The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 64 Nezha beat Mu Zha violently with Linglong Tower!

Mu Zha looked at Nezha with a shocked expression on his face.

Obviously Nezha's body is just the incarnation of lotus root, but Mu Zha became a Buddha in the flesh, and he practiced the body training method taught by the West.

What's more, he Muzha is extremely prosperous in Xitian, and his way of cultivation is bright and smooth.

How could Nezha surpass himself when he cultivated in such a mess in the heavenly court?

For a moment, Mu Zha only felt that his self-esteem had been dealt a huge blow.

Nezha laughed out loud, very ironically,

"Hahahaha! I'm dying of laughter, how about the Golden Immortal Consummation? I still have your unrivaled magic weapon!"

Nezha showed off the 33-day Golden Exquisite Pagoda.

For a moment, Mu Zha was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and angrily said:

"Shameless brother, how dare you steal father's magic weapon, return it quickly!"

Nezha laughed loudly, pouring mana into the Golden Exquisite Pagoda, and immediately the Golden Exquisite Pagoda released an incomparably powerful brilliance, pressing on Mu Zha.

It was as if Mu Zha was carrying Mount Tai on his back, and he couldn't breathe under the pressure.

Nezha sneered and said:

"Do you want more? I want to take it closer!"

Nezha's mana rose again, and he suppressed it by another point.

Mu Zha's face was extremely ugly, and the flesh and blood on his body were bleeding a little.

At this moment, Mu Zha didn't care about his humble self-esteem, and begged for mercy:

"Let me go, I was wrong, I was, dear brother, it's all my fault, I'm blind...I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

Killing intent flashed in Nezha's eyes, but he slowly injected mana, and Mu Zha's pressure was increasing.

But at this moment, Guanyin Bodhisattva, who had been hiding in the clouds all this time, couldn't stand it any longer, cursed inwardly as a waste, and was about to come out.

But at this moment, Chu Hao suddenly said:


Nezha got the order, put away the 33-day Golden Exquisite Pagoda without saying a word, and stood respectfully beside Chu Hao.

"Set off."

Chu Hao gave the order for the second time.

Immediately, the lax and slack gods and gods cheered up and shouted in unison:

"set off!"

Immediately, 28 mansions, Jiuyao Xingguan, 12 Yuanchen, five directions Jiedi, four valued meritorious officers, east and west stars, two gods of the north and south, five mountains and four desecrations, universal astrology... each led countless heavenly soldiers.

The Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals wear the standard golden armor sent from the West, and the armor shines on the golden scales of Japan!

Vigorous and mighty, the momentum is extraordinary!

But at this moment, the bloodshot face, the miserable Mu Zha gritted his teeth and looked at the Hell God who left indifferently, with hatred in his heart.

But at this time, Nezha suddenly turned around and shouted jokingly,

"The leader is not fast enough to catch up, slow to deal with the military law!"

Mu Zha had no choice but to follow along desolately, but he didn't dare to show any disrespect.

Even though he hated Chu Hao so much in his heart, he could only bow his head when he saw how arrogant Chu Hao was.

And Guanyin Bodhisattva who was hiding next to him was helpless.

Nezha seemed reckless just now, but he was very measured in his actions. It just made Mu Zha look embarrassed now, but it didn't affect him at all.

And Chu Hao went straight to the point, and set off without delay, so that Guanyin Bodhisattva had no chance to intervene.

At this moment, Guanyin Bodhisattva could only be angry, but he could only bear it in his heart.

It doesn't matter if you lose some face, as long as the journey to the west can go on, everything will be worth it!


The Huaguo Mountain, which had been peaceful for a long time, caused an uproar again because of the return of Monkey King.

Because the last time Sun Wukong fought with Tianting, he was able to be evenly matched, and in the end Tianting bowed his head and used a strategy of recruiting security.

This made many demon kings see the doorway.

First, Sun Wukong's magic power reaches the sky, and he is extremely powerful!

Not long after that battle, many monsters watched with their own eyes that Sun Wukong easily defeated many strong men, even the famous King Tota Lee.

Second, Sun Wukong is in heaven and has a backer!

After that battle, Huaguo Mountain didn't actually lose much troops, and when Monkey King was about to be captured, the Prison God Chu Hao stopped and left.

What was revealed was interesting. Countless demon kings waited and watched at the time, and their hearts were settled when they saw this scene.

I will follow Sun Wukong in the future!

After that battle, Huaguo Mountain became famous far and wide.

Countless monsters traveled from far and wide to join Huaguo Mountain for this backing.

There are also countless tyrannical demon kings who have come all the way to join Huaguo Mountain.

Even the demon king in the deep sea jumped out and swore to Monkey King, it's not too cordial.

When Sun Wukong was accepted as Bi Mawen before, those monsters who stood by and watched suddenly seemed to regard Huaguo Mountain as their home.

After Sun Wukong descended to earth this time, he became sworn brothers with the seven most powerful demon kings!

Especially this time, Sun Wukong brought numerous delicacies such as imperial wine, dragon liver, and phoenix marrow, and announced loudly in Huaguo Mountain that he had been officially enshrined as the Monkey King by the heavenly court.

No matter how spectacular the scene was, those big demon kings agreed one by one.

So the seven great saints of the demon world were decided!

The Monkey King, Monkey King, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, is followed by the Bull Demon King (Pingtian Great Sage), Jiao Demon King (Overseas Great Sage), Peng Demon King (Huntian Great Sage), Lion Camel King (Mountain Yishan Great Sage), and Macaque King (Ventilating Great Sage). Great Sage), Yu Tamarin King (the great sage who exorcises the gods).

Sun Wukong sat in the water curtain cave of Huaguo Mountain, looking at the wine and meat brothers with half smiles on his face.

"When my old grandson was attacked by the Heavenly Court, he didn't remember that there were so many brothers, hmph."

However, Sun Wukong didn't care too much. Many of these big demon kings were old acquaintances, and many of them were friends when they were seeking Taoism.

Moreover, these seven great demon kings all have extraordinary backgrounds, so I won't repeat them here.

Among them, the six-eared macaque is the most favored by Sun Wukong. From the six-eared macaque, Monkey King feels a kind of kindness.

At this moment, Sun Wukong is sharing the heavenly wine with his six brothers and the 72-hole demon king in Huaguo Mountain.

The six-eared macaque looked longingly at Monkey King, and said, "I really envy the Great Sage Equaling Heaven. Now that he is officially entrusted with equaling the heavens, he can conquer all the gods and Buddhas in the world. How wonderful it would be for me."

Sun Wukong laughed and waved again and again,

"Where is it? It's not that Sun Wukong is strong, it's that those gods seem to be too weak, so Xitian looks a little bit."

"However, if it falls into my hands, I won't be able to pass two tricks, hahahaha!"

Hundreds of causes must bear fruit, because the heavens have already made a conclusion before, so they have repeatedly shown weakness.

As a result, the mortal world and countless monsters now feel that the Heavenly Court is nothing more than this, but the West always jumps out and appears in the form of a powerful reaper.

Therefore, whether it is in the human world or in the demon world, the name of the Western religion is even louder.

Of course, this has been the case since he was proclaimed a god, and it wasn't just for a while.

It is only because the next step is to increase the publicity of the westward journey, so the weakness of the heavenly court looks so big, and the west looks so strong.

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