha had abandoned himself just like that. Now it seems that the Tathagata Buddha has not actually given up on himself.

"Thank you Buddha!" ​​Guanyin Bodhisattva excitedly wanted to go and take the red lotus karma fire.

However, Bailian boy was one step ahead and took down Honglian Yehuo first.

Bailian boy laughed excitedly,

"Thank you Buddha! With the treasure bestowed by Buddha, even if it is Luohu, the demon ancestor, I will definitely let him come and go! Hahahahaha!"

Bailian boy didn't have any pen count at all, so he swaggered away with Honglian Yehuo.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was furious,


However, Tathagata Buddha shook his head at Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Forget it, it's not like you don't know about that person's mental retardation, so just let it go.

Guanyin Bodhisattva was so angry that he clenched his fists and showed a fierce look.

Guanyin Bodhisattva is not a good stubble in the first place, otherwise he would not be able to live from being a god to the present.

This Bailian boy is bullying and domineering, which makes Guanyin Bodhisattva very angry. If there is a chance, I must look at you!

Boy Bailian still didn't know it, turned around and said displeasedly:

"Why, don't you hurry up and lead the way? I'm here to help you, make your position clear!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva snorted coldly, and went down without mentioning it.

The Daleiyin Temple in Lingshan has returned to calm, and everything seems to be much more peaceful.

Tathagata Buddha sighed, although he disliked this mentally handicapped Bailian boy very much, but there was nothing he could do.

He is a teacher of Zhunti, and for example, the Buddha came to worship Zhunti early.

In terms of seniority, the most irritating thing is that the Tathagata Buddha is younger than him.

Zhunti has always been partial and selfish, and has protected Bailian boy in every possible way. The Tathagata Buddha really has nothing to do with him and can only let him fend for himself.

But Tathagata Buddha didn't worry too much.

The mourning bodhisattva didn't report the funeral as soon as he came in, but it was such a trivial matter as a monster blocking the way.

This time, finally no one had any accidents!Tathagata Buddha felt that Journey to the West has been completely on the right track, and there will be no more accidents!

Moved, grateful, grateful!

Tathagata Buddha gave birth to a big lazy waist happily,

"Three realms and six realms, so peaceful, good and good!"

But at this moment, the golden-headed Jiedi from outside ran in with a bang.

The Tathagata Buddha was stunned for a moment, and then counted his fingers. Today, Jintou Jiedi came to regularly report the progress of his journey to the west.

Could it be that he can still break out more explosive news than Guanyin Bodhisattva said?

Obviously not.

Whether it is the Tathagata Buddha or the Three Thousand Buddhas, they don't care much, anyway, it's just a routine report.

"Report to Buddha, Zen Master Wuchao is dead!"

Jintou Jiedi came in, and the first time he spoke, the atmosphere on the field was completely frozen.

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